Popular Prepositional Phrases

Popular Prepositional Phrases

Popular Prepositional Phrases!

The prepositional phrase is a phrase that is made up of a noun. A prepositional phrase modifies a verb or a noun. Prepositional phrases basically a group of words consists of a preposition, a noun or pronoun object of the preposition, and any modifiers of the object.

Prepositional Phrase List with AT

At a disadvantage

At worst

At the end

At face value

At a loss for words

At length

At once

At times

At a moment’s notice

At the height of

At high speed

At breakfast

At any cost

At loose ends

At all events

At the same time

At will

At a loose and

At a stretch

At a glance

At large

At the risk of

At war

At one’s desk

At a discount

At peace

At on sight

At a price

At present

At play

At random

At rest

At risk

At the hands of

At for a fraction of

At the drop of a hat

At one’s discretion

At school

At sea

At all costs

At the top of

At a guess

At noon

At the foot of

At the beginning of

At the door

At short notice

At the bottom of

At one’s disposal

At a stand

At full strength

At from the outset

At the wheel

At this juncture

At hand

At the table

At the peak of

At this point in time

At any rate

At the moment

At on the double

At a low ebb

At a loss

At midnight

At the latest

At heart

At the expense of

At liberty

At least

At ease

At midday

At places

At pains

At last

At odds with

At a rate of

At a distance

At a speed of

At an advantage

At the age of

At home

At most

At all hours

At night

At work

At that

At one’s best

At fault

At first sight

At first

At one’s side

At one’s request

At the ready

At war with

At the mercy of

At one’s leisure

At a time

At full tilt

At one time

At the thought of

At university

At full throttle

At stake

At issue

At the time of

Prepositional Phrase List with AT Image 

Prepositional Phrase List with AT

Prepositional Phrase List with WITHOUT

Without respect

Without foundation

Without a break

Without thinking

Without (a) doubt

Without question

Without delay

Without education

Without exception

Without a good foundation

Without fail

Without warning

Without respite

Without a hitch

Without precedent

Without a plan

List of Prepositional Phrases with OUT

Out out struggle

Out of fashion

Out of the kitchen

Out of in step

Out of practice

Out of work

Out of place

Out of the question

Out of ideas

Out of duty

Out of school

Out of hatred

Out of danger

Out of doors

Out of breath

Out of date

Out of sight

Out of spite

Out of print

Out of order

Out of stock

Out of one’s mind

Out of jealousy

Out of hand

Out of curiosity

Out of debt

Out of control

Out of pity

Out of trouble

Out of love

Out of reach

Out of the ordinary

Out of context

Out of respect for

Prepositional Phrase List with ON

On vacation

On the horizon

On an expedition

On good terms

On order

On the top of

On a bus

On the last day

On display

On a wall

On a summer evening

On hand

On a regular basis

On the phone

On the way to

On a motorbike

On file

On the point of

On the verge of

On patrol

On show

On no account

On a diet

On television

On suspicion of

On time

On tiptoe

On that day

On the job

On average

On the grounds of

On principle

On the agenda

On the assumption

On a plane

On the second floor

On my birthday

On the increase

On the edge of

On the first day

On the brink of

On the eve of

On purpose

On a list

On behalf of

On bail

On the strength of

On the stroke of

On condition that

On the radio

On the outskirts

On the tip of

On a train

On the off-chance

On occasion

On a bicycle

On horseback

On the menu

On credit

On the hour

On guard

On foot

On account of

On holiday

On strike

On second thoughts

On fire

On my wedding day

On a journey/ trip/ cruise

On a large / small scale

On a spree

On the dot

On edge

On impulse

On a ship

On leave

On trial

On the corner

On parade

On an island

On approval

On an island

On sale

On remand

On the part of

On the way

On the move

On reflection

On a pension

On business

On paper

On the roof

On the understanding that

On board

On the ceiling

On end

On the run

Prepositional Phrase List with ON Image

Prepositional Phrase List with ON

Prepositional Phrase List with WITH

With an eye to

With the purpose of

With the intention of

With the view of

With the help of

With approval

With respect to

With attention

With the compliments of

With a will

With a view to

With the aid of

With the result that

With reference to

With regard to

With regret

With abandon

With the exception of

Prepositional Phrase List with FOR

For want of

For example

For the benefit (of)

For granted

For lunch

For the sake of

For luck

For the moment

For a change

For a good cause

For a good reason

For a holiday

For good

For ever

For a moment

For a reason

For safekeeping

For fun

For breakfast

For dinner

For a visit

For certain

For sale

For short

For nothing

For life

For sure

For lack of

For hire

For fear of

For ages

For the time being

For a while

For love

For the rest of

For instance

For once

For the good of

For a walk

For real

Prepositional Phrase List with UNDER

Under the impression that

Under stress

Under discussion

Under arrest

Under age

Under suspicion

Under the pressure of

Under the age of

Under the influence

Under consideration

Under repair

Under one’s protection

Under treatment

Under the command of

Under review

Under circumstances

Under construction

Under lock and key

Under the misapprehension

Under orders

Under pressure

Under cover of

Under regulations

Under strain

Prepositional Phrase List with IN

In command of

In vain

In progress

In disgrace

In case of

In anticipation of

In confusion

In all likelihood

In fairness to

In gear

In the meantime

In connection with

In agony

In all honesty

In secret

In essence

In detail

In decline

In a flash

In favor of

In charge of

In touch

In the nude

In cash

In confidence

In court

In compensation for

In exchange for

In time

In the mountains

In combination with

In good faith

In common

In an instant

In horror (of)

In full

In consequence of

In labor

In keeping with

In league with

In length

In love with

In season

In distress

In private

In good/ bad condition

In bulk

In memory of

In awe of

In moderation

In character

In action

In the beginning

In conclusion

In force

In return

In person

In prison/ jail

In no time

In principle

In hand

In control of

In due course

In doubt

In the dark

In the end

In comfort

In business

In a row

In effect

In town

In tears

In the habit of

In defense of

In summer/ winter

In future

In conjunction with

In all my born days

In a sense

In confinement

In flames

In some respects

In error

In aid of

In public

In an uproar

In a minute

In fashion

In fact

In difficulty

In fear of

In ink/pencil

In high spirits

In a heap

In accordance with

In a mess

In a hurry

In any case

In existence

In a temper

In front of

In contact with

In comparison with

In contrast with/to

In debt

In bed

In addition to

In particular

In a pile

In a way

In evidence

In flower

In danger

In focus

In theory

In pain

In goal

In disguise

In dispute

In disorder

In hiding

In a lather

In abundance

In black and white

In haste

In terms of

In the news

In stock

In harmony

In a nutshell

In custody

In advance

In earnest

In general

In agreement with

In abeyance

In two/ half

In the mood for

In duplicate

In other words

In excess of

In answer to

In brief

In a deep sleep

In the air

In case

Prepositional Phrase List with IN Image

Prepositional Phrase List with IN

Prepositional Phrase List with BY

By word of mouth

By marriage

By (any) chance

By the arm/ hand

By nature

By process of

By virtue of

By post

By the time

By all accounts

By coincidence

By check

By chance

By cheque

By day/ night

By definition

By my watch

By luck

By all means

By degrees

By design

By request

By mistake

By heart

By law

By dint of

By invitation

By any standard

By rights

By sight

By profession

By oneself

By surprise

By one’s side

By no means

By means of

By courtesy of

By bus/ train/ plane

By hand

By way of

By force

By air/ sea/ land

By birth

By auction

By order of

By the way

By now

By appointment

By accident

By phone

By the side of

By far

By reason of

Prepositional Phrase List with TO

To the life

To the extent of

To excess

To the full

To the/ this day

To the purpose

To the last

To the limit

To the best of

To one’s credit

To the satisfaction of

To the letter

To the detriment of

To an extent

To one’s astonishment

To the north

To one’s dismay

To sb’s face

To date

To the accompaniment of

To the exclusion of

Prepositional Phrase List with WITHIN

Within an hour

Within one’s rights

Within striking distance

Within reason

Within grasp

Within limits

Within one’s budget

Within one’s power

Within walking

Within sight of

Within reach (of)

Try our 12 tenses lesson

Popular Prepositional Phrases Image

Popular Prepositional Phrases

Download Prepositional Phrases PDF 


Common Prepositional Phrases List

  • At the front desk
  • At The Bus Stop
  • At 8 o’clock
  • At night
  • At the end
  • At the entrance
  • At the office
  • At School
  • At a conference
  • At dinnertime
  • At the exit
  • At the close of day
  • At reception
  • At bedtime
  • At the corner
  • At midday
  • At breakfast
  • At dawn
  • At Christmastime
  • At Christmas
  • At the end of the road
  • At 10.30am
  • At University
  • At the hairdresser’s
  • At the crossroads
  • At 3:45 PM
  • At the beginning
  • After
  • At Work
  • At the door
  • At the same time
  • At dusk
  • At the station
  • At noon
  • At 6 o’clock
  • At home
  • At the present
  • At the front
  • At College
  • At midnight
  • At 189 oxford street
  • At The Side
  • At someone’s house
  • At a party
  • At the moment
  • At the top
  • At The Bottom
  • Before
  • By
  • From…. To
  • For
  • From… Until/Till
  • In December
  • In a queue
  • In April
  • In June
  • In a row
  • In The Garden
  • In the beginning
  • In the evening
  • In a pool
  • In the bag
  • In 1922
  • In the water
  • In the journal
  • In (the) winter
  • In a basket
  • In the closet
  • In the future
  • In (the) summer
  • In the house
  • In the west/east
  • In the Dark Ages
  • In a week
  • In the afternoon
  • In oxford street
  • In my pocket
  • In an armchair
  • In the winter
  • In August
  • In the Renaissance
  • In (the) spring
  • In the classroom
  • In the ’70s
  • In a building
  • In a box
  • In the summer
  • In the mirror
  • In London
  • In the easter holiday
  • In prison
  • In the past
  • In the world
  • In France
  • In this century
  • In my wallet
  • In bed
  • In the kitchen
  • In an hour
  • In the sky
  • In a line
  • In a moment
  • In the seventies
  • In the picture
  • In the market
  • In the morning
  • In the cinema
  • In the book
  • In 16 year’s time
  • In the bank
  • In (the) fall/ autumn
  • In the newspaper
  • In the middle ages
  • In a room
  • In January
  • In A Taxi
  • In 1980
  • In the end
  • In the article
  • In the city center
  • In a boat
  • In the street
  • On a map
  • On a ship
  • On her nose
  • On the 10th
  • On a motorbike
  • On Friday afternoon(s)
  • On time
  • On a page
  • On Christmas
  • On Friday
  • On The Menu
  • On New Year’s Day
  • On A Bicycle
  • On The Door
  • On that day
  • On Friday mornings
  • On Christmas Eve
  • On a train
  • On Tuesday
  • On Christmas day
  • On a cold day
  • On A Bus
  • On a farm
  • On a horse
  • On weekdays
  • On a summer evening
  • On my birthday
  • On Easter day
  • On weekends
  • On The Ceiling
  • On The Carpet
  • On West day
  • On a wall
  • On a table
  • On an elephant
  • On an island
  • On The Right
  • On 1st January 2013
  • On Thanksgiving
  • On the day we met
  • On September 8, 1969
  • On my wedding day
  • On The Way
  • On his face
  • On The Radio
  • On holiday
  • On a plane
  • On the weekend (u.s.)
  • On The Wall
  • On Tuesday night
  • On Sunday morning(s)
  • On Television
  • On a list
  • On January 3rd
  • On Monday
  • On The Cover
  • On April 3rd

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