Most Common Nursing Abbreviations!
Have you ever think why you can’t read the doctor’s writing on a prescription? Acronyms and abbreviations are used throughout the healthcare profession. Healthcare professionals commonly use abbreviations or Acronyms as a reference to rapidly search and accurately record data about, and instruct their patients.
Must visit: Short form of words used in WhatsApp chatting
Nursing Abbreviations List A to Z
Here is the list of most common nursing abbreviations:
< Less Than
> Greater Than
@ At
AV Atrioventricular
AU Both Ears
ATP Adenosine Triphosphatase
ATC Around the Clock
AT Axillary Temperature
AST Aspartate Aminotransferase
ASO Antistreptolysin-O
ASA Acetylsalicylic Acid
AS Left Ear
AROM Active Range of Motion
aqua Water or H2O
APTT Activated Partial Thromboplastin Time
Approx. Approximately
AP Appendectomy
AP Apical Pulse
AP Anterior/Posterior
AoA Administration on Aging
Angio Angiogram
ANA Antinuclear Antibody
ANA American Nurses Association
Amt Amount
Amb Ambulatory, Able to Walk, Walking
AMA American Medical Association
AMA Against Medical Advice
AM/am/A.M./a.m. Morning
ALT Alanine Aminotransferase
AK Above the Knee
AIDS Acquired Immunodeficiency Syndrome
AICD Automatic Implantable Cardiac Defibrillator
AI Aortic Incompetence
AI Adequate Intake
AHNA American Holistic Nurses’ Association
AHF Antihemophilic Factor
AHCPR Agency for Health Care Policy and Research
AHCA American Health Care Association
AHA American Hospital Association
AFP Alpha-Fetoprotein
AFB Acid-Fast Bacillus
AF Atrial Fibrillation
AED Antiepileptic Drug
AEB As Evidenced By
ADN Associate Degree Nurse (Nursing)
admov. Apply
Adm Admission and Discharge
ADL Activities of Daily Living
ADHD Attention Deficit-Hyperactivity Disorder
ADH Antidiuretic Hormone
ADA Americans With Disabilities Act
Ad. Spec. Admission Urine Specimen
ad sat. To Saturation
ad lib as Desired, Freely
AD Right Ear
ACTH Adrenocorticotropic Hormone
ACS American Cancer Society
ACE Angiotensin-Converting Enzyme
acc. (see A) Accommodation (see A)
ac or a.c. Before Meals
AC Adrenal Cortex, Air Conduction
ABR Absolute Bed Rest (See CBR)
ABO Blood Types
ABI Ankle-Brachial Index
ABG Arterial Blood Gases
ABD, Abd, Abdo Abdomen, or Abdominal
ABC Airway, Breathing, Circulation
AATH American Association for Therapeutic Humor
AAT Animal-Assisted Therapy
AASM American Academy of Sleep Medicine
AAA Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
aa Equal Parts, Arteries
a¯ Before
A/G, or A-G ratio Albumin and Globulin Ratio
A/CA Accommodative/Convergence Accommodation Ratio
A&E Accident and Emergency
A&D (see Adm.) Admission and Discharge
A (see acc.) Accommodation
A Anterior
A Anode
A Acetum
BWO Bowels Wide Opened
BUN Blood Urea Nitrogen
BSN Bachelor of Science In Nursing
BSL Blood Sugar Level
BSI Body Substance Isolation
BSE Breast Self-Examination
BSA Body Surface Area
BPM Beats Per Minute
BPH Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy
BP or B/P Blood Pressure
BO Bowels Opened
BNO Bowels Not Opened
BMR Basal Metabolic Rate
BMI Body Mass Index
BMD Bone Mineral Density
BKA Below Knee Amputation
BK Below Knee
BGL Blood Glucose Level
BE Base Excess
BD, or bid Twice A Day
BCC Basal Cell Carcinoma
BBA Balanced Budget Act
Ba Meal Barium Meal
BA Bowel Action
Ba Barium
B6 Pyridoxine
B2 Riboflavin
B12 Cobalamin
B1 Thiamine
CXR Chest X-Ray
CVC Central Venous Catheter
CVA Cerebrovascular Accident or Stroke
Cu Copper
CT scan Computerized Axial Tomography Scan
CT Computed Tomography
CSM Circulation, Sensation, Motion
CSF Cerebrospinal Fluid
CRNA Certified Registered Nurse Anesthetist
Cr Chromium
CPR Computerized Patient Record
CPR Cardiopulmonary Resuscitation
COOH Carboxyl Group
consult Consultation
COBRA Comprehensive Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
CO2− Carbon Dioxide Ion
CO2 Carbon Dioxide
Co Cobalt
CNS Clinical Nurse Specialist
CNO Community Nursing Organization
CNM Certified Nurse Midwife
CNC Clinical Nursing Consultant
CNA Certified Nursing Assistant
CN Cranial Nerve
CMS Centers for Medicare and Medicaid Services
cm Centimeter
CLTC Certified In Long-Term Care
Cl− Chloride Ion
Cl Chlorine, Chloride
CK or CPK Creatine Phosphokinase or Creatine Kinase
CICU Coronary Care Unit
CHON Protein (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen and Nitrogen)
CHO Carbohydrate (Carbon, Hydrogen, Oxygen)
CHIP Children’s Health Insurance Program
CHD Coronary Heart Disease
CHAP Community Health Accreditation Program
CEU Continuing Education Unit
CEA Carcinoembryonic Antigen
CDC Centers for Disease Control and Prevention
CCU Cardiac Care Unit (See CICU)
CCRC Continuing Care Retirement Community
CCF Congestive Cardiac Failure
CBR Complete Bed Rest
CBE Charting By Exception
CBD Common Bile Duct
CBC Complete Blood Count
Cath Catheter
CAT Computerized Adaptive Testing
CAT Computed Axial Tomography
CARF Commission on Accreditation of Rehabilitation Facilities
Card Cardiac
cap Capsule
CAM Complementary/Alternative Medicine
CAI Computer-Assisted Instruction
CAD Coronary Artery Disease
CaCl2 Calcium Chloride
CaBG Coronary Artery Bypass Graft
Ca++ Calcium Ion
Ca Calcium or Cancer
C/O Complaint Of
C/A Complementary/Alternative
C&S Culture and Sensitivity
C & S Culture and Sensitivity
c Cup
C Celsius
DX Diagnosis
DVT Deep Vein Thrombosis
DTP Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis
DTaP Diphtheria, Tetanus, Acellular Pertussis
DT Delirium Tremens
DST Dexamethasone Suppression Test
DRI Dietary Reference Intake
DRG Diagnosis-Related Group
dr Dram
DOB Date of Birth
DOA Dead on Arrival
DO Doctor of Osteopathy
DNR Do Not Resuscitate
DNA Deoxyribonucleic Acid
DMD Doctor of Dental Medicine
DMD Diabetes Mellitus
dL Deciliter
DICC Dynamic Infusion Cavernosometry and Cavernosography
DIC Disseminated Intravascular Coagulation
DHHS Department of Health and Human Services
DEA Drug Enforcement Agency
DDS Doctor of Dental Surgery
DDB Disciplinary Data Bank
DC or d/c Discontinue or Discharge
DAR Document, Action, Response
EVAD Explantable Venous Access Device
ET Ear (Tympanic) Temperature
ESR Erythrocyte Sedimentation Rate
ERT Estrogen Replacement Therapy
ERG Electroretinogram
ERCP Endoscopic Retrograde Cholangiopancreatogram
ER Emergency Room
EPO Exclusive Provider Organization
EPA Environmental Protection Agency
EMT Emergency Medical Technician
EMS Emergency Medical Services
EMG Electromyogram
elix Elixir
ELISA Enzyme-Linked Immunosorbent Assay
EKG (ECG) Electrocardiogram
EGD Esophagogastroduodenoscopy
EEG Electroencephalograph/Electroencephalogram
EDTA Ethylenediaminetetraacetic Acid
ED Emergency Department
ECG (EKG) Electrocardiogram
ECF Extracellular Fluid
ECF Extended Care Facility
EAR Estimated Average Requirement
Fx Fracture
FVD Fluid Volume Deficit
ft Foot or Feet
FSH Follicle-Stimulating Hormone
FOBT Fecal Occult Blood Test
Fl Fluorine
fl Fluid
FF Forced Feeding, or Forced Fluids
FeSO4 Iron Sulfate
Fe Iron
FDA Food and Drug Administration
FCA False Claims Act
FBS Fasting Blood Sugar
FAS Fetal Alcohol Syndrome
F Fahrenheit
Gyn Gynecology
GU Genitourinary
gtt/min Drops Per Minute
GTT Glucose Tolerance Test
gtt Drop
gr Grain
GI Gastrointestinal
GHB Glycosylated Hemoglobin
GH Growth Hormone
GGTP Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase
GGT Gamma-Glutamyl Transpeptidase
GFR Glomerular Filtration Rate
GER Gastroesophageal Reflux
GED General Education Development
GCS Glasgow Coma Scale
GAS General Adaptation Syndrome
GAO General Accounting Office
g/dL Grams Per Deciliter
g Gram
HRSA Health Resources and Services Administration
HR Heart Rate
HPO4 Phosphate
HOB Head of Bed
HMO Health Maintenance Organization
HLA Human Leukocyte Antigen
HIV Human Immunodeficiency Virus
HIS Hospital Information System
Hgb Hemoglobin
Hg Mercury
HFA Hospice Foundation of America
Hep B Hepatitis B
HDV Hepatitis D Virus
HDL High Density Lipoprotein
HCV Hepatitis C Virus
Hct Hematocrit
HCO3− Bicarbonate Ion
HCl Hydrochloric Acid, Hydrochloride
hCG Human Chorionic Gonadotropin
HCFA Health Care Financing Administration
HBV Hepatitis B Virus
HB5AG Hepatitis B Surface Antigen
H2O Water
H+ Hydrogen Ion
h.s. Hour of Sleep
H&H Hemoglobin and Hematocrit
h Hour(S)
IVPB Intravenous Piggyback
IVP Intravenous Push, Intravenous Pyelogram
IVAD Implantable Vascular Access Device
IV Intravenous
ITT Insulin Tolerance Test
Isol Isolation
IOM Institute of Medicine
IOL Intraocular Lens
INR International Normalized Ratio
in Inch
IM Intramuscular
IHCT Interdisciplinary Health Care Team
IgM Immunoglobulin M
IgG Immunoglobulin G
ID Intradermal
ID Identification
ICU Intensive Care Unit
ICN International Council of Nurses
ICF Intracellular Fluid
ICF Intermediate Care Facility
IADLs Instrumental Activities of Daily Living
I&O Intake and Output
I&O Intake and Output
I Iodine
KVO Keep Vein Open
KUB Kidneys/Ureters/Bladder
KS Ketosteroids
kg Kilogram
KCl Potassium Chloride
kcal Kilocalorie
K+ Potassium Ion
K Potassium
LPN Licensed Practical Nurse
LP/VN Licensed Practical/Vocational Nurse
LP Lumbar Puncture
LOC Level of Consciousness
LMP Last Menstrual Period
LLQ Left Lower Quadrant
LH Luteinizing Hormone
LFT Liver Function Test
LES Lower Esophageal Sphincter
LE Lupus Erythematosus
LDL Low Density Lipoprotein
LDH Lactic Dehydrogenase
lb Pound
LAS Local Adaptation Syndrome
L/min Liters Per Minute
L Liter
MUGA Multi-Gated Acquisition
MSDS Material Safety Data Sheet
MS Morphine Sulfate
MRSA Methicillin-Resistant Staphylococcus Aureus
MRI Magnetic Resonance Imaging
mOsm/kg Milliosmoles/Kilogram
MOM Milk of Magnesia
Mo Molybdenum
Mn Manganese
MMR Measles, Mumps, Rubella
mmol/L Millimoles Per Liter
mL Milliliter
min Minute
MI Myocardial Infarction
MgSO4 Magnesium Sulfate
MgCl Magnesium Chloride
Mg++ Magnesium Ion
mg/dL Milligrams Per Deciliter
mg Milligram
Mg Magnesium
mEq/L Milliequivalents Per Liter
mEq Milliequivalent
MDS Minimum Data Set
MDR-TB Multidrug-Resistant Tuberculosis
MDR Multidrug-Resistant
MDI Metered-Dose Inhaler
MD Doctor of Medicine
mcg (or μg) Microgram
MAR Medication Administration Record
MAOI Monoamine Oxidase Inhibitor
MAO Monoamine Oxidase
m2 Square Meter
m Meter
NSF National Sleep Foundation
NS Normal Saline
NREM Non-Rapid Eye Movement
NPO Nothing By Mouth
NPO Nil per os, Latin for “Nothing By Mouth”
NPDB National Practitioner Data Bank
NP Nurse Practitioner
Noct At Night
NOC Nursing Outcomes Classification
NMDS Nursing Minimum Data Set
NLN National League for Nursing
NIS Nursing Information System
NIOSH National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health
NIH National Institutes of Health
NICU Neonatal Intensive Care Unit
NIC Nursing Interventions Classification
NIA National Institute on Aging
NHO National Hospice Organization
NH2 Amino Group
NG Nasogastric
NCLD National Center for Learning Disabilities
NCHS National Center for Health Statistics
NAPNE National Association of Practical Nurse Education
NaOH Sodium Hydroxide
NANDA North American Nursing Diagnosis Association
NaHPO4 Sodium Monohydrogen Phosphate
NaHCO3 Sodium Bicarbonate
NAHC National Association for Home Care
NaH2PO4 Sodium Dihydrogen Phosphate
NADSA National Adult Day Services Associations
NaCl Sodium Chloride
Na2SO4 Sodium Sulfate
Na2HPO4 Disodium Phosphate
Na+ Sodium Ion
Na Sodium
NA Not Applicable
N2 Nitrogen
oz Ounce
OU Both Eyes
OTC Over-The-Counter
OT Oral Temperature
OT Occupational Therapist
OSHA Occupational Safety and Health Administration
OS Left Eye
ORIF Open Reduction/Internal Fixation
OR Operating Room
OH− Hydroxyl
OD Right Eye
OBRA Omnibus Budget Reconciliation Act
OAM Office of Alternative Medicine
O2 Oxygen
O&P Ova and Parasite
PVD Peripheral Vascular Disease
PTT Partial Thromboplastin Time
PTSD Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder
PTH Parathyroid Hormone
PT Prothrombin Time
pt Pint
PT Physical Therapist
PT Patient
PSP Phenolsulfonphthalein
PSDA Patient Self-Determination Act
PSA Prostate Specific Antigen
PROM Passive Range of Motion
PRO Peer Review Organization
PRN Pro Re Nata
PRL Prolactin Level
PRA Plasma Renin Activity
PPS Prospective Payment System
PPO Preferred Provider Organization
PPG Post Prandial Glucose
PPE Personal Protective Equipment
PPBS Post Prandial Blood Sugar
Post op spec After Surgery Urine Specimen
PO4−− Phosphate Ion
PO2(PaO2) Partial Pressure of Oxygen
PO By Mouth (Per os In Latin)
PNS Peripheral Nervous System
PNI Psychoneuroimmunology
PMS Premenstrual Syndrome
PMR Progressive Muscle Relaxation
PMI Point of Maximum Intensity
PLMS Periodic Limb Movements In Sleep
PKU Phenylketonuria
PIE Problem, Implementation, Evaluation
PICU Pediatric Intensive Care Unit
PICC Peripherally Inserted Central Catheter
pH Potential Hydrogen
PFT Pulmonary Function Test
PET Positron Emission Tomography
PEG Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy
PDPH Postdural Puncture Headache
PCV Pneumococcal Conjugate Vaccine
PCR Polymerase Chain Reaction
PCP Primary Care Provider
PCO2 Partial Pressure of Carbon Dioxide
PAR Postanesthesia Room
Pap Papanicolaou Test
PA Posteroanterior
PA Physician’s Assistant
p¯ After
p.c. After Meals
P Pulse
P Phosphorus
qd Every Day
qt Quart
qh Every Hour
qs Quantity Sufficient
qod Every Other Day
qid Four Times A Day
q2h Every 2 Hours
q Quaque, Latin for “Every”
RWJF Robert Wood Johnson Foundation
RUQ Right Upper Quadrant
RUGS Resource Utilization Group System
RTI Respiratory Tract Infection
RT Respiratory Therapist
RT Rectal Temperature
RSV Respiratory Syncytial Virus
RR Recovery Room
RPR Rapid Plasma Reagin
RPh Registered Pharmacist
RPCH Rural Primary Care Hospital
ROS Review of Systems
ROM Range of Motion
RNFA Registered Nurse First Assistant
RNA Ribonucleic Acid
RN Registered Nurse
RLS Restless Leg Syndrome
RLQ Right Lower Quadrant
RF Rheumatoid Factor
REM Rapid Eye Movement
RDA Recommended Dietary Allowance
RD Registered Dietician
RBC Red Blood Count, Red Blood Cell
RAST Radio Allergosorbent Test
RAIU Radioactive Iodine Uptake
R/T Related To
R (Resp) Respiration
SW Social Worker
susp Suspension
supp Suppository
STD Sexually Transmitted Disease
STAT/Stat Immediately, (Statim In Latin)
SSA Social Security Administration
SPF Sun Protection Factor
SOB Shortness of Breath
SOAP Subjective Data, Objective Data, Assessment, Plan
SNF Skilled Nursing Facility
SL Sublingual
SGPT Serum Glutamic Pyruvic Transaminase
SGOT Serum Glutamate Oxaloacetate Transaminase
Se Selenium
SCHIP State Children’s Health Insurance Program
SC/SQ Subcutaneous
SBC School-Based Clinic
SaO2 Oxygen Saturation
SAMe S-Adenosylmethionine
S Sulfur
tsp Teaspoon
TSH Thyroid-Stimulating Hormone
TSE Testicular Self Examination
TRH Thyrotropin-Releasing Hormone
Tr or tinct Tincture
TPR Temperature, Pulse, Respiration
TPN Total Parenteral Nutrition
TMJ Temporomandibular Joint
TICU Trauma Intensive Care Unit
TIBC Total Iron Binding Capacity
TIA Transient Ischemic Attack
THA Total Hip Arthroplasty
TF Tube Feeding
TENS Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Td Tetanus/Diphtheria
Tbsp Tablespoon
TB Tuberculosis
TAC Tetracaine, Adrenaline, Cocaine
tab Tablet
T4 Thyroxine
T3 Triiodothyronine
t.o. Telephone Order
T Temperature
UTI Urinary Tract Infection
USP United States Pharmacopeia
URQ Upper Right Quadrant
UPP Urethra Pressure Profile
UMLS Universal Medical Language System
UL Upper Intake Level
UIS Universal Intellectual Standards
UAP Unlicensed Assistive Personnel
UA or U/A Routine Urinalysis
U-100 100 Units Insulin Per Cc
U/L Unit Per Liter
U Unit
VS Vital Signs
VRE Vancomycin-Resistant Enterococci
VMA Vanillymandelic Acid
VLDL Very Low-Density Lipoprotein
VDRL Venereal Disease Research Laboratory
VAS Visual Analog Scale
VAD Ventricular Assist Device, Vascular Access Device
VA Veterans Administration, Veterans Affairs
wt Weight
WPM Words Per Minute
WNL Within Normal Limits
WHO World Health Organization
W/C Wheel Chair
YWCA Young Women’s Christian Association
Zn Zinc
Nursing Abbreviations
- HIV = human immunodeficiency virus
- PIH = pregnancy induced hypertension
- UA = urinalysis
- ii = 2
- A&O = alert and oriented
- NKDA = no known drug allergies
- PC = after meals
- OTC = over the counter
- RA = rheumatoid arthritis
- CAB = carotid artery bruit
- FAS = fetal alcohol syndrome
- PID = pelvic inflammatory disease
- H/O = history of
- EDD = estimated delivery date
- DOT = directly observed therapy
- LBW = low birth weight
- LLQ = left lower quadrant
- EBL = estimated blood loss
- PO = per os (by mouth)
- BMI = body mass index
- URI = upper respiratory infection
- LUL = left upper lobe
- TPR = temperature, pulse, respiration
- ABD = abdomen
- q2h = every 2 hours
- VSS = vital signs stable
- FT = full term
- PD = Parkinson’s disease
- F = fahrenheit
- Rx = treatment
- T&C = type and cross (blood)
- SOB = shortness of breath
- HBV = hepatitis B virus
- NVD = normal vaginal delivery
- AIDS = acquired immune deficiency syndrome
- ECASA = enteric coated acetylsalicylic acid
- VH = vaginal hysterectomy, hallucination
- MVA = motor vehicle accident
- PKD = polycystic kidney disease
- JCV = JC virus
- COPD = chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
- DO = disorder
- DSM = Diagnostic and Statistical Manual on Mental Disorders
- GH = growth hormone
- STD = sexually transmitted disease
- BRP = bathroom privileges
- P = pulse
- FB = foreign body
- GHRH = growth hormone releasing hormone
- LAD = leukocyte adhesion deficiency
- FNF = finger to nose
- qd = once a day
- GTT = glucose tolerance test
- iii = 3
- WNL = within normal limits
- COLD = chronic obstructive lung disease
- CBC = complete blood count
- GA = gestational age
- S = without
- PAP = pulmonary artery pressure
- O2 = oxygen
- NAD = no acute distress
- PNS = peripheral nervous system
- DOA = dead on arrival or date of admission
- VIP = voluntary interruption of pregnancy
- UO = urine output
- ON = optic neuritis
- OSA = obstructive sleep apnea
- TAB = tablet
- HR = heart rate or hour
- BID = bis in dies (twice a day)
- EGC = early gastric cancer
- RUQ = right upper quadrant
- PA or PT = patient
- FSH = follicle stimulating hormone
- iv = 4
- HA = hemolytic anemia
- qid = four times a day
- LUQ = left upper quadrant
- MG = milligram
- PE = pulmonary embolism
- GTT = glucose tolerance test
- FB = foreign body
- In vitro = in the laboratory
- FRC = functional residual capacity
- qod = every other day
- BAL = blood alcohol level
- RA = right atrium
- CBF = cerebral blood flow
- TGA = transient global amnesia
- AD = right ear
- CF = cystic fibrosis
- NTG = nitroglycerin
- TB = tuberculosis
- FM = fetal movement
- qh = once every hour
- WT = weight
- ECV = external cephalic version
- HCV = hepatitis C virus
- NPO = nothing by mouth
- HR = heart rate
- OPD = outpatient department
- v = 5
- IVIG = intravenous immune globulin
- ECC = emergency cardiac care
- PCP = primary care physician
- TAH = total abdominal hysterectomy
- FOBT = fecal occult blood testing
- F/C = fever, chills
- CP = chest pain
- IUPC = intrauterine pressure catheter
- IVF = in vitro fertilization
- ADHD = attention deficit hyperactivity disorder
- CAP = capsule
- OU = both eyes
- PCN = penicillin
- ARDS = adult respiratory distress syndrome
- CABG = coronary artery bypass graft
- ARF = acute renal failure, acute rheumatic fever
- i = 1
- Nat/O = birth
- RBC = red blood cell
- DOB = date of birth
- ECMO = extracorporeal membrane oxygenation
- PEEP = positive end expiratory pressure
- JVD = jugular venous distension
- CBD = common bile duct
- IDDM = insulin dependent diabeter mellitus
- WB = whole blood
- TBI = traumatic brain injury
- VS = vital signs
- SBS = shaken baby syndrome
- BAD = bipolar affective disorder
- CHF = congestive heart failure
- AU = both ears
- ER = emergency room
- SC/SQ = subcutaneous
- OS = left eye
- HDV = hepatitis D virus
- IP = inpatient
- HA = headache
- RUL = right upper lobe
- RXN = reaction
- DVT = deep venous thrombosis
- IPF = idiopathic pulmonary fibrosis
- IBW = ideal body weight
- OD = right eye
- JRA = juvenile rheumatoid arthritis
- FHR = fetal heart rate
- HDL = high density lipoprotein
- NM = neuromuscular
- IUI = intrauterine insemination
- HTN = hypertension
- Rx = prescription, treatment
- Dx = diagnosis
- MCO = managed care organization
- LLL = left lower lobe
- CP = cerebral palsy
- MDD = maximum daily dose
- US = ultrasound
- N/V = nausea vomiting
- HPA = hypothalamic suppression test
- qhs = at bedtime
- UE = upper extremity
- TIW = three times a week
- GU = genitourinary
- BP = blood pressure
- ICP = intracranial pressure
- IV = intravenous
- qpm = every evening
- HPI = history of present illness
- IQ = intelligence quotient
- AC = before meals
- PRN = as needed
- FNA = fine needle aspiration
- T = temperature
- C/F = chills, fever
- HS = hour of sleep (bedtime)
- FROM = free range of motion
- GLT = glucose loading test
- MD = muscular dystrophy
- CAD = coronary artery disease
- AOB = alcohol on breath
- KS = Kaposi sarcoma
- IBD = inflammatory bowel disease
- SAB = spontaneous abortion
- IVP = intravenous push
- BMR = basic metabolic rate
- IU = international units
- H20 = water
- VF = ventricular fibrillation
- CFT = complement fixation testing
- HC = head circumference
- UC = ulcerative colitis
- WBC = white blood cell
- LIH = left inguinal hernia
- BE = barium enema
- CA = cancer
- HAV = hepatitis A virus
- EDC = estimated date of confinement
- IUP = intrauterine pregnancy
- H&P = history and physical examination
- STAT = immediately
- I&O = intake and output
- IM = intramuscular
- OCD = obsessive compulsive disorder
- ECT = electroconvulsive therapy
- SX = symptoms
- q3h = every 3 hours
- Hb = hemoglobin
- OPV = oral polio vaccine
- CV = cardiovascular
- LOF = loss of fluid
- DTR = deep tendon reflex
- IBS = inflammatory bowel syndrome
- UTI = urinary tract infection
- FL = femur length
- FSE = fetal scalp electrode
- SBO = small bowel obstruction
- RDI = recommended daily intake
- BC = birth control
- MR = mental retardation
- LBP = lower back pain
- VB = vaginal bleeding
- CPR = cardiopulmonary resuscitation
- ECG or EKG = electrocardiogram
- RF = risk factor
- PT = physical therapy
- BMD = bone mass density
- RHD = rheumatic heart disease
- S/S = signs and symptoms
- ML = milliliter
- USOH = usual state of health
- ID = infectious diseases
- In vivo = in the body
- BMT = bone marrow transplant
- Ad lib = at will, as desired
- BM = bowel movement
- OCP = oral contraceptive pill
- TLC = total lung capacity
- RAD = reactive airway disease
- ICU = intensive care unit
- CVA = cerebral vascular accident (stroke)
- qam = every morning
- RV = right ventrical, residual volume
- LV = left ventricle
- XRT = external radiation therapy
- FX = fracture
- CHD = congenital heart disease
- PMS = premenstrual syndrom
- EC = eye contact
- GLT = glucose loading test
- Bx = biopsy
- GI = gastrointestinal
- REM = rapid eye movements
- I&D = incision and drainage
- MS = multiple sclerosis
- AL = left ear
- EGA = estimated gestational age
- RDS = respiratory distress syndrome
- GSW = gunshot wound
- VBAC = vaginal birth after caesarean section
- hs = hour of sleep (bedtime)
- C/S = cesarean section
- ABX = antibiotics
- FEF = forced expiratory flow
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