Verbs List with Meaning

verbs List with Meaning

Here’s a list of A to Z verbs list with meaning:

List of Verbs with Meaning

  • Abide – to tolerate or put up with something
  • Achieve – to successfully accomplish or attain a goal
  • Acquire – to gain possession or control of something
  • Adapt – to adjust to a new situation or environment
  • Admire – to respect or hold in high esteem
  • Alter – to change or modify
  • Analyze – to examine in detail and identify key characteristics
  • Announce – to make known or publicize
  • Appraise – to evaluate or assess the value or quality of something
  • Approve – to give permission or express agreement
  • Argue – to present reasons or evidence in support of a position or belief
  • Arrange – to organize or put in order
  • Ascend – to climb or go up
  • Ask – to request or inquire
  • Assess – to evaluate or estimate the value or quality of something
  • Assist – to help or aid
  • Attack – to aggressively act against someone or something
  • Attract – to draw or pull towards oneself
  • Audit – to examine and verify financial records or other documents
  • Avoid – to stay away from or prevent from happening
  • Award – to recognize or present with an honor or prize
  • Beg – to make a humble request
  • Believe – to have faith or confidence in something or someone
  • Bend – to curve or flex
  • Betray – to be disloyal or reveal secrets
  • Breathe – to inhale and exhale air
  • Build – to construct or create
  • Calculate – to determine mathematically or estimate
  • Call – to communicate by phone or in person
  • Carry – to transport or convey
  • Catch – to grab or seize
  • Challenge – to question or dispute something
  • Change – to make or become different
  • Choose – to select or make a decision
  • Claim – to assert or maintain a right or belief
  • Clean – to make it free of dirt or impurities
  • Climb – to ascend or scale
  • Collect – to gather or accumulate
  • Compare – to examine the similarities and differences between things
  • Complain – to express dissatisfaction or annoyance
  • Conclude – to bring to an end or reach a final decision
  • Confess – to admit to wrongdoing or fault
  • Connect – to join or link together
  • Consider – to think about or give careful thought to something
  • Construct – to build or create
  • Contribute – to give or provide something
  • Control – to regulate or manage
  • Cook – to prepare food by heating it
  • Correct – to make right or rectify
  • Count – to enumerate or calculate
  • Cover – to place something over or protect
  • Create – to make or produce something
  • Criticize – to express disapproval or judgment
  • Cry – to shed tears or weep
  • Cut – to divide or separate with a sharp tool
  • Dance – to move rhythmically to music
  • Define – to state or explain the meaning of something
  • Delegate – to assign a task or responsibility to someone else
  • Deliver – to bring or transport something to a destination
  • Demonstrate – to show or prove something
  • Depend – to rely or be influenced by something or someone
  • Describe – to give a detailed account of something
  • Eat – to consume food
  • Edit – to make changes or corrections to a text or document
  • Educate – to teach or train someone
  • Embark – to begin a journey or venture
  • Emphasize – to give emphasis or importance to something
  • Employ – to hire or engage someone for work
  • Encourage – to give support or confidence to someone
  • Endanger – to put someone or something at risk
  • Enjoy – to take pleasure in something
  • Enlist – to join or enlist in an organization or cause
  • Face – to confront a problem or situation
  • Fail – to be unsuccessful in achieving a goal
  • Fall – to drop or descend from a higher position
  • Familiarize – to make someone familiar with something
  • Fancy – to have a strong liking or desire for something
  • Fashion – to make or shape something in a particular way
  • Favor – to prefer or support someone or something
  • Fear – to be afraid of something
  • Feel – to experience a sensation or emotion
  • Fetch – to go and get something
  • Gain – to acquire or obtain something
  • Gather – to collect or bring together something
  • Generate – to produce or create something
  • Get – to obtain or acquire something
  • Give – to offer or present something to someone
  • Go – to move or travel to a particular place
  • Govern – to control or regulate something
  • Grab – to seize or take hold of something
  • Grade – to evaluate or assign a grade to something
  • Grant – to give permission or approval to something
  • Halt – to stop or come to a stop
  • Handle – to manage or deal with something
  • Handle – to manage or deal with something
  • Happen – to occur or take place
  • Harm – to cause damage or injury to someone or something
  • Help – to give assistance or support to someone
  • Hide – to conceal or keep something secret
  • Highlight – to emphasize or draw attention to something
  • Hire – to employ or engage someone for work
  • Hold – to keep or have something in one’s possession
  • Identify – to recognize or establish the identity of something or someone
  • Ignite – to cause to start burning or catch fire
  • Illustrate – to provide with pictures or diagrams to explain or decorate
  • Imagine – to form a mental image or concept of something that is not present
  • Implement – to put into effect or practice
  • Improve – to make something better or more satisfactory
  • Include – to contain or have as a part of something
  • Increase – to make or become larger or more numerous
  • Indicate – to point out or show something
  • Influence – to have an effect on someone or something
  • Jam – to block or obstruct a passage or way
  • Joke – to tell a humorous story or remark
  • Judge – to form an opinion or estimate of something
  • Juggle – to keep several objects in the air at the same time by tossing and catching them
  • Jump – to leap or spring into the air
  • Keep – to hold or retain in one’s possession or control.
  • Kick – to strike or hit with the foot.
  • Kill – to cause the death of a person, animal or plant.
  • Kiss – to touch or press with the lips as a sign of affection or greeting.
  • Knead – to work dough or clay into a smooth, uniform mixture by pressing and folding it.
  • Laugh – to make the sound and movement of the face and body that expresses amusement or happiness.
  • Learn – to acquire knowledge or skill through study, experience or instruction.
  • Leave – to go away from a place or person.
  • Lecture – to give a talk or speech to an audience, usually for educational or instructional purposes.
  • Lend – to give something to someone for a period of time, expecting it to be returned.
  • Make – to create or produce something.
  • Manage – to be in charge of or control something.
  • Mark – to make a visible impression or sign on something.
  • Marry – to become united in marriage.
  • Meet – to come into the presence of someone.
  • Need – to require something because it is essential or important.
  • Neglect – to pay no attention or too little attention to something or someone.
  • Notice – to become aware of something or someone.
  • Nourish – to provide with food or other substances necessary for life and growth.
  • Nurture – to care for and encourage the growth and development of something or someone.
  • Observe – to watch or notice something carefully and attentively.
  • Obtain – to get or acquire something.
  • Occupy – to take control or possession of a place or thing.
  • Offer – to present or propose something for acceptance or rejection.
  • Open – to move or adjust something to allow access or passage.
  • Pack – to put things into a container for transportation or storage.
  • Paint – to apply colored pigments to a surface to create an image or design.
  • Participate – to take part in an activity or event.
  • Pay – to give someone money in exchange for goods or services.
  • Perform – to carry out a task, duty or responsibility.
  • Qualify – to meet the necessary requirements or conditions for something.
  • Quarrel – to have an angry disagreement or argument with someone.
  • Question – to ask someone for information or clarification about something.
  • Quit – to leave or stop doing something.
  • Quote – to repeat or copy out a passage or statement from a source.
  • Raise – to move or lift something to a higher position or level.
  • Reach – to stretch out one’s arm or hand in order to touch or grasp something.
  • Read – to look at and comprehend the meaning of written or printed material.
  • Realize – to become aware of something or understand something clearly.
  • Receive – to be given or presented with something.
  • Sacrifice – to give up something of value for the sake of a higher purpose or principle.
  • Satisfy – to meet the needs, desires or expectations of someone or something.
  • Save – to rescue or protect someone or something from harm or danger.
  • Say – to speak or express in words.
  • Scan – to examine or analyze something quickly or superficially.
  • Take – to get hold of something and move it or remove it from a place.
  • Talk – to communicate by spoken words.
  • Uncover – to reveal or make known something that was previously hidden
  • Undermine – to weaken or diminish the strength or effectiveness of something
  • Understand – to comprehend or grasp the meaning of something
  • Unite – to bring together or join as one
  • Urge – to encourage or persuade someone to do something
  • Use – to employ or make use of something for a specific purpose
  • Utilize – to make use of something effectively or efficiently
  • Utter – to speak or articulate words
  • Value – to consider something to be important or valuable
  • Vary – to change or make something different
  • Verify – to confirm the truth or accuracy of something
  • Visit – to go and see someone or somewhere
  • Watch – to observe or monitor something
  • Work – to engage in an activity in order to achieve a specific goal or outcome
  • Worry – to be anxious or concerned about something
  • Write – to record or create written words or symbols
  • Xerox – to make a copy of a document using a Xerox machine
  • Yell – to shout loudly in order to be heard
  • Yield – to produce or provide something, or to give in to pressure or force
  • Zero – to reduce to zero, or to indicate the absence of something
  • Zest – to grate the outer skin of a citrus fruit to extract its flavor or aroma
  • Zigzag – to move in a zigzag pattern, changing direction frequently
  • Zing – to move quickly and energetically
  • Zip – to close or fasten something with a zip fastener
  • Zipper – to fasten or unfasten a zipper on clothing or other items
  • Zone – to divide or categorize an area according to a specific characteristic
  • Zonk – to knock unconscious or put to sleep
  • Zoom in – to focus on a specific object or detail by enlarging or magnifying it

Also Learn: List of all forms of verbs

List of Verbs with Meaning | Images

verbs List with Meaning

list of verb with meaning

list of verb with meaning

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