A One Year Or An One Year: Which One is Correct?

A One Year Or An One Year

Have you ever been confused about whether to use “a” or “an” before certain words? You’re not alone! This article will help you understand the correct usage, especially when it comes to phrases like “a one year” or “an one year”. We’ll break it down into simple terms so that by the end of this article, you’ll be an expert.

The correct phrase is “a one year.” Although “one” begins with a vowel, the decision to use “a” or “an” is based on the sound that follows it. Since “one” starts with the “w” sound (as in “won”), which is a consonant sound, “a” is the correct article to use. So, you would say “a one-year plan” or “a one-year anniversary.”

The Rule of “A” and “An”

First things first, let’s talk about the basic rule. The choice between “a” and “an” depends on the SOUND that follows, not just the letter.

  • Use “a” before words that start with a consonant SOUND.
  • Use “an” before words that start with a vowel SOUND (like A, E, I, O, U).

The Special Case of “One”

The word “one” starts with a “w” sound, even though it starts with the letter “o.” Say “one” out loud, and you’ll hear it. Because “one” sounds like it starts with a “w,” we treat it like it starts with a consonant.

The Right Choice

So, for “one year,” we use “a” because “one” sounds like it begins with a “w.” The correct way to say it is “a one year.”


  • Correct: I have a one-year plan.
  • Incorrect: I have an one-year plan.

Remember the Rule

Always think about the sound, not just the letter. This rule helps with other words too. For example, we say “an hour” because “hour” sounds like it starts with a vowel, even though it starts with “h.”

Practice Makes Perfect

Here are some more examples to help you practice:

  • ___ university student

Correct: A university student (Because “university” starts with a “yoo” sound, which is a consonant sound.)

  • ___ honest mistake

Correct: An honest mistake (The “h” in “honest” is silent, so it sounds like it starts with a vowel sound.)

  • ___ unique opportunity

Correct: A unique opportunity (The “u” in “unique” sounds like “yoo,” which is a consonant sound.)

  • ___ hour-long meeting

Correct: An hour-long meeting (The “h” in “hour” is silent, so it sounds like it starts with a vowel sound.)

  • ___ European vacation

Correct: A European vacation (The “E” in “European” sounds like “yoo,” which is a consonant sound.)

  • ___ one-time event

Correct: A one-time event (The word “one” sounds like it starts with a “w,” which is a consonant sound.)

  • ___ historical event

Correct: A historical event (Even though “historical” starts with an “h,” it’s pronounced with a hard “h,” so it’s treated as a consonant sound.)

  • ___ MP3 player

Correct: An MP3 player (The letter “M” starts with a vowel sound when pronounced, “em.”)

  • ___ X-ray examination

Correct: An X-ray examination (The letter “X” starts with a vowel sound when pronounced, “ex.”)

  • ___ UFO sighting

Correct: A UFO sighting (The letter “U” in “UFO” is pronounced “you,” which starts with a consonant sound.)

Must Try:

Aware Of or Aware Off
Arctic or Artic

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