Manifestation in a sentence

Manifestation in a sentence

Manifestation means making something real or visible. It’s about turning your desires or goals into reality by using your thoughts, beliefs, emotions, and actions.

People often associate manifestation with the idea that positive or negative thoughts can attract corresponding experiences. This means that by staying positive, focusing on what you want, and taking action, you can bring your desires into your life.

To manifest, you can use techniques like imagining what you want, saying positive statements, being grateful, meditating, and setting goals. These methods help you align your thoughts, beliefs, and energy with what you want, which can affect the circumstances around you.

Remember that manifestation is not magic and it doesn’t happen instantly. It requires consistent effort, self-reflection, and taking action toward your goals. Manifestation is personal and can be different for each individual based on their beliefs and experiences.

Sentences with Manifestation

  • The book was a manifestation of the author’s imagination and talent.
  • The broken clock was a manifestation of time’s passing.
  • The sculpture exhibited intricate details as a manifestation of the artist’s skill.
  • The spider weaving its web was a natural manifestation of its survival instinct.
  • The politician’s promises were merely a manifestation of empty words.
  • The athlete’s victory was a manifestation of years of training and perseverance.
  • The empty chair was a manifestation of someone’s absence.
  • The fashion designer’s collection was a stylish manifestation of their creativity.
  • The broken toy was a manifestation of wear and tear.
  • The essay was a manifestation of the writer’s research and analysis.
  • The CEO’s decision was a manifestation of her leadership skills.
  • The storm was a manifestation of nature’s power and fury.
  • The flowers blooming in the garden were a manifestation of spring.
  • The spider’s web was a delicate manifestation of its weaving skills.
  • The smiles on people’s faces were a manifestation of their joy and contentment.
  • The chef’s signature dish was a culinary manifestation of his expertise.
  • The crumpled paper was a manifestation of frustration.
  • The broken vase was a manifestation of a clumsy accident.
  • The comedian’s jokes were a humorous manifestation of his wit.
  • The poem was a manifestation of the poet’s feelings and thoughts.
  • The artist’s painting was a beautiful manifestation of her creativity.
  • The team’s victory was a satisfying manifestation of their hard work.
  • The scratched car was a manifestation of a minor accident.

Sentences with “Manifestation”

  • The falling leaves were a manifestation of the changing seasons.
  • The graffiti on the wall was a manifestation of urban art.
  • The rainbow in the sky was a colorful manifestation of light and water droplets.
  • The dancer’s twirls and leaps were a graceful manifestation of her skill.
  • The spider’s web catching a fly was a successful manifestation of its hunting skills.
  • The crumpled leaves on the ground were a manifestation of autumn’s arrival.
  • The novel’s plot was a manifestation of the author’s imagination.
  • The traffic jam was a frustrating manifestation of congestion.
  • The frost on the ground was a manifestation of the cold weather.
  • The dog wagging its tail was a manifestation of its happiness.
  • The child’s scribbles on the paper were a manifestation of her creativity.
  • The abandoned playground was a manifestation of the community’s neglect.
  • The tears streaming down her face were a manifestation of her sadness.
  • The abandoned house was a manifestation of neglect.
  • The company’s success was a manifestation of its strong business strategy.
  • The withered flowers were a manifestation of neglect.

“Manifestation” Use in Sentence

  • The colors of the sunset were a breathtaking manifestation of nature’s beauty.
  • The old ruins were a manifestation of the region’s history.
  • The athlete’s training regimen was a manifestation of dedication and hard work.
  • The stained glass artwork in the church was a beautiful manifestation of religious devotion.
  • The chef’s dish was a delicious manifestation of his culinary skills.
  • The river flowing peacefully was a manifestation of tranquility.
  • The spider spinning its web was a fascinating manifestation of nature’s engineering.
  • His hard work and dedication were the manifestation of his determination.
  • The sculpture was a manifestation of the artist’s vision.
  • The smile on her face was a manifestation of her joy.
  • The engine’s roar was a manifestation of its power.
  • The doctor explained that the rash was a manifestation of an allergic reaction.
  • The protest was a manifestation of public discontent with the government’s policies.
  • The athlete’s injury was a painful manifestation of the risks involved in sports.
  • The stained glass window was a colorful manifestation of religious art.
  • The storm clouds gathering in the sky were a manifestation of an approaching thunderstorm.

Sentences Using “Manifestation”

  • The carnival was a lively manifestation of community spirit.
  • The scientist’s experiment provided a manifestation of his hypothesis.
  • The snowfall was a manifestation of winter’s arrival.
  • The couple’s wedding rings were a manifestation of their commitment to each other.
  • The birds singing in the morning were a cheerful manifestation of nature’s harmony.
  • The scar on her arm was a visible manifestation of her accident.
  • The butterfly’s vibrant colors were a manifestation of its beauty.
  • The sunlight filtering through the trees was a warm manifestation of nature’s beauty.
  • The desert’s scorching heat was a harsh manifestation of its climate.
  • The music playing in the background was a manifestation of the artist’s expression.
  • The dancer’s graceful movements were a manifestation of her talent.
  • The painting hanging on the wall was a visual manifestation of the artist’s emotions.
  • The fog enveloping the landscape was a mysterious manifestation of weather conditions.
  • The play was a manifestation of the playwright’s creativity.
  • The company’s logo was a manifestation of its brand identity.
  • The actor’s performance was a powerful manifestation of the character he portrayed.

“Manifestation” Sentences Examples

  • The rainbow-colored umbrella was a manifestation of the owner’s vibrant personality.
  • The city’s architecture was a manifestation of different cultural influences.
  • The fireworks lighting up the sky were a dazzling manifestation of celebration.
  • The cracks on the wall were a manifestation of structural damage.
  • The cracked mirror was a manifestation of negligence.
  • The film’s special effects were a visual manifestation of the director’s vision.
  • The broken window was a manifestation of vandalism.
  • Positive thinking can lead to the manifestation of desired outcomes.
  • The teacher used visual aids as a manifestation of the lesson.
  • The orchestra’s performance was a melodic manifestation of their musical talent.
  • The singer’s powerful voice was a manifestation of her talent.
  • The sunrise over the horizon was a stunning manifestation of a new day.
  • Meditation can help in the manifestation of inner peace.
  • The earthquake was a terrifying manifestation of the earth’s power.
  • The novel’s chapters were a manifestation of the author’s storytelling ability.
  • The rainbow-colored balloons were a festive manifestation of the celebration.

Use Manifestation In A Sentence

  • The rusty bicycle was a manifestation of neglect and age.
  • The poet’s verses were a poetic manifestation of his emotions.
  • The politician’s speech was a persuasive manifestation of his ideas.
  • The child’s tantrum was a manifestation of his frustration.
  • The chef’s perfectly plated dish was a culinary manifestation of art.
  • The child’s laughter was a delightful manifestation of happiness.
  • The strong wind blowing through the trees was a manifestation of nature’s power.
  • The actor’s portrayal of the character was a convincing manifestation of his acting skills.
  • The child’s messy room was a manifestation of disorganization.
  • The illness was a manifestation of a weakened immune system.
  • The manifestation of her dreams came true when she won the lottery.
  • The music notes on the sheet were a manifestation of the composer’s melody.

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Manifestation in a sentence Sentence with Manifestation Sentences with Manifestation Manifestation in a sentence Manifestation in a sentence

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