Noun Followed by Preposition list!
Prepositions must always be followed by a noun or pronoun. That noun is called the object of the preposition.
Noun followed by preposition list
Abhorrence of |
Ability for |
Abundance of |
Access to |
Accomplice of |
Affection for |
Affinity with, between |
Acquaintance with |
Advantage of |
Advantage over |
Allegiance to |
Alliance with |
Alternative to |
Ambition for |
Amends for |
Anxiety for |
Approach to |
Appetite for |
Apology for |
Aptitude for |
Assent to |
Assault on |
Aversion to |
Bias against |
Capacity for |
Care of |
Claim for, to, on, against |
Comment on |
Complaint against |
Confidence in |
Connivance at |
Contemporary of |
Contempt for |
Control over |
Carving for |
Desire for |
Disgrace to |
Distaste for |
Drawback to |
Eagerness for |
Eminence in |
Encroachment on |
Enmity with |
Escape from |
Esteem for |
Estrangement from |
Exception to |
Exemption from |
Exposure to |
Faith in |
Familiarity with |
Freedom of from |
Gratitude to, for |
Guarantee for |
Hatred for |
Heir to |
Hope of |
Incentive to |
Inclination for |
Indulgence in |
Influence over, with |
Insight into |
Interest in |
Key to |
Knowledge of |
Liking for |
Malice against |
Menace to |
Neglect of |
Neglect of |
Partiality for |
Passion for |
Preference for, to |
Proof of |
Quarrel with |
Quarrel between |
Regard for |
Regret for |
Remedy for, against |
Reply to |
Noun followed by preposition infographic
Noun followed by Preposition with Sentences
Abhorrence of | An honest man has an abhorrence of deceit. |
Ability for | Few Pakistanis have the ability for organizing political parties. |
Abundance of | There was an abundance of citrus fruit in the market. |
Access to | Few people can claim access to the governor. |
Accomplice of | The accomplices of them, the notorious criminal, were also apprehended by the police. |
Affection for | He has no affection for his nephew. |
Affinity with, between | Some of the modern Urdu poets have a great affinity with the English romantic poets. |
Acquaintance with | I have some acquaintance with Arabic but cannot speak the language very well. |
Advantage of | You should not take advantage of my leniency. |
Advantage over | The west indies Team has an advantage over other teams because it has the best fast bowlers. |
Allegiance to | Muslims owe allegiance to none but God. |
Alliance with | Indian made alliances with Russians against Pakistan in 1971. |
Alternative to | Can you suggest an alternative to this plan? |
Ambition for | I have no ambition for this post. |
Amends for | He worked hard and made amends for his past lapses. |
Anxiety for | Your anxiety for knowledge is praiseworthy. |
Approach to | All the approaches to the city were guarded by armed men. |
Appetite for | I have no appetite for food just now. |
Apology for | He tendered an apology for misconduct. |
Aptitude for | Ali has no aptitude for economic. |
Assent to | The president gave his assent to the bill. |
Assault on | They made an assault on the enemy’s positions. |
Aversion to | Americans have no aversion to smoking. |
Bias against | The bias of Americans against Pakistan is proverbial. |
Capacity for | He hasn’t much capacity for hard work. |
Care of | Students should take care of their health too. |
Claim for, to, on, against | I found a watch in the classroom and took it to the principal, but nobody has put in a claim for it. |
Comment on | Your comments on his behavior were uncalled for. |
Complaint against | Have you any complaints against me? |
Confidence in | Have confidence in God and wish for the best. |
Connivance at | Constant connivance at the faults of children makes them irresponsible. |
Contemporary of | Akbar the Great was a contemporary of Elizabeth. |
Contempt for | He has nothing but contempt for his subordinates. |
Control over | You should exercise control over your passions. |
Carving for | His craving for wealth is unlimited. |
Desire for | Have you any desire for coffee? |
Disgrace to | He is a disgrace to the name of his country. |
Distaste for | He showed a distance for literature. |
Drawback to | Idleness and lethargy are great drawbacks to success in life. |
Eagerness for | In his eagerness for victory, the option threw all moral Principles to the wind. |
Eminence in | Dr. Ali has achieved great eminence in Physics. |
Encroachment on | At place, the sea has made encroachment on the land. |
Enmity with | He has no enmity with his neighbors. |
Escape from | He made a dramatic escape from jail. |
Esteem for | Student still has esteem for good teachers. |
Estrangement from | He married a teenager after the estrangements from his former wife. |
Exception to | There is no exception to the rule. |
Exemption from | Exemption from taxation is rarely allowed. |
Exposure to | His face was brown from exposure to the weather. |
Faith in | I have lost my faith in you. |
Familiarity with | Are you on terms of familiarity with him? |
Freedom of from | Developing countries have yet to win freedom from hunger, disease, and illiteracy freedom of speech is a pre-requisite of democracy. |
Gratitude to, for | We owe gratitude to Ali for winning freedom for us. |
Guarantee for | An honest face is no guarantee for one’s honesty. |
Hatred for | The hatred of Hindus for Muslims is responsible for riot which occurs frequently in India. |
Heir to | Prince Charles is an heir to the throne of Britain. |
Hope of | He has some hope of success. |
Incentive to | He has no much incentive to work. |
Inclination for | My son has an inclination for English. |
Indulgence in | Constant indulgence in bad habits brought about his ruin. |
Influence over, with | Many women have a civilizing influence over their husbands. |
Insight into | Tolstoy had a remarkable insight into human nature. |
Interest in | I have no interest in this business. |
Key to | The only key to success is hard work. |
Knowledge of | My knowledge of geography is limited. |
Liking for | His liking for flattery is well known. |
Malice against | Pakistan has malice against none of her neighbors |
Menace to | The conduct of Israel is a menace to world peace. |
Neglect of | The neglect of duty cannot be condoned. |
Neglect of | The neglect of duty cannot be condoned. |
Partiality for | Ali had a partiality for sweet dishes. |
Passion for | His passion for sports knows no limits |
Preference for, to | I have a preference for coffee over tea. |
Proof of | The proof of the pudding is in the eating. |
Quarrel with | He had a quarrel with hid younger brother. |
Quarrel between | There has no quarrel between the two brothers. |
Regard for | He had great regard for his elders. |
Regret for | I have no regret for my actions. |
Remedy for, against | There is no remedy for (against) cancer. |
Reply to | I received no reply to my request. |
Noun followed by preposition Infographics

Noun followed by preposition list PDF