common confused words

common confused words

Common Confused Words

Commonly confusing words are the most important field of English vocabulary. everyone who speaks English has some confusion in different vocabulary words that looks same but have different meanings.

Similar Words – Video Lesson:

Here is the list of most common words with confusion:

Accede to agree
Concede to admit
Ascendant rising
Ascendancy controlling influence
Attenuate to make thin or lean
Extenuate mitigate; to lessen the gravity of an act
Avocation subordinate occupation generally pursued for pleasure
Vocation occupation, career
Beneficial advantageous, useful
Beneficent kind
Boldness courage of transient nature
Courage the quality that enable men to meet danger without fear
Capable having ability or skill to do
Capacious roomy
Collision clash
Collusion a secret agreement to deceive
Complacent pleased, satisfied
Complaisant obliging
Compliment an expression to regard or praise
Complement that which completes
Compensation reward for service
Remuneration reward
Complete accomplish
Finish to end
Confidant one who is entrusted with secrets
Confident fully assured
Conscious aware of
Conscientious one who acts according to the dictates of one’s conscience
Corporal bodily
Corporeal having a body or substance
Decry to condemn
Descry to discover by the eye
Deduce to infer a truth or opinion from what precedes
Deduct to subtract
Deliverance act of delivering from evil or fear
Delivery the act of speaking
Depreciate to low in value
Deprecate to express disapproval of some
Effectual successful in producing the desired effect
Effective having power to effect

Common confused words

Common confused words List 2

Exceptionable to which exception can be taken
Exceptional extraordinary
Excite to stir up
Incite to move the mind to action
Event An occurrence of some importance not necessarily unexpected
Accident unexpected happening
Farther more far or distant
Further additional
Factious turbulent
Facetious joking
Fetch to go and get
Bring taking something with one
Flagrant glaring
Fragrant sweet
Flee to run away
Fly to move through the air on wings or in an aircraft
Freedom personal and private liberty
Liberty public freedom
Genius rare natural gifts
Talent high mental ability or extraordinary capacity that is acquired
Gentle polite
Genteel well-bred
Goal destination
Gaol jail
Good possessing desirable qualities
Goodly large; graceful
Greed desire for more than one needs
Avarice love for money for its own sake
Hardly with difficulty
Scarcely hardly
Hasten to move with speed
Hurry to act with haste
Hate to dislike intensely
Dislike to be displeased with
Healthful conducive to health
Healthy possessing or enjoying health
Hope to cherish pleasurable wishes
Expect to look forward to as something about to happen
House building intended for habitation
Home the residence of family
Honorary intended merely to confer honor
Honorable worthy of Honor
Ill out of health
Sick disposed to vomit
Imaginary unreal
Imaginative given to imagining
Immunity not liable to infection
Impunity freedom from punishment or law



whatever I say is literally true


he actually told a lie


Lonely forsaken
Solitary alone
Luxuriant rich in growth
Luxurious given to luxury
Mitigate to make the burden mild punishment
Alleviate to light the burden
Momentary lasting only for a moment
Momentous of great importance
Neglect willful omission of duty
Negligence habitual omission of duty
Observance performance
Observation act of recognizing and nothing
Official pertaining to an office
Officious too forward in offering services
Part a section or a division
Portion share giving when something is distributed
Pair a set of two persons or things
Couple two persons of different sexes bound to each other
Persecute to harass
Prosecute to bring before a court
Polite courteous
Politic well devised
Popular pleasing to the people
Populous full of people
Practical applying knowledge to some useful end and opposed to theoretical
Practicable capable of being performed
Probable that which is expected to happen
Possible that which can happen
Quantity the amount that can be measured
Number the amount that can be counted
recollect that which we have difficulty in recalling
remember keep in mind
regret to grieve at
Sorrow pain of mind caused by a sense of loss
Resources means of raising money
Recourse a going to for aid or protection
Respectable worthy of respect
Respectful indicating respect
Scenery a view of a landscape
Sight a thing seen

List 4

Scatter to throw things in different directions
Spread to cover a certain area with something
Shade a spot sheltered from the sun
Shadow patch of shade projection by a body
See see is used for persons or things
Witness witness is used for events or incidents
Sensual one who indulges in animal appetites
Sensuous pertaining to senses
Spacious having ample room.
Specious seeming right or true, but not really so
Sequel result
Sequence order of succession
Stimulant increasing or existing vital action
Stimulus that which urge a man on
Statue an image
Statute size
Suspense state of indecision b
Suspension withholding
Simulate to pretend to be what one is not
Dissimulate to hide what one is
Take to take hold of thing ourselves
Receive to accept delivery of a thing
Temperance moderation
Temperament disposition

Commonly Confused Words List 5

Temporary lasting for a time only
Temporal worldly
Tenor general run or currency
Tenure term
Testimony oral or written statement
Evidence information tending to establish fast
Timid fearful, wanting courage
Cowardly mean, base
Transpire become known
Happen occur
Trifling of small importance
Trivial a thing which is small in itself
Union the stoke of different things being combined into one
Unity oneness
Ugly offensive to the eye
Awkward ungraceful
Clumsy ungainly
Veracity greed
Verbal oral
Verbose wordy
Virtual for practical purposes
Virtuous having model goodness
Wave move
Waive relinquish or forego
Willing disposed
Willful obstinate
Wages money way to workmen
Fee some paid to a professional man
Salary the money paid at regular intervals to officials, clerk, soldier
Income total money earned or received
Wreck ruin
Wreak take vengeance upon enemy

Common Confused Words Info-graphics

common confused words
commonly confused words
confused words
common confused words

confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words confusing words

Common Confused Words Pdf

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