1000+ Homophones Words List

Homophones Words List

Language is a fascinating and complex tool for communication. In English, one intriguing aspect is the existence of homophones. Homophones are words that sound alike but have different meanings and, often, different spellings. Understanding and mastering homophones is essential for effective communication, especially in a language as nuanced as English. This comprehensive guide lists common homophones.

What are Homophones?

Homophones are words that have the same pronunciation but differ in meaning, derivation, or spelling. They arise in languages from a variety of causes, including shifts in pronunciation, merging of sounds in particular contexts, or simply because of the evolution of the language.

Why are Homophones Important?

  • Avoiding Misunderstandings: In both spoken and written English, understanding homophones helps prevent misinterpretation of what is being said or written.
  • Enhancing Language Skills: Knowledge of homophones is essential for learning English as a second language and for native speakers, it’s crucial for improving spelling and vocabulary.
  • Appreciating Literature and Word Play: Many authors use homophones to create puns and other forms of wordplay, which are key to understanding and enjoying literature.

Homophones Words List

Homophones Words List with Meaning

Homophones Words List

  • cent – scent – sent
  • knap – nap
  • mayor – mare
  • staid – stayed
  • whey – way – weigh
  • haul – hall
  • sea – see
  • chile – chilly – chili
  • kraft – craft
  • mettle – meddle – medal –
  • sue – sioux
  • weed – we’d
  • choose – chews
  • ladder – latter
  • mewl – mule
  • suit – soot
  • weigh – whey – way
  • hansom – handsome
  • scent – sent – cent
  • here – hear
  • seize – seas – sees
  • cygnet – signet
  • overseas – oversees
  • tracked – tract
  • chic – sheik
  • kraal – crawl
  • meteor – meatier
  • style – stile
  • wee – we
  • cane – cain
  • in – inn
  • main – mane – maine
  • slight – sleight
  • war – wore
  • cannon – canon
  • incite – insight
  • maize – maze
  • sloe – slow
  • ware – wear – where
  • bawled – bald – balled
  • bald – balled – bawled
  • bow – bough
  • fiancé – fiancée
  • prays – preys – praise
  • be – bee
  • heart – hart
  • seem – seam
  • breach – breech
  • enumerable – innumerable
  • pete – peat
  • chased – chaste
  • knit – nit
  • meddle
  • steak – stake
  • whirled – whorled – world
  • beet – beat
  • forward – foreword
  • rap – wrap
  • hay – hey
  • seam – seem
  • foul – fowl
  • rapped – rapt – wrapped
  • aid – aide
  • faun – fawn
  • plait – plate
  • close – clothes – cloze
  • lean – lien
  • mite – might
  • tacks – tax
  • where’s – wears – wares
  • alluded – eluded
  • heard – herd
  • seeder – cedar
  • awl – all
  • choral – coral
  • lade – laid
  • mews – muse
  • suite – sweet
  • weighed – wade
  • cellar – seller
  • karat – carat – carrot – caret
  • maul – mall
  • sow – sew – so
  • we’d – weed
  • censor – sensor
  • kernel – colonel
  • may be – maybe
  • spade – spayed
  • whether – wether – weather
  • guerilla – gorilla
  • rung – wrung
  • ale – ail
  • four – fore – for
  • rapper – wrapper
  • fowl – foul
  • rays – raze – raise
  • cell – sell
  • jinks – jinx
  • matter – madder
  • soul – sole
  • weave – we’ve
  • ceiling – sealing
  • jim – gym
  • mat – matte
  • sorry – sari
  • weather – whether – wether
  • adam – atom
  • cede – seed
  • jibe – gibe
  • massed – mast
  • sore – soar
  • wears – wares – where’s
  • allowed – aloud
  • frays – phrase
  • read – reed
  • czech – check
  • effect – affect
  • paced – paste
  • peel – peal
  • trussed – trust
  • abel – able
  • friar – fryer
  • red – read
  • guild – gild
  • rye – wry
  • err – air – heir
  • petrel – petrol
  • fare – fair
  • pistil – pistol
  • confirmation –
  • lier – lyre – liar
  • muscle – mussel
  • tense – tents
  • worn – warn
  • coolie – coulee
  • llama – lama
  • mustard – mustered
  • their – there – they’re
  • wrapper – rapper
  • cousin – cozen
  • nome – gnome
  • tigress – tigris
  • yule – you’ll
  • ariel – aerial
  • cedar – seeder
  • jell – gel
  • mary – marry – merry
  • soot – suit
  • wear – where – ware
  • clew – clue
  • lea – lee
  • missed – mist
  • sword – soared
  • whale – wale – wail
  • already – all ready
  • ducked – duct
  • patted – padded
  • vary – very
  • ferry – fairy
  • pore – pour
  • exceed – accede
  • phlox – flocks
  • hew – hue – hugh
  • sense – cents – scents
  • affects – effects
  • ant – aunt
  • cord – cored – chord
  • navel – naval
  • they’re – their – there
  • wring – ring
  • frees – freeze – frieze
  • real – reel
  • crawl – kraal
  • ode – owed
  • toed – towed – toad
  • core – corps
  • nay – neigh
  • threw – through
  • write – right – rite
  • cops – copse
  • naval – navel
  • there – they’re – their
  • wrest – rest
  • crewel – cruel
  • or – ore – oar
  • tool – tulle
  • franc – frank
  • read – red
  • flair – flare
  • pride – pried
  • adherence – adherents
  • arrant – errant
  • forth – fourth
  • raise – rays – raze
  • accept – except
  • feint – faint
  • plum – plumb
  • discreet – discrete
  • parish – perish
  • vain – vane – vein
  • foreword – forward
  • rack – wrack
  • flea – flee
  • primer – primmer
  • bass – base
  • cote – coat
  • nice – gneiss
  • thrown – throne
  • yew – ewe – you
  • for – four – fore
  • quire – choir
  • fate – fete
  • plain – plane
  • collard – collared
  • knight – night
  • mourning – morning
  • team – teem
  • wok – walk
  • gaff – gaffe
  • reign – rein – rain
  • carol – carrel
  • intense – intents
  • marc – mark
  • soared – sword
  • way – weigh – whey

Homophones Words List

Homophones Words List with Meaning

Homophones Words List

  • assistance – assistants
  • guessed – guest
  • russell – rustle
  • frieze – frees – freeze
  • reed – read
  • aureole – oriole
  • bah – baa
  • cheap – cheep
  • knot – not
  • merry – mary – marry
  • step – steppe
  • whoa – woe
  • bough – bow
  • barren – baron
  • base – bass
  • billed – build
  • dye – die
  • pear – pair – pare
  • ducks – ducts
  • paul – pall
  • veil – vale
  • boulder – bolder
  • emend – amend
  • petal – pedal – peddle
  • adds – adz – ads
  • coat – cote
  • leek – leak
  • moose – mousse
  • taught – taut
  • wind – wined – whined
  • eyed – i’d
  • pidgin – pigeon
  • council – counsel
  • niece – nice
  • tic – tick
  • yore – your – you’re
  • fairy – ferry
  • pique – peak – peek
  • floe – flow
  • profit – prophet
  • grisly – grizzly
  • ruff – rough
  • fort – forte
  • rain – reign – rein
  • groan – grown
  • rumor – roomer
  • currant – current
  • outcast – outcaste
  • tow – toe
  • ho – hoe
  • serial – cereal
  • bear – bare
  • amend – emend
  • baron – barren
  • bases – basis
  • basis – bases
  • eye – i – aye
  • picot – pekoe
  • dam – damn
  • effected – affected
  • packed – pact
  • peer – pier
  • tucks – tux
  • brewed – brood
  • breech – breach
  • bored – board
  • babble – babel
  • apprise – apprize
  • allude – elude
  • altar – alter
  • apatite – appetite
  • bore – boar
  • bomb – bombe – balm
  • bated – baited
  • faze – phase
  • plate – plait
  • fur – fir
  • reel – real
  • hoard – horde
  • series – ceres
  • bowled – bold
  • air – heir – err
  • colonel – kernel
  • lets – let’s
  • mousse – moose
  • tear – tier
  • won – one
  • board – bored
  • few – phew
  • pray – prey
  • bold – bowled
  • braid – brayed
  • eave – eve
  • elicit – illicit
  • peat – pete
  • peon – paean – paeon
  • break – brake
  • ball – bawl
  • balm – bomb – bombe
  • blue – blew
  • bard – barred
  • broach – brooch
  • hole – whole
  • load – lode – lowed
  • shoe – shoo
  • vein – vain – vane
  • brood – brewed
  • holed – hold
  • loan – lone
  • shofar – chauffeur
  • venous – venus
  • chauffeur – shofar
  • knock – nock
  • meet – mete – meat
  • steal – steel
  • whirred – word
  • aye – eye – i
  • axel – axle
  • blew – blue
  • conceded – conceited
  • lien – lean
  • mule – mewl
  • tends – tens
  • world – whirled – whorled
  • complimentary
  • lie – lye
  • mucous – mucus
  • tees – teas – tease
  • wore – war
  • coward – cowered
  • none – nun
  • timber – timbre
  • crepe – crape
  • one – won
  • too – two – to
  • aunt – ant
  • due – dew – do
  • peace – piece
  • ewes – yews – use
  • phil – fill
  • allusive – elusive – illusive
  • graphed – graft
  • rough – ruff
  • gale – gail
  • retch – wretch
  • chord – cord – cored
  • lain – lane
  • mien – mean
  • sum – some
  • weighs – ways
  • heroin – heroine
  • sell – cell
  • fisher – fissure
  • preys – praise – prays
  • cored – chord – cord
  • need – knead – kneed
  • throes – throws
  • wrote – rote
  • baa – bah
  • bait – bate
  • complementary –
  • lichen – liken
  • – misses
  • teem – team
  • word – whirred
  • coal – cole
  • led – lead
  • moat – mote
  • tail – tale
  • whorled – world – whirled
  • brows – browse
  • holey – holy – wholly
  • loath – loathe
  • shone – shown
  • verses – versus
  • caster – castor
  • dun – done
  • jam – jamb
  • marshal – martial
  • peal – peel
  • some – sum
  • we’ll – wheel
  • bridal – bridle
  • bee – be
  • born – borne
  • clamber – clammer – clamor
  • lax – lacks
  • miner – minor
  • surge – serge
  • wether – weather – whether
  • check – czech
  • know – no
  • metal – mettle – meddle –
  • stile – style
  • whole – hole
  • hare – hair
  • scents – sense – cents
  • fir – fur
  • prey – pray
  • coffers – coughers
  • leis – lays – laze
  • morning – mourning
  • taut – taught
  • wined – whined – wind
  • been – bin
  • dissent – descent
  • passed – past
  • vale – veil
  • bruise – brews
  • hoop – whoop
  • loch – lock
  • shoo – shoe
  • very – vary
  • brut – brute
  • horde – hoard
  • lochs – locks – lox
  • shoot – chute
  • vial – vile
  • build – billed
  • horse – hoarse
  • lock – loch
  • shown – shone
  • vice – vise
  • dane – deign
  • effects – affects
  • padded – patted
  • pees – peas
  • tudor – tutor – tooter
  • correspondence – correspondents
  • new – gnu – knew
  • through – threw
  • wry – rye
  • bussed – bust
  • hymn – him
  • lowed – load – lode
  • sighted – cited – sided
  • wain – wane – wayne
  • buy – by – bye
  • i’ll – aisle – isle
  • lumbar – lumber
  • sink – sync
  • wait – weight
  • graham – gram
  • rote – wrote
  • bow – beau
  • fends – fens
  • pole – poll
  • ascent – assent
  • acclamation – acclimation
  • gym – jim
  • sack – sac
  • analyst – annalist
  • graft – graphed
  • rose – rows
  • bird – burred
  • carrot – caret – karat – carat
  • isle – i’ll – aisle
  • mare – mayor
  • sold – soled
  • wayne – wain – wane
  • acts – ax
  • fourth – forth
  • rapt – wrapped – rapped
  • coarse – course
  • lee – lea
  • mode – mowed
  • taper – tapir
  • who’s – whose
  • flu – flue – flew
  • purr – per
  • atom – adam
  • bite – byte – bight
  • brayed – braid
  • foaled – fold
  • quarts – quartz
  • him – hymn
  • serf – surf
  • dear – deer
  • pail – pale
  • turban – turbine
  • clue – clew
  • leased – least
  • moan – mown
  • tact – tacked
  • whet – wet
  • carat – carrot – caret – karat
  • instance – instants
  • mantel – mantle
  • soar – sore
  • wax – whacks
  • disperse – disburse
  • parlay – parley
  • valance – valence
  • heir – err – air
  • sees – seize – seas
  • hangar – hanger
  • scene – seen
  • earn – urn
  • eke – eek
  • peas – pees
  • penance – pennants
  • bullion – bouillon
  • coy – koi
  • hose – hoes
  • locks – lox – lochs
  • nose – knows
  • sic – sick
  • time – thyme
  • vile – vial
  • eek – eke
  • peek – pique – peak
  • faint – feint
  • pigeon – pidgin
  • altogether – all together
  • affect – effect
  • ads – adds – adz
  • bight – bite – byte
  • clack – claque
  • latter – ladder
  • mind – mined
  • surf – serf
  • wet – whet
  • educe – adduce
  • pee – pea
  • bib – bibb
  • crape – crepe
  • oar – or – ore
  • toe – tow
  • brake – break
  • buoy – boy
  • hostel – hostile
  • lode – lowed – load
  • side – sighed
  • vise – vice
  • burger – burgher
  • hour – our
  • lone – loan
  • sided – sighted – cited
  • wade – weighed
  • burred – bird
  • hue – hugh – hew
  • loot – lute
  • sighed – side
  • wader – waiter
  • border – boarder
  • halve – have
  • sashay – sachet
  • bode – bowed
  • berry – bury
  • beau – bow
  • bate – bait
  • gourd – gored
  • roomer – rumor
  • hoes – hose
  • shear – sheer
  • baste – based
  • afterward – afterword
  • beach – beech
  • bread – bred
  • beat – beet
  • boar – bore
  • bell – belle
  • crews – cruise
  • oral – aural
  • tooter – tudor – tutor
  • handmade – handmaid
  • saver – savor
  • hertz – hurts
  • seller – cellar
  • dense – dents
  • palate – palette – pallet
  • tux – tucks
  • dyeing – dying
  • eight – ate
  • pearl – purl
  • pekoe – picot
  • he’ll – heal – heel

Homophones Words List

Homophones Words List with Meaning

Homophones Words List

  • see – sea
  • grade – grayed
  • root – route
  • hold – holed
  • sheik – chic
  • heed – he’d
  • seen – scene
  • except – accept
  • phrase – frays
  • diffused – defused
  • pane – pain
  • use – ewes – yews
  • grater – greater
  • route – root
  • claque – clack
  • lay – lei
  • mints – mince
  • swayed – suede
  • we’ve – weave
  • better – bettor
  • coax – cokes
  • lei – lay
  • morn – mourn
  • taupe – tope
  • wine – whine
  • berth – birth
  • hays – haze
  • sear – seer – sere
  • grayed – grade
  • roux – rue
  • bury – berry
  • hurts – hertz
  • low – lo
  • sight – site – cite
  • wails – wales – whales
  • chute – shoot
  • lama – llama
  • might – mite
  • summary – summery
  • weight – wait
  • guilder – gilder
  • sac – sack
  • adieu – ado
  • away – aweigh
  • cue – queue
  • our – hour
  • tortuous – torturous
  • descent – dissent
  • pale – pail
  • two – to – too
  • cruel – crewel
  • ore – oar – or
  • tope – taupe
  • grate – great
  • rouse – rows
  • finish – finnish
  • presence – presents
  • dual – duel
  • patience – patients
  • vane – vein – vain
  • canter – cantor
  • innocence – innocents
  • mall – maul
  • slow – sloe
  • warn – worn
  • canvas – canvass
  • innumerable – enumerable
  • mane – maine – main
  • slue – slough – slew
  • waste – waist
  • capital – capitol
  • insight – incite
  • manner – manor
  • so – sow – sew
  • wave – waive
  • canopy – canapé
  • inn – in
  • male – mail
  • slough – slew – slue
  • wares – where’s – wears
  • burro – burrow – borough
  • humerus – humorous
  • lou – lieu
  • sighs – size
  • wail – whale – wale
  • ax – acts
  • cited – sided – sighted
  • lapps – laps – lapse
  • mince – mints
  • sundae – sunday
  • were – whir
  • cite – sight – site
  • lane – lain
  • mil – mill
  • sun – son
  • we’ll – wheel
  • flier – flyer
  • principal – principle
  • desert – dessert
  • palette – pallet – palate
  • udder – utter
  • flower – flour
  • purl – pearl
  • bail – bale – baal
  • cereal – serial
  • knead – kneed – need
  • mean – mien
  • stake – steak
  • while – wile
  • cruise – crews
  • oriole – aureole
  • tort – torte
  • barred – bard
  • coughers – coffers
  • nice – niece
  • throws – throes
  • yews – use – ewes
  • basal – basil
  • he’d – heed
  • seas – sees – seize
  • flew – flu – flue
  • prince – prints
  • duel – dual
  • peak – peek – pique
  • grease – greece
  • rowed – road – rode
  • grays – graze
  • row – roe
  • ewe – you – yew
  • phew – few
  • elusive – illusive – allusive
  • eve – eave
  • pervade – purveyed
  • phase – faze
  • continence – continents
  • links – lynx
  • mussel – muscle
  • thai – tie
  • wrap – rap
  • click – clique
  • leach – leech
  • misses – mrs
  • symbol – cymbal
  • whales – wails – wales
  • cole – coal
  • lessen – lesson
  • mourn – morn
  • tea – tee
  • woe – whoa
  • based – baste
  • complement – compliment
  • liar – lier – lyre
  • mown – moan
  • tee – tea
  • wood – would
  • bad – bade
  • cymbal – symbol
  • owe – oh
  • trader – traitor
  • arc – ark
  • elude – allude
  • per – purr
  • gnome – nome
  • rode – rowed – road
  • basil – basal
  • gnu – knew – new
  • roe – row
  • hoarse – horse
  • session – cession
  • foe – faux
  • queue – cue
  • hart – heart
  • scull – skull
  • gilt – guilt
  • road – rode – rowed
  • eyelet – islet
  • pie – pi
  • hey – hay
  • sensor – censor
  • eluded – alluded
  • perish – parish
  • bask – basque
  • great – grate
  • rows – rose
  • fill – phil
  • precedence – precedents
  • ail – ale
  • allusion – illusion
  • all – awl
  • greater – grater
  • rude – rued
  • draft – draught
  • paste – paced
  • valence – valance
  • hair – hare
  • sail – sale
  • course – coarse
  • find – fined
  • no – know
  • premier – premiere
  • tied – tide
  • you’ll – yule
  • greece – grease
  • rue – roux
  • gorilla – guerilla
  • room – rheum
  • gail – gale
  • residence – residents
  • foregone – forgone
  • rabbet – rabbit
  • ate – eight
  • fold – foaled
  • quince – quints
  • gored – gourd
  • rome – roam
  • days – daze
  • paean – paeon – peon
  • tulle – tool
  • guilt – gilt
  • sachet – sashay
  • fete – fate
  • praise – prays – preys
  • addition – edition
  • cypress – cyprus
  • owed – ode
  • troop – troupe
  • adduce – educe
  • choir – quire
  • lacks – lax
  • metal
  • suede – swayed
  • week – weak
  • coral – choral
  • nave – knave
  • there’s – theirs
  • wretch – retch
  • canapé – canopy
  • impassable – impassible
  • mail – male
  • slew – slue – slough
  • want – wont
  • hoe – ho
  • sew – so – sow
  • handsome – hansom
  • sax – sacks
  • bloc – block
  • bowed – bode
  • grill – grille
  • rued – rude
  • cession – session
  • knickers – nickers
  • meatier – meteor
  • stationary – stationery
  • whined – wind – wined
  • chews – choose
  • koi – coy
  • mete – meat – meet
  • straightened – straitened
  • whoop – hoop
  • fax – facts
  • plane – plain
  • cash – cache
  • islet – eyelet
  • mark – marc
  • sole – soul
  • ways – weighs
  • cast – caste
  • it’s – its
  • marry – merry – mary
  • soled – sold
  • we – wee
  • bouillon – bullion
  • bin – been
  • bazaar – bizarre
  • gait – gate
  • rest – wrest
  • ark – arc
  • conformation
  • lieu – lou
  • muse – mews
  • tern – turn
  • would – wood
  • coulee – coolie
  • nickers – knickers
  • thyme – time
  • yoke – yolk
  • hear – here
  • seed – cede
  • chance – chants
  • knight – night
  • medal – metal – mettle –
  • stayed – staid
  • whir – were
  • bale – baal – bail
  • ceres – series
  • knew – new – gnu
  • meat – meet – mete
  • stare – stair
  • whine – wine
  • balled – bawled – bald
  • band – banned
  • eyes – ayes
  • piece – peace
  • coup – coo
  • night – knight
  • tide – tied
  • you – yew – ewe
  • brews – bruise
  • bootie – booty
  • bawl – ball
  • coupe – coop
  • nit – knit
  • tie – thai
  • you’re – yore – your
  • have – halve
  • sealing – ceiling
  • bare – bear
  • cheep – cheap
  • knows – nose
  • medal
  • straight – strait
  • wholly – holey – holy
  • gofer – gopher
  • role – roll
  • accede – exceed
  • aisle – isle – i’ll
  • fair – fare
  • pilate – pilot
  • ducts – ducks
  • pea – pee
  • disburse – disperse
  • pare – pear – pair
  • utter – udder
  • edition – addition
  • pedal – peddle – petal
  • flyer – flier
  • purveyed – pervade
  • flocks – phlox
  • prints – prince
  • craft – kraft
  • nun – none
  • toad – toed – towed
  • cozen – cousin
  • not – knot
  • to – too – two
  • courser – coarser
  • nock – knock
  • tier – tear
  • your – you’re – yore
  • climb – clime
  • lead – led
  • missile – missal
  • sync – sink
  • wheel – we’ll
  • boy – buoy
  • flour – flower
  • pros – prose
  • bred – bread
  • beer – bier
  • hire – higher
  • serge – surge
  • hi – high
  • sent – cent – scent
  • callous – callus
  • immanent – imminent
  • made – maid
  • sleight – slight
  • wane – wayne – wain
  • byte – bight – bite
  • i’d – eyed
  • lute – loot
  • sioux – sue
  • waiter – wader
  • calendar – calender
  • illusive – allusive – elusive
  • madder – matter
  • slay – sleigh
  • walk – wok
  • caddie – caddy
  • illicit – elicit
  • lynx – links
  • size – sighs
  • wale – wail – whale
  • cain – cane
  • illusion – allusion
  • lyre – liar – lier
  • skull – scull
  • wales – whales – wails
  • cache – cash
  • idle – idol – idyll
  • lye – lie
  • site – cite – sight
  • waive – wave
  • birth – berth
  • ad – add
  • clause – claws
  • lays – laze – leis
  • missal – missile

Homophones Words List

Homophones Words List with Meaning

List of Homophone Words

  • sweet – suite
  • whacks – wax
  • boarder – border
  • higher – hire
  • sere – sear – seer
  • bolder – boulder
  • braise – brays
  • hale – hail
  • sane – seine
  • cause – caws
  • jean – gene
  • marten – martin
  • son – sun
  • weak – week
  • baal – bail – bale
  • baited – bated
  • gilder – guilder
  • rite – write – right
  • borough – burro – burrow
  • coarser – courser
  • leech – leach
  • mood – mooed
  • tarry – terry
  • wile – while
  • die – dye
  • pallet – palate – palette
  • urn – earn
  • gamble – gambol
  • review – revue
  • clique – click
  • leak – leek
  • mist – missed
  • tacked – tact
  • where – ware – wear
  • gate – gait
  • rheum – room
  • gel – jell
  • rigger – rigor
  • hail – hale
  • sacks – sax
  • complacent – complaisant
  • levee – levy
  • mowed – mode
  • teas – tease – tees
  • wont – want
  • auger – augur
  • creak – creek
  • oh – owe
  • told – tolled
  • aloud – allowed
  • gneiss – nice
  • roam – rome
  • bizarre – bazaar
  • facts – fax
  • pier – peer
  • ayes – eyes
  • coo – coup
  • literal – littoral
  • must – mussed
  • the – thee
  • wrapped – rapped – rapt
  • axes – axis
  • beech – beach
  • coop – coupe
  • lo – low
  • nap – knap
  • theirs – there’s
  • wreak – reek
  • cents – scents – sense
  • knave – nave
  • maze – maize
  • stair – stare
  • which – witch
  • brays – braise
  • exercise – exorcise
  • pi – pie
  • deign – dane
  • pair – pare – pear
  • tutor – tooter – tudor
  • duct – ducked
  • pause – paws
  • heel – he’ll – heal
  • seer – sere – sear
  • herd – heard
  • seine – sane
  • dew – do – due
  • pall – paul
  • undo – undue
  • always – all ways
  • affected – effected
  • gene – jean
  • right – rite – write
  • corps – core
  • neigh – nay
  • throne – thrown
  • wrung – rung
  • fryer – friar
  • reek – wreak
  • flow – floe
  • pugh – pew
  • errant – arrant
  • pew – pugh
  • defused – diffused
  • pain – pane
  • turn – tern
  • but – butt
  • i – aye – eye
  • lox – lochs – locks
  • signet – cygnet
  • waist – waste
  • cokes – coax
  • lends – lens
  • mote – moat
  • tax – tacks
  • witch – which
  • curser – cursor
  • overdo – overdue
  • towed – toad – toed
  • aerial – ariel
  • consonance – consonants
  • liken – lichen
  • mussed – must
  • terry – tarry
  • wrack – rack
  • hall – haul
  • sari – sorry
  • gibe – jibe
  • rigor – rigger
  • feat – feet
  • pleas – please
  • gild – guild
  • ring – wring
  • aural – oral

Must Learn: Homographs Words With Meaning

Homophones Words List

Homophones Words List with Meaning Homophones Words List with Meaning

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