The Difference: Used to, Be Used to, And Get Used to

Used to, Be Used to, And Get Used to

When we learn English, we find many phrases that look similar but have different meanings. Today, we’ll talk about three such phrases: “used to,” “be used to,” and “get used to.” These phrases can be confusing, but we’ll break them down in simple terms.

Used to

“Used to” is a phrase we use when we want to talk about something that happened regularly in the past but doesn’t happen anymore. Think of it as a way to describe old habits or situations that have changed.


  • I used to ride my bike to school. (Now, I don’t ride my bike to school anymore.)
  • She used to be a teacher. (She is not a teacher now.)

Be Used to

When we say “be used to,” we are talking about being familiar or comfortable with something because we have experienced it many times. It doesn’t matter if it’s a situation, a place, a person, or an activity; if it’s not strange or new to you, then you are used to it.


  • I am used to the noise. (The noise is normal for me now.)
  • He is used to driving on the left. (Driving on the left is not difficult for him.)

Get Used to

When you are “used to” something, it means it’s not strange, new, or difficult for you. You are familiar with it, and it doesn’t surprise or bother you. It’s like when you move to a new city, and everything feels strange at first. But after some time, you become used to the noise, the people, and the places. You are comfortable.


  • I am getting used to the new software. (At first, the software was hard to use, but now it’s becoming easier.)
  • She is getting used to waking up early. (Waking up early was difficult at first, but now it’s becoming normal for her.)


Here is a table differentiating “used to,” “be used to,” and “get used to”:

Phrase Structure Meaning
Used to Subject + used to + base verb Describes a past habit or a state that is no longer true.
Be Used to Subject + be + used to + noun/gerund Indicates being accustomed to something; it feels normal or usual.
Get Used to Subject + get + used to + noun/gerund Describes the process of becoming accustomed to something; something that is initially unfamiliar becomes familiar.

Putting It All Together

Let’s imagine a story to see how all these phrases work together:

Once upon a time, there was a girl who used to live in a sunny place where it never snowed. One day, she moved to a place with lots of snow and felt very cold. She wasn’t used to the cold weather at all. But as the days went by, she slowly got used to it. She bought warm clothes, learned to make hot chocolate, and even started to enjoy the snow!

In this story, “used to” shows her past experience, “be used to” talks about her initial discomfort with the cold, and “get used to” tells us how she became comfortable with the new situation over time.

Quick Tips to Remember

  • Used to: Past habits or situations (Think: “In the past, I did…”)
  • Be used to: Currently comfortable with something (Think: “This is normal for me.”)
  • Get used to: The process of becoming comfortable with something (Think: “I’ll adapt over time.”)

Must Try:

Which one is correct useage Or usage

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