Vocabulary Words with Meaning PDF

Vocabulary Words with Meaning PDF

A strong vocabulary is essential for effective communication and academic success. Learning new words and their meanings can broaden your understanding of the world around you and enhance your ability to express yourself clearly. However, with so many words in the English language, it can be overwhelming to know where to start. That’s why having a vocabulary word with meaning PDF can be a valuable resource for anyone looking to expand their vocabulary.

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English Words with Meaning

Abate – to decrease in intensity or amount

Abhor – to hate or detest intensely

Abstain – to refrain from doing something

Accolade – an award or honor

Accost – to approach and speak to someone aggressively or boldly

Adamant – refusing to be persuaded or to change one’s mind

Adversary – an enemy or opponent

Advocate – to support or argue for a particular cause or position

Aesthetic – relating to beauty or the appreciation of beauty

Affable – friendly, good-natured, or easy to talk to

Alacrity – eagerness or willingness to do something

Alienate – to make someone feel isolated or estranged

Allay – to relieve or alleviate something, such as fears or doubts

Alleviate – to make something less severe or intense

Aloof – distant, detached, or uninvolved

Altruistic – showing a selfless concern for the well-being of others

Ambiguous – having more than one possible meaning or interpretation

Ambivalent – having mixed feelings or contradictory ideas about something or someone

Ameliorate – to make something better or more tolerable

Amicable – characterized by friendliness and goodwill

Anachronistic – belonging to a period other than that being portrayed

Analogous – similar in some respects but not in others

Anecdote – a short and amusing or interesting story about a real incident or person

Animosity – strong hostility or antagonism

Anomaly – something that deviates from what is expected or normal

Antagonist – a person who actively opposes or is hostile to someone or something

Antipathy – a strong feeling of dislike or aversion

Apathy – lack of interest, enthusiasm, or concern

Aphorism – a concise statement of a principle or truth

Apotheosis – the highest point in the development of something

Appease – to pacify or placate someone by acceding to their demands

Apprehension – anxiety or fear that something bad or unpleasant will happen

Arduous – requiring great exertion or effort

Articulate – expressing oneself clearly and effectively

Ascetic – characterized by severe self-discipline and abstention from all forms of indulgence

Aspire – to have a strong desire to achieve or become something

Assuage – to make an unpleasant feeling less intense or severe

Astute – having or showing an ability to accurately assess situations or people and turn this to one’s advantage

Audacious – showing a willingness to take surprisingly bold risks

Augment – to make something greater by adding to it

Auspicious – promising success or good fortune

Authentic – genuine or real, not fake or copied

Autonomy – the right or condition of self-government or self-determination

Avarice – extreme greed for wealth or material gain

Aversion – a strong dislike or disinclination

Banal – lacking originality, freshness, or novelty

Belie – to give a false impression of something

Bellicose – demonstrating aggression and willingness to fight

Benign – gentle, kind, or harmless

Bequeath – to leave or pass on something, such as property or a legacy

Berate – to scold or criticize someone angrily

Blatant – done openly and unashamedly; obvious

Blithe – showing a casual and cheerful indifference considered to be callous or improper

Bolster – to support or strengthen something

Bombastic – high-sounding but with little meaning; inflated

Boorish – rough and bad-mannered; coarse

Brazen – bold and without shame

Breach – an act of breaking or failing to observe a law, agreement, or code of conduct

Buttress – a projecting support of stone or brick built against a wall

Cache – a collection of items of the same type stored in a hidden or inaccessible place

Cajole – to persuade someone to do something by coaxing or flattery

Callous – showing no concern that other people are or might be hurt or upset; insensitive

Candor – the quality of being open and honest in expression; frankness

Capricious – given to sudden and unaccountable changes of mood or behavior

Carping – difficult to please; critical

Catalyst – a person or thing that precipitates an event or change

Caustic – sarcastic in a scathing and bitter way

Censure – to express severe disapproval of someone or something

Chagrin – distress or embarrassment at having failed or been humiliated

Charlatan – a person falsely claiming to have a special knowledge or skill; a fraud

Chicanery – the use of deception or subterfuge to achieve one’s purpose

Chimera – a thing that is hoped or wished for but in fact is illusory or impossible to achieve

Choleric – bad-tempered or irritable

Chronic – persisting for a long time or constantly recurring

Circumscribe – to restrict something within limits

Circumspect – wary and unwilling to take risks; cautious

Citadel – a fortress, typically on high ground, protecting or dominating a city

Clairvoyant – having or exhibiting an ability to perceive events in the future or beyond normal sensory contact

Clandestine – kept secret or done secretly, especially because illicit

Clemency – mercy; lenience

Coalesce – to come together and form one mass or whole

Cogent – clear, logical, and convincing

Coherent – logical and consistent

Collusion – secret or illegal cooperation or conspiracy, especially in order to cheat or deceive others

Comely – pleasant to look at; attractive

Commensurate – corresponding in size or degree; in proportion

Complacency – a feeling of smug or uncritical satisfaction with oneself or one’s achievements

Complicit – involved with others in an illegal activity or wrongdoing

Comport – to behave in a particular way

Compromise – an agreement or settlement of a dispute that is reached by each side making concessions

Concede – to admit that something is true or valid after first denying or resisting it

Conciliatory – intended or likely to placate or pacify

Concord – agreement or harmony between people or groups

Condescend – to behave in a patronizing or superior manner

Confidant – a person with whom one shares a secret or private matter, trusting them not to repeat it to others

Conflagration – an extensive fire that destroys a great deal of land or property

Confluence – the junction of two rivers, especially rivers of approximately equal width; a situation in which two things come together or happen at the same time

Conjecture – an opinion or conclusion formed on the basis of incomplete information; a guess

Connive – to secretly allow or assist something considered immoral, illegal, or harmful to occur

Connoisseur – an expert judge in matters of taste

Consensus – general agreement among a group of people

Construe – to interpret a word or action in a particular way

Consummate – showing a high degree of skill and flair; complete or perfect

Contemptuous – showing contempt; scornful

Contentious – causing or likely to cause an argument; controversial

Contrite – feeling or expressing remorse or penitence; affected by guilt

Contrived – deliberately created rather than arising naturally or spontaneously

Conundrum – a confusing and difficult problem or question

Convivial – friendly, lively, and enjoyable; sociable

Copious – abundant in supply or quantity

Corpulent – excessively fat

Corroborate – to confirm or give support to a statement, theory, or finding

Coterie – a small group of people with shared interests or tastes, especially one that is exclusive of other people

Countenance – a person’s face or facial expression; to support or approve of something

Covert – not openly acknowledged or displayed; secret

Covet – to yearn to possess or have something

Craven – cowardly; lacking in courage

Credible – able to be believed; convincing

Credulous – having or showing too great a readiness to believe things; gullible

Culpable – deserving blame; guilty

Cumulative – increasing or growing by accumulation or successive additions

Cursory – hasty and therefore not thorough or detailed

Curtail – to reduce in extent or quantity; to impose a restriction on

Cynical – distrustful of human sincerity or integrity; believing that people are motivated purely by self-interest

Daunt – to make someone feel intimidated or apprehensive

Debacle – a sudden and ignominious failure; a fiasco

Debilitate – to make someone weak and infirm

Decadent – characterized by or reflecting a state of moral or cultural decline; luxurious and self-indulgent

Decimate – to kill, destroy, or remove a large proportion of something

Decorum – behavior in keeping with good taste and propriety; etiquette

Decrepit – elderly and infirm; worn out or ruined because of age or neglect

Defamation – the action of damaging the good reputation of someone; slander or libel

Deference – humble submission and respect

Defunct – no longer existing or functioning

Deleterious – causing harm or damage

Delineate – to describe or portray something precisely

Delinquent – typically used to describe a young person who regularly commits crimes or antisocial behavior

Deluge – a severe flood; a heavy downpour of rain; a great quantity of something

Demagogue – a political leader who seeks support by appealing to popular desires and prejudices rather than by using rational argument

Denigrate – to criticize unfairly; to defame or disparage

Ebb – the movement of the tide out to sea; a gradual decline in intensity or size

Ebullient – cheerful and full of energy; exuberant

Eccentric – unconventional and slightly strange; not placed centrally or not having its axis or other part placed centrally

Eclectic – deriving ideas, style, or taste from a broad and diverse range of sources

Edify – to instruct or improve morally or intellectually

Efficacious – effective; producing the desired outcome

Effigy – a sculpture or model of a person, typically one of a hated person

Effusive – expressing feelings of gratitude, pleasure, or approval in an unrestrained or heartfelt manner

Egregious – outstandingly bad; shocking

Elated – extremely happy and excited; overjoyed

Elegy – a poem of serious reflection, typically a lament for the dead

Elusive – difficult to find, catch, or achieve

Emaciated – abnormally thin or weak, especially because of illness or a lack of food

Embellish – to make something more attractive by adding decorative details or features; to exaggerate or add fictitious details to a story or account

Embolden – to give someone the courage or confidence to do something

Emulate – to match or surpass a person or achievement, typically by imitation

Enamored – filled with a feeling of love or admiration

Encumber – to restrict or burden someone or something in such a way that free action or movement is difficult

Endemic – regularly found and widespread in a particular geographic area or among a particular group of people

Endow – to provide with a quality, ability, or asset

Enervate – to cause someone or something to feel drained of energy or vitality; to weaken

Engender – to cause or give rise to a feeling, situation, or condition

Enhance – to improve the quality, value, or extent of something

Enigma – a person or thing that is mysterious, puzzling, or difficult to understand

Enmity – the state or feeling of being actively opposed or hostile to someone or something

Ennui – a feeling of listlessness and dissatisfaction arising from a lack of occupation or excitement

Enormity – the great or extreme scale, seriousness, or extent of something perceived as bad or morally wrong

Enshroud – to envelop completely and hide from view

Entail – to involve something as a necessary or inevitable part or consequence

Entice – to attract or tempt by offering pleasure or advantage

Enthrall – to capture the fascinated attention of someone

Enunciate – to pronounce or articulate words clearly and distinctly

Environ – to surround or enclose something

Epicure – a person who takes particular pleasure in fine food and drink

Epitome – a person or thing that is a perfect example of a particular quality or type

Equanimity – mental calmness, composure, and evenness of temper, especially in a difficult situation

Equivocal – open to more than one interpretation; ambiguous

Erudite – having or showing extensive knowledge, learning, or culture

Escalate – to increase rapidly in extent, volume, or intensity

Eschew – to deliberately avoid or abstain from

Espouse – to adopt or support a cause, belief, or way of life

Facetious – Treating serious issues with inappropriate humor.

Fallacious – Based on a mistaken belief or unsound reasoning.

Fastidious – Very attentive to detail; meticulous.

Feasible – Possible to do easily or conveniently.

Fervent – Displaying passionate intensity.

Flippant – Not showing a serious or respectful attitude.

Formidable – Inspiring fear or respect through being impressively large, powerful, intense, or capable.

Garrulous – Excessively talkative, especially on trivial matters.

Gluttonous – Excessively greedy.

Gratuitous – Given or done free of charge; unnecessary or uncalled for.

Gregarious – Fond of company; sociable.

Guileless – Innocent and without deception.

Harrowing – Extremely distressing; agonizing.

Haughty – Arrogantly superior and disdainful.

Heinous – Utterly odious or wicked.

Hermetic – Complete and airtight.

Histrionic – Overly theatrical or melodramatic in character or style.

Iconoclast – A person who attacks cherished beliefs or institutions.

Idiosyncrasy – A peculiar personality trait or habit.

Illicit – Forbidden by law, rules, or custom.

Imminent – About to happen.

Impartial – Treating all rivals or disputants equally; fair and just.

Jaunty – Having or expressing a lively, cheerful, and self-confident manner.

Jocular – Fond of or characterized by joking; humorous or playful.

Judicious – Having, showing, or done with good judgment or sense.

Kinetic – Relating to or resulting from motion.

Kitsch – Art or other objects that appeal to popular or uncultivated taste.

Knotty – Full of knots; extremely difficult or intricate.

Lackadaisical – Lacking enthusiasm and determination; carelessly lazy.

Languid – Slow and relaxed; displaying no vigor or energy.

Lascivious – Lustful or lewd in a vulgar way.

Laudable – Deserving praise and commendation.

Loquacious – Tending to talk a great deal; talkative.

Magnanimous – Generous or forgiving, especially toward a rival or less powerful person.

Malicious – Intending or intended to do harm.

Malleable – Easily influenced; pliable.

Melancholic – Characterized by or causing or expressing sadness.

Mercurial – Subject to sudden or unpredictable changes of mood or mind.

Nefarious – Wicked or criminal.

Nostalgic – Characterized by a sentimental longing for the past.

Novel – New or unusual in an interesting way.

Obtuse – Annoyingly insensitive or slow to understand.

Omnipotent – Having unlimited power; able to do anything.

Onerous – Involving an amount of effort and difficulty that is oppressively burdensome.

Opportune – Well-chosen or particularly favorable or appropriate.

Paltry – Small or meager in quantity; petty; trivial.

Panacea – A solution or remedy for all problems or diseases.

Paradigm – A typical example or pattern of something; a model.

Parsimonious – Extremely frugal; unwilling to spend money or use resources.      

Quaint – Attractively unusual or old-fashioned.

Quandary – A state of perplexity or uncertainty over what to do in a difficult situation.

Querulous – Complaining in a petulant or whining manner.

Rancorous – Characterized by bitterness or resentment.

Rapacious – Aggressively greedy or grasping.

Redolent – Having a strong pleasant odor; suggestive or reminiscent of something.

Sagacious – Having or showing good judgment; shrewd.

Salient – Most noticeable or important; prominent.

Sanguine – Optimistic or positive, especially in an apparently bad or difficult situation.

Scintillating – Sparkling or shining brightly; brilliantly and excitingly clever or skillful.

Serendipitous – Occurring or discovered by chance in a happy or beneficial way.

Spurious – Not genuine; false or fake.

Stoic – Enduring pain or hardship without showing feelings or complaining.

Taciturn – Reserved or uncommunicative in speech; saying little.

Temerarious – Reckless or rash; daring.

Tenuous – Very weak or slight; insubstantial.

Timorous – Showing or suffering from nervousness, fear, or a lack of confidence.

Ubiquitous – Present, appearing, or found everywhere.

Unctuous – Excessively or ingratiatingly flattering; oily.

Undulate – Move with a smooth wavelike motion.

Vacuous – Having or showing a lack of thought or intelligence; mindless.

Vehement – Showing strong feeling; forceful, passionate, or intense.

Venerable – Accorded a great deal of respect, especially because of age, wisdom, or character.

Wanton – Deliberate and unprovoked; sexually immodest or promiscuous.

Whimsical – Playfully quaint or fanciful, especially in an appealing and amusing way.

Wistful – Having or showing a feeling of vague or regretful longing.

Xenophobic – Having or showing a dislike of or prejudice against people from other countries.

Yearning – A feeling of intense longing for something.

Yielding – Giving way to pressure or influence; submissive.

Zealous – Showing great energy or enthusiasm in pursuit of a cause or an objective.

Zephyr – A gentle breeze.

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