Make a Trip or Take a Trip: Which is Correct?

Make a Trip or Take a Trip

When planning an adventure or a journey, we often come across the question of whether to “make” or “take” a trip. Both phrases seem to convey a similar idea, but are they truly interchangeable? In this article, we’ll explore the differences between “make a trip” and “take a trip,” and when to use each one correctly. By understanding their nuances, you’ll be able to communicate more effectively and confidently in your travel plans.

Make a Trip:

When we say, “make a trip,” it implies the act of creating or organizing a journey. This phrase is often used when someone is actively planning or arranging the details of a trip. For example, if you’re coordinating travel logistics, deciding on destinations, or scheduling activities, you are “making a trip.”


  • I need to make a trip to the travel agency to book our flights.
  • Let’s make a trip to the grocery store before we leave.
  • I have to make a trip to the post office to mail these letters.
  • Let’s make a trip to the park this weekend for a picnic.
  • She made a trip to the library to borrow some books for her research.

Take a Trip:

On the other hand, “take a trip” suggests the act of going on a journey or excursion. It is commonly used when discussing the actual travel experience, emphasizing the act of departing for a destination. If you’re physically moving from one place to another, you are said to “take a trip.”


  • We decided to take a trip to the mountains for the weekend.
  • I want to take a trip around the world someday.
  • We’re planning to take a trip to the beach next month.
  • He took a trip to Japan to experience the culture and cuisine.
  • Let’s take a trip to the mountains for some hiking and camping.

Key Differences:

  • Action vs. Journey: “Make a trip” emphasizes the action of initiating a journey, while “take a trip” focuses on the journey itself.
  • Initiator vs. Participant: In “make a trip,” the traveler is the initiator of the journey, whereas in “take a trip,” the traveler is participating in the journey.

Idiomatic Usage:

English is rich in idiomatic expressions, and both “make a trip” and “take a trip” have idiomatic variations that add depth to their usage.

“Make a Trip of It”:

The phrase “make a trip ofd it” is an idiomatic expression that suggests extending a journey to include additional activities or experiences.


  • Instead of just attending the conference, why not make a trip of it and explore the city afterwards?

“Take a Trip Down Memory Lane”:

The expression “take a trip down memory lane” is another idiom, not directly related to physical travel but metaphorically refers to revisiting and reminiscing about the past.


  • Looking at old photo albums can be a wonderful way to take a trip down memory lane.

Common Mistakes to Avoid:

While “make a trip” and “take a trip” are both correct in their respective contexts, it’s crucial to avoid common mistakes that may arise from misunderstanding their usage.

Incorrect Use of “Make a Trip”:

Using “make a trip” when referring to the actual act of traveling can lead to confusion. Remember that “make a trip” is primarily associated with the planning and preparation phase.

Incorrect Example:

  • We decided to make a trip to the beach last weekend.

Incorrect Use of “Take a Trip”:

Conversely, using “take a trip” when discussing the planning phase may also create confusion. Reserve “take a trip” for when you are physically on the move.

Incorrect Example:

  • I need to take a trip to the travel agency to organize our itinerary.

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Make a Trip or Take a Trip

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