Body Parts in French | PDF

Body Parts in French

Whether you’re planning a trip to a French-speaking country, studying French, or just want to expand your vocabulary, learning the body parts’ names in French can be helpful. Not only will it allow you to communicate more effectively with French speakers in everyday situations, but it can also be useful if you need to describe a health problem or injury. In this blog post, we’ll provide you with a comprehensive list of body parts in French, along with their English translations, to help you master this essential vocabulary.

Body Parts in French and English

Here’s a list of body parts in French & English:

  • La tête – Head
  • Les cheveux – Hair
  • Les yeux – Eyes
  • Les oreilles – Ears
  • Le nez – Nose
  • La bouche – Mouth
  • Les dents – Teeth
  • La langue – Tongue
  • Le cou – Neck
  • Les épaules – Shoulders
  • Les bras – Arms
  • Les coudes – Elbows
  • Les mains – Hands
  • Les doigts – Fingers
  • Le dos – Back
  • La poitrine – Chest
  • Le ventre – Stomach
  • Les hanches – Hips
  • Les jambes – Legs
  • Les genoux – Knees
  • Les pieds – Feet
  • Les orteils – Toes
  • Le visage – Face
  • Le front – Forehead
  • Les sourcils – Eyebrows
  • Les cils – Eyelashes
  • Les joues – Cheeks
  • Le menton – Chin
  • La gorge – Throat
  • La nuque – Nape
  • Le coude – Wrist
  • Le dos de la main – Back of the hand
  • La paume – Palm
  • Le pouce – Thumb
  • L’ongle – Nail
  • Le poignet – Wrist
  • Le mollet – Calf
  • La cuisse – Thigh
  • Le cou-de-pied – Instep
  • La plante du pied – Sole of the foot
  • La voûte plantaire – Arch of the foot
  • Le talon – Heel
  • La hanche – Hip
  • La taille – Waist
  • Le fessier – Buttocks
  • Le nombril – Navel
  • Les organes génitaux – Genital organs

Also learn: Body Parts Name with Pictures

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