Future Perfect Tense Structure and Examples

Future Perfect Tense Structure

Understanding verb tenses is a crucial aspect of mastering English grammar. One of these tenses, the future perfect tense, may sound a bit complex, but with a clear explanation and some examples, you’ll soon grasp how it works. In this article, we’ll delve into the definition, structure, and examples of the future perfect tense.

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The future perfect tense is a tense that shows an action that is to be completed at some time in the future.

Future Perfect Tense Structure

To create sentences in the future perfect tense, we use a simple formula:

Structure: Subject + will (or shall) + have + past participle of the verb

The “will” or “shall” is followed by “have,” and then you add the past participle form of the verb. The past participle is usually the base verb with “ed” added to regular verbs. For irregular verbs, you must memorize the past participle form as they don’t follow a consistent pattern.

Future Perfect Affirmative Form

  • First of all, translate the subject and put ‘will have’ or ‘shall have’ according to the subject. ‘Will have’ have is used with he, she, it, they, or singular noun, and ‘shall have’ is used with ‘I’ and ‘we’.
  • In case of stress or strong decision then replace will have with shall have.
  • Use 3rd form of the verb.

Formula: Subject + will have/shall have + 3rd form of verb + Object.

He + will have + completed + school task.

She + will have + completed + school task.

They + will have + completed + school task.

You + will have + completed + school task.

It + will have + completed + school task.

I + shall have + completed + the school task.

Singular noun + will have + completed + school task.

We + shall have + completed + the school task.


  • They will have invested their money in the business.
  • We shall have eaten the mangoes.
  • They will have raised the slogans.
  • They will have fired at the elephant.
  • He will have conveyed his message to the people.
  • We shall have converted our religion.
  • She will have completed her assignment by tomorrow.
  • By the time you arrive, I shall have prepared dinner.
  • They will have graduated from university next year.

Future Perfect Tense Structure

Future Perfect Negative Form

  • In the negative sentence of the future perfect tense, place ‘not’ in the middle of ‘will have’ and ‘shall have’.
  • Use 3rd form of the verb.

Formula: Subject + will /shall + not have + 3rd form of verb + Object.

He + will + not have + completed + school task.

She + will + not have + completed + school task.

They + will + not have + completed + school task.

You + will + not have + completed + school task.

It + will + not have + completed + school task.

I + shall + not have + completed + school task.

Singular noun + will + not have + completed + school task.

We + shall + not have + completed + school task.


  • We shall not have invested our money.
  • He will not have opposed the rules of traffic.
  • They will not have made fool him.
  • She will not have finished her book by the weekend.
  • I shall not have received the package by Friday.
  • We shall not have flown the kite.

Future Perfect Tense

Future Perfect Interrogative Form

  • In an interrogative sentence, put ‘will’ or ‘shall’ at the start of the sentence before the subject then ‘have’ after the subject.
  • Use the 3rd form of the verb.
  • Put an interrogative sign at the end of the sentence.

Formula: Will/shall + Subject + have + 3rd form of verb + Object?

Will + he + have + completed + school task?

Will + she + have + completed + school task?

Will + they + have + completed + school task?

Will + you + have + completed + school task?

Will + it + have + completed + school task?

Shall + i + have + completed + school task?

Will + singular noun + have + completed + school task?

Shall + we + have + completed + school task?


  • Will the jungle have impressed them?
  • Shall we have looked at the moon?
  • Will he have sun a song?
  • Shall they have compressed their crime?
  • Will the boy have garlanded the respectable guest?
  • Shall we have completed our work?
  • Will you have completed the project by the deadline?
  • Shall we have arrived at the airport by 2 PM?

Future Perfect Interrogative Negative

To create negative questions, combine the rules for negative and interrogative sentences.

  • Shall she not have submitted the application by the due date?
  • Will they not have finished the report by the meeting?

These questions ask if an action will not be completed by a certain time.


The future perfect tense is employed when you want to convey the idea that one action will be completed before another action or time in the future. It helps provide a clear timeline for events.

Learn More:

Past Indefinite Tense

Past Continuous Tense

Past Perfect Tense

Past Perfect Continuous Tense

Future Perfect Tense | Images

Future Perfect Tense Structure

Future Perfect Tense Examples

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