Adjectives followed by Preposition!
Adjectives are often followed by prepositions, for example OF, FOR, WITH: afraid of, famous for, bored with. This is a list of common adjective + preposition.
Adjectives followed by Preposition List
Accountable to |
Acceptable to |
Accessible to |
Addicted to |
Acquitted of |
Afraid of |
Ahead of |
Alive to |
Annoyed at, with |
Answerable to, for |
Ashamed of |
Averse to |
Aware of |
Bad for, at |
Bent on, upon |
Blind of, to |
Busy with |
Capable of |
Careful of |
Certain of |
Characteristic of |
Clever at |
Commensurate with |
Conscious of |
Consistent with |
Content with |
Contrary to |
Cruel to |
Curious about |
Dear to |
Deficient in |
Dependent on |
Desirous of |
Different from |
Doubtful about, of |
Efficient at |
Enthusiastic about |
Enough for |
Envious of |
Equal to |
Familiar with, to |
Famous for |
Fit for |
Fortunate in |
Gifted with |
Guilty of |
Harmful to |
Honest in |
Hostile to |
Identical with |
Ignorant of |
Impervious to |
Independent of |
Indifferent to |
Indignant at, with |
Infectious to |
Internet at |
Innocent of |
Jealous of |
Kean on |
Liable to |
Notorious for |
Oblivious of |
Partial to |
Patient with |
Popular with |
Qualified bin |
Quick at |
Reluctant to |
Responsible for |
Adjectives followed by Preposition Sentences
Accountable for | We are accountable to God for our actions in this world. |
Acceptable to | Your conditions are not acceptable to him. |
Accessible to | He is accessible to all and sundry. |
Addicted to | He is addicted to smoking. |
Acquitted of | He was acquitted of all changes which were leveled against him. |
Afraid of | A Muslim is afraid of none but God. |
Ahead of | He is an intelligent boy so he is ahead of his other class-fellows. |
Alive to | Pakistan is alive to the dangers which surround her. |
Annoyed at, with | He was annoyed with his daughter for she had failed in the examination. What are you annoyed at? |
Answerable to, for | A Democratic government is answerable to the people foot its actions. |
Ashamed of | You should be ashamed of your failure. |
Averse to | I am not averse to hard work. |
Aware of | Pakistan is aware of her neighbor’s evil intentions. |
Bad for, at | Too much hard work is bad for health. |
Bent on, upon | He is bent on mastering English. |
Blind of, to | He is blind of one eye. |
Busy with | The doctor was busy with his patients. |
Capable of | The situation is not hopeless; it is capable of improvement. |
Careful of | He was careful of his money. |
Certain of | I am certain of my success in the examination. |
Characteristic of | The behavior of Ali in the meeting was quite characteristic of the man. |
Clever at | He is clever at chemistry. |
Commensurate with | The salary of a Pakistani worker is not commensurate with the work he expected to do. |
Conscious of | I am conscious of my shortcomings. |
Consistent with | Your conclusion is consistent with facts. |
Content with | Man is never content with his lot. |
Contrary to | Contrary to my expectations his performance in the examination was wonderful. |
Cruel to | Man is cruel to man. |
Curious about | Our women are very curious about their neighbors. |
Dear to | Your cause is very dear to me. |
Deficient in | He is deficient in moral courage. |
Dependent on | Children remain dependent on their parents for a long time. |
Desirous of | I am not desirous of rewards which I do not deserve. |
Different from | You are not different from your father. |
Doubtful about, of | He is determined to pass the explanation, but I am doubtful about his chances. |
Efficient at | He is efficient bat calculations. |
Enthusiastic about | He is enthusiastic about his future wife. |
Enough for | That won’t be enough for everybody. |
Envious of | We are usually envious of other people’s wealth. |
Equal to | He is equal to the task entrusted to him. |
Familiar with, to | He is not familiar with the manners of the table. |
Famous for | Taj Mahal is famous for its beauty. |
Fit for | You are fit for nothing. |
Fortunate in | You are fortunate in having such an influential father. |
Gifted with | She is gifted with a fine voice. |
Guilty of | He is guilty of breaking his promises. |
Harmful to | Reading in a bad light is harmful to eyesight. |
Honest in | He is honest in his business dealings. |
Hostile to | Landlords are hostile to reforms. |
Identical with | The interests of Pakistan are not identical with those of India. |
Ignorant of | I am ignorant of the situation. |
Impervious to | He is shame-proof and is impervious to criticism. |
Independent of | If you own a motorcycle, you can become independent of buses and wagons. |
Indifferent to | You can’t be indifferent to the suffering of the downtrodden. |
Indignant at, with | He was indignant with me at my voting against him. |
Infectious to | You aren’t inferior to anyone. |
Internet at | He is intent at snatching the share of his sister in the ancestral property. |
Innocent of | Is he guilty or innocent of the crime? |
Jealous of | Americans are jealous of Arab oil. |
Kean on | I am not very keen on tennis. |
Liable to | You are liable to legal action if you over speed. |
Notorious for | He is notorious for his extravagance. |
Oblivious of | I am not oblivious to the dangers ahead. |
Partial to | I am partial to mangoes. |
Patient with | A mother is patient with her children. |
Popular with | He is popular with the public for his good looks and cricketing ability. |
Qualified bin | She is well qualified in typing. |
Quick at | He may be quick at understanding, but he is not capable of remembering anything. |
Reluctant to | The soil of Hills is reluctant to the plow. |
Responsible for | The engine driver is responsible for the passenger’s safety. |

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