250 Interesting Idioms and their Meanings with PDF

interesting idioms and their meanings

Idioms are phrases that are commonly used in everyday language and have a subtext meaning that may not be obvious to someone who is not a native speaker of the language. These phrases may be used to provide emphasis, add color to a conversation, or provide humor. Understanding the meaning behind idioms can be difficult, but can be critical to effectively communicating in a language. In this blog post, we will explore Interesting Idioms and their Meanings, and how they are used. We will also look at how idioms can be used in different contexts to ensure effective communication.

The following is an extensive list of Idioms with their meanings and examples.

Interesting Idioms and their Meanings

Interesting Idioms and their Meanings




1.    Rest/ Sit on one’s laurels to be satisfied with one’s achievements  He retired at the peak of his career and is resting on his laurels.
2.    Rise to the occasion to be able to do what is required in a crisis  We should be ready to rise to every occasion.
3.    Royal road an easy way  There is no royal road to success.
4.    Run short of to be in insufficient supply  We are running short of fuel.
5.    Safe and sound without suffering any loss  They reached home safe and sound.
6.    Save something for a rainy day save something for a time of crisis  Wise persons save something for a rainy day.
7.    Scot-free free from harm or penalty  The court let him off scot-free.
8.    See eye to eye agree fully  Both the husband and the wife see eye to eye in this matter.
9.    See how the land lies to find out about a situation  Let me see how the land lies before we do anything.
10.  Set / Put in motion to start a process  Her anger set in motion the events that led to her downfall.
11.  Set free to let someone free  He opened the cage and set the birds free.
12.  Set one’s face against to oppose  Her father set his face Against her becoming an actress.
13.  Shipshape in good order  well-arranged, neat, and clean)
14.  Show the white feather show cowardice  The brave never show the white feather on the battlefield.
15.  Sit / Be on the fence to be neutral  The judge should always sit on the fence.
16.  Small talk polite talk about very unimportant matters  I do not like to indulge in small talk.
17.  Smell a rat to have the feeling that something is bad or wrong  The thief smells a rat and ran away.
18.  So far a long way  It is so far to go.
19.  So far as far as  Try to avoid him, so far as I know him, he is not a good boy.
20.  Sour grapes fake dislike for something one cannot have   The poor man said that he did not need money, but that was just sour grapes.

Idioms with Meaning and Examples




21.  Speak one’s mind express one’s views, feelings, and thoughts  Everyone should be free to speak his mind
22.  Speak volumes to convey a great deal of meaning without using words  She said nothing but her face spoke volumes.
23.  Spick and span neat and clean, brand new  She always keeps her house spick and span.
24.  Split hairs to make trivial distinctions  Let us do not split hairs, I will do it as your wish.
25.  Spread like wildfire spread rapidly  The news of his success spread like wildfire.
26.  Stand on ceremony to behave in a formal way  Please sit down and make yourself comfortable, do not stand on ceremony here.
27.  Steal a march on to gain advantage  Do not let him steal a march on you.
28.  Storm in a teacup a big clash on a small matter  Do not worry about the two ladies quarreling, it is just a storm in a teacup.
29.  Strike while the iron is hot to do something at a proper moment  Wise people always strike while the iron is hot.
30.  Suit somebody’s book to fit well into someone’s plans  We need a male teacher, he suits our book.
31.  Take a fancy to begin to love  He has taken a fancy to that beautiful girl.
32.  Take a leaf from/out of somebody’s book to imitate, to follow someone’s example  Our country should take a leaf from Japan’s book.
33.  Take a leap in the dark to do something without worrying about the results  To start such a big business without experience is like taking a leap in the dark.
34.  Take advantage of something/somebody to make use of something well  We took full advantage of the hotel facilities.
35.  Take care of to look after  I take good care of my car.
36.  Take French leave to take time away from your job without asking for permission  Her boss was angry at her for taking French leave.
37.  Take heart gather the courage  Do not get discouraged, just take heart to face the music.
38.  Take it ill get offended  She will take it ill if you refuse to lend her a problem.
39.  Take one’s time to use as much time as you need without hurrying  The judge took his time to decide the case.

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40.  Take pains to do something/Take pains with/over something make a special effort to do something  Elina takes great pains to do his work.
41.  Take something/somebody by storm to be very successful in a particular place or with a group of people  This book has taken the students by storm.
42.  Take something into account/take account of something to consider particular facts while making a decision about something  The government should take into account the pitiable condition of the poor.
43.  Take the bull ‘by the horns to tackle the difficulties boldly  Brave people always take the bull by the horns.
44.  Take to heart feel sad  He took the death of his mother to heart.
45.  Take to one’s heels/show a clean pair of heels run away  Brave warriors never take to their heels from the battlefield.
46.  Take to task rebuke  The principal took the peon to task for his laziness.
47.  Take with a grain/pinch of salt to receive with a little doubt  Take his story with a grain of salt as he is a liar through and through.
48.  Talk shop to talk about your work  His habit of talking shop is boring for others.
49.  The man in the street an ordinary man  The man in the street takes no interest in politics.
50.  The red carpet treatment/welcome great respect and honor given to the guests  The minister was given a red carpet welcome when he visited the city.

Infographics (Interesting Idioms and their Meanings with PDF)

Interesting Idioms and their Meanings

Interesting Idioms and their Meanings

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List of interesting Idioms PDF

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