Collocations with the Word “GO”

Collocations with go

When we use the word “go,” we often pair it with other words to describe different actions, feelings, or situations. These pairs are called collocations. Understanding these pairs can make our English sound more natural. Let’s explore some common collocations with “go” in simple English.

Collocations with “Go”

Collocations with the word “go” are numerous due to the versatility of “go” in the English language. Here are some common collocations categorized by their type:


  • go rarely
  • go suddenly
  • go directly
  • go frequently
  • go urgently
  • go backwards
  • go effortlessly
  • go fast
  • go eventually
  • go immediately
  • go recklessly
  • go occasionally
  • go carefully
  • go deliberately
  • go easily
  • go systematically
  • go horizontally
  • go cautiously
  • go loudly
  • go vertically
  • go independently
  • go jointly
  • go openly
  • go secretly
  • go forwards
  • go smoothly
  • go slowly
  • go quietly
  • go quickly
  • go steadily

Verbs (Phrasal Verbs)

Phrasal verbs with “go” are numerous and can convey a wide range of actions and meanings. Here’s a list of such collocations:

  • go about
  • go down
  • go through
  • go back
  • go ahead
  • go along with
  • go between
  • go into
  • go off
  • go up
  • go under
  • go beyond
  • go ahead with
  • go after
  • go without
  • go for
  • go out with
  • go down with
  • go with
  • go around
  • go off on
  • go in for
  • go up against
  • go under for
  • go up to
  • go over
  • go out
  • go against
  • go by
  • go on

Nouns (Activities or Events)

Collocations involving “go” with nouns, especially in the context of activities or events, are common in English. Here’s a list that captures this usage:

  • go to a match
  • go for a drive
  • go to a party
  • go for a swim
  • go for a run
  • go to the theater
  • go to the cinema
  • go for a walk
  • go to a festival
  • go to a wedding
  • go to a meeting
  • go on a date
  • go to an exhibition
  • go to a game
  • go to a seminar
  • go to the gym
  • go to a conference
  • go on a cruise
  • go for a picnic
  • go to a lecture
  • go for a bike ride
  • go shopping
  • go fishing
  • go camping
  • go sightseeing
  • go to a concert
  • go on vacation
  • go on a hike
  • go on a trip
  • go to a workshop

Adjectives (Descriptions)

Adjectives often used in collocations with the word “go” can describe conditions, states, or qualities related to how something “goes” or is intended to go. Here are some examples:

  • go live
  • go wild
  • go missing
  • go right
  • go wrong
  • go soft
  • go public
  • go blank
  • go silent
  • go rogue
  • go green
  • go spare
  • go digital
  • go cold
  • go smooth
  • go stale
  • go sour
  • go clear
  • go bad
  • go stiff


  • go into (a room or building)
  • go on (a surface)
  • go to (a place or event)
  • go through (an experience or process)
  • go by (a mode of transportation)


Expressions collocating with “go” are diverse and add flavor to the language, encapsulating various idioms, phrases, and informal sayings. Here are some expressions with “go” that enrich conversations:

  • go to the wire
  • go the whole hog
  • go off the grid
  • go haywire
  • go from strength to strength
  • go down a storm
  • go under the radar
  • go to the mat
  • go through the motions
  • go south
  • go to town
  • go against the grain
  • go all out
  • go by the board
  • go belly up
  • go for a song
  • go overboard
  • go out on a limb
  • go without saying
  • go on the blink

These collocations show just how flexible and widely used “go” is in English, applicable to a vast array of contexts and meanings.

Collocations with go

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