30 Idioms About New Year with Meaning and Examples

Idioms About New Year

Welcome to our fun talk about New Year’s sayings, called “idioms.” These are special phrases that mean something different from the words alone. Every New Year, people around the world use these sayings in a happy way. Idioms about new year help us talk about new beginnings and hope for the year ahead. In this article, we’ll explore some of these cool sayings from different places. They’re easy to learn and can make talking about the New Year more fun. Let’s discover these sayings together and see what they mean!

Table of Contents

Idioms for New Year

Here are 30 English idioms related to the New Year, each with a very brief meaning and a simple example:

  • Out with the old, in with the new: Replacing old things or ideas with new ones.
    Example: “This year, I’m out with the old habits and in with new, healthier ones.”
  • Turn over a new leaf: To start again in a better, different way.
    Example: “I’m turning over a new leaf with my fitness routine this New Year.”
  • New year, new me: A fresh start with the new year.
    Example: “I’ve decided, new year, new me – I’m going to learn a new language.”
  • Ring in the new year: Celebrate the start of a new year.
    Example: “We’re going to ring in the new year with a big party.”
  • The first step is the hardest: Starting something new can be difficult.
    Example: “I’m starting a diet, and I know the first step is the hardest.”
  • Make a clean sweep: Getting rid of the old to start fresh.
    Example: “I’m making a clean sweep and donating old clothes this New Year.”
  • Start off on the right foot: Begin something in a promising way.
    Example: “Let’s start off the new year on the right foot with positive attitudes.”
  • Resolutions to keep: Commitments made for the new year.
    Example: “One of my resolutions to keep is to read more books.”
  • Year in, year out: Something that happens every year.
    Example: “Year in, year out, we celebrate New Year’s Eve with a family dinner.”
  • Once in a blue moon: Something that happens very rarely.
    Example: “I only make resolutions once in a blue moon, but this year is different.”
  • Turn the page: To move on to a new phase or period.
    Example: “This New Year, I’m turning the page and starting a new chapter in my life.”
  • A fresh start: An opportunity to start over without any past mistakes.
    Example: “The new year gives us all a fresh start.”
  • Hit the ground running: To start something with great enthusiasm and energy.
    Example: “I plan to hit the ground running with my new fitness plan in January.”
  • New beginnings: The start of something new.
    Example: “I’m looking forward to new beginnings this coming year.”
  • Out with the old: Getting rid of old things or ideas.
    Example: “It’s time for out with the old and a garage sale.”
  • A new chapter: A new phase or period in life.
    Example: “Moving to a new city is like starting a new chapter.”
  • The early bird catches the worm: Starting early leads to success.
    Example: “I’m waking up early for a jog every day; the early bird catches the worm!”
  • Break the ice: Start to be more friendly and less formal.
    Example: “Let’s break the ice this year and get to know our neighbors.”
  • On a roll: Experiencing a period of success or good luck.
    Example: “Ever since the new year, I’ve been on a roll with my business.”
  • Turn a new page: Begin a new and different period.
    Example: “I’m turning a new page and focusing more on my health.”
  • A clean slate: Starting over without considering past problems.
    Example: “This year is a clean slate; let’s make the most of it.”
  • A breath of fresh air: Something new and refreshing.
    Example: “This new exercise routine is a breath of fresh air.”
  • Start from scratch: To begin from the beginning.
    Example: “I’m learning to cook and starting from scratch.”
  • Leap of faith: To believe in something uncertain.
    Example: “Starting my own business this year is a leap of faith.”
  • Seize the day: Take advantage of the present moment.
    Example: “Seize the day! Let’s make this new year count.”
  • Turn the corner: To pass a critical point in a process.
    Example: “I feel like I’ve turned the corner with my new habits.”
  • Raise the bar: To set higher standards.
    Example: “This year, I’m raising the bar for my academic performance.”
  • A change of heart: A change in one’s feelings or opinions.
    Example: “I had a change of heart and decided to travel more.”
  • Go the extra mile: To do more than what is required.
    Example: “I’m going to go the extra mile in my job this year.”
  • Back to square one: Having to start all over again.
    Example: “If this plan doesn’t work, we’ll be back to square one.”

These idioms encapsulate the spirit of new beginnings and changes that often come with the New Year.

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Idioms for New Year

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