Perjury in A Sentence: Definition, Meaning and Example

Perjury in A Sentence

Perjury means telling lies on purpose while promising to tell the truth during legal proceedings. It is a very serious crime that can have severe consequences. This article will help you understand perjury better, and provide you example sentences with perjury.

Perjury Definition & Meaning

Perjury is a serious crime in which a person knowingly tells lies or provides false information when they promise to tell the truth, like in a court trial or sworn statement. When someone commits perjury, they are intentionally deceiving the court or other legal authorities by giving false testimony, presenting fake evidence, or hiding important information.

Perjury is a big problem because it goes against the fairness of the legal system. It makes it harder for the truth to come out and for justice to be served. That’s why perjury is treated as a serious offense. The punishment for perjury can vary depending on the place, but it is generally considered a criminal act. In many countries, including the United States, people who commit perjury can be fined, sent to prison, or both.

Sentences with Perjury

  • Perjury can result in fines and imprisonment.
  • The defense attorney sought to discredit the witness’s testimony by alleging perjury.
  • The perjurer’s false testimony influenced the outcome of the trial.
  • The witness faced perjury charges for falsely identifying the defendant.
  • The jury found the defendant guilty of perjury.
  • The witness was questioned extensively to uncover potential perjury.
  • The defendant’s perjury was exposed by a conflicting witness statement.
  • The perjury charges were filed based on the witness’s inconsistent statements.
  • The judge ordered a retrial after learning of potential perjury by a key witness.
  • The perjurer’s false testimony was exposed by a surprise witness.
  • The witness was charged with perjury for intentionally providing false information.
  • The perjury charges were dropped due to lack of witness cooperation.
  • The perjury trial resulted in a conviction and a lengthy prison sentence for the defendant.
  • Perjury is considered a serious crime.
  • The perjury trial hinged on the credibility of conflicting eyewitness accounts.
  • The prosecution presented evidence of perjury during the trial.
  • The witness’s perjury damaged the prosecution’s case.
  • The perjurer’s testimony contradicted earlier statements made under oath.
  • The witness’s perjury severely damaged their credibility as a witness.
  • The perjury scandal sparked a national conversation about the justice system.
  • The defense attorney presented evidence to discredit the prosecution’s key witness for potential perjury.
  • The witness was granted immunity in exchange for testifying about their involvement in the perjury.
  • The witness was impeached for perjury during the trial.
  • The perjury scandal rocked the political world.
  • Perjury is the act of lying under oath.
  • The perjurer’s false testimony was contradicted by audio recordings.
  • The perjurer’s false testimony was refuted by multiple eyewitnesses.
  • The witness faced perjury charges for withholding crucial information.
  • The defense attorney argued that the witness’s statement amounted to perjury.
  • The witness pleaded the Fifth Amendment to avoid potential perjury
  • The witness’s perjury was uncovered when their phone records were subpoenaed.
  • The perjury allegations caused public outrage and demands for justice.
  • The prosecution built a strong case against the defendant, including evidence of perjury.
  • The witness’s perjury was discovered during a thorough cross-examination.
  • The perjurer’s statement contradicted the physical evidence presented in court.
  • The perjury accusation damaged the witness’s personal relationships.
  • The witness’s perjury harmed the prosecution’s case.
  • The perjury charges were dropped when the witness recanted their false statement.
  • The witness faced perjury charges for contradicting their earlier statement.
  • The witness was accused of perjury for intentionally misleading the court.
  • The perjurer confessed to lying under oath.
  • The perjury trial became a battle of credibility between the prosecution and the defense.
  • The defendant’s perjury was exposed when their alibi was proven false.
  • Perjury is a criminal offense punishable by law.
  • The defense attorney argued that the witness had a motive to commit perjury.
  • The defendant’s perjury undermined their defense strategy.
  • The witness admitted to committing perjury during cross-examination.
  • The perjury charges were dropped when the witness admitted to lying.
  • The witness recanted their previous testimony, admitting to perjury.
  • The perjury trial attracted media attention.
  • The witness faced perjury charges for altering important documents.
  • The perjury accusation raised doubts about the witness’s reliability.
  • The lawyer accused the witness of perjury.
  • The perjury accusations caused a media frenzy and public speculation.
  • Perjury undermines the integrity of the legal system.
  • The witness was charged with perjury for providing misleading information.
  • The perjury charges were dismissed due to lack of corroborating evidence.
  • The perjury trial relied heavily on the credibility of the witnesses.
  • The defense attorney accused the prosecution’s witness of perjury.
  • The perjury case was dismissed due to insufficient evidence.
  • The defendant’s lawyer accused the prosecution of coaching witnesses to commit perjury.
  • The witness was found guilty of perjury and sentenced to community service.
  • The judge instructed the jury on the elements of perjury.
  • The perjury accusation tarnished the defendant’s reputation.
  • The defense attorney challenged the witness’s credibility by accusing them of perjury.
  • The perjurer was sentenced to five years in prison.
  • The perjury trial shed light on the flaws in the legal system.
  • The witness was granted immunity in exchange for their testimony, avoiding perjury
  • The perjury charges were dropped when the witness agreed to testify truthfully.
  • The jury deliberated on whether the witness’s testimony amounted to perjury.
  • The perjury allegations cast doubt on the defendant’s innocence.
  • The defense attorney cross-examined the witness to expose potential perjury.
  • The witness’s perjury was motivated by a desire to protect someone else.
  • The witness was caught in a lie and charged with perjury.
  • The perjury accusation damaged the witness’s professional reputation.
  • The perjurer’s false statement was disproven by video evidence.
  • The defendant’s perjury was uncovered by forensic evidence.
  • The judge warned the witness of the penalties for committing perjury.
  • The perjury accusation created a media frenzy surrounding the trial.
  • The perjury trial resulted in a mistrial due to jury misconduct.
  • The perjury charges were dropped when new evidence exonerated the defendant.
  • The defendant was charged with perjury during the trial.
  • The perjury charges were dropped due to lack of cooperation from the alleged victim.
  • The perjurer’s false statement was disproven by DNA evidence.
  • The perjury allegations damaged the witness’s credibility.
  • The perjury trial involved expert witnesses who testified about the accuracy of the statements.
  • The witness committed perjury by giving false testimony.
  • The witness’s perjury was exposed by a diligent defense attorney.
  • The judge warned the witness about the consequences of perjury.
  • The perjury accusation raised doubts about the accuracy of the witness’s account.
  • The witness was found guilty of perjury and ordered to pay restitution.
  • The perjury charges were based on the witness’s conflicting statements.
  • Perjury undermines the fairness of the justice system.
  • The perjury charges were dropped due to lack of evidence.
  • The perjury scandal prompted an internal investigation within the police department.
  • The perjury scandal led to the resignation of a prominent public official.
  • The defense attorney cross-examined the witness to expose inconsistencies and potential perjury.
  • The perjury charges were filed based on the witness’s contradictory statements.
  • The perjury trial lasted several weeks.

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Examples of ‘perjury’ in a sentence | Infographics

Perjury in A Sentence Perjury in A Sentences Perjury Sentences Perjury Sentences with Perjury

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