200 Irregular Verbs for Kids | Definition, Examples & PDF Link

200 Irregular Verb List

Learning grammar and language skills can be a daunting task for kids, but it doesn’t have to be boring! One of the fundamental aspects of English grammar is verbs, and within this category, there are regular and irregular verbs. Irregular verbs can be tricky for young learners, as they don’t follow the standard rules for verb conjugation. However, with the right approach and a handy list of irregular verbs, kids can master them in no time. In this article, we’ll explore the world of irregular verbs and provide you with a comprehensive list to help your child’s language development.

What Are Irregular Verbs?

Before we dive into the list of irregular verbs, let’s briefly understand what irregular verbs are. In English, most verbs follow a regular pattern when conjugated into different tenses. For example, with regular verbs, you can simply add “-ed” to the base form to create the past tense (e.g., “walk” becomes “walked”). However, irregular verbs don’t follow this rule and undergo unique changes in their base form to form the past tense.

Download the Irregular Verb List

(From Here)

List of Irregular Verb

Bare form – Past simple – Past participle

  • Buy – bought – bought
  • Shoot – shot – shot
  • Lent – lent – lent
  • Swim – swam – swum
  • Swing – swung – swung
  • Say – said – said
  • Take – took – taken
  • Tear – tore – torn
  • Think – thought – thought
  • Cling – clung – clung
  • Hold – held – held
  • Understand – understood – understood
  • Let–let–let
  • Run – ran – run
  • Beat – beat – beaten
  • Forbid – forbade – forbidden
  • Shake – shook – shaken
  • Mean – meant – meant
  • Throw – threw – thrown
  • Bite – bit – bitten
  • Break – broke – broken
  • Tell – told – told
  • Sit – sat – sat
  • Swell – swelled – swelled
  • Set – set – set
  • Feed – fed – fed
  • Swear – swore – sworn
  • Sleep – slept – slept
  • Stink – stank – stunk
  • Saw – sawed – sawn
  • Win – won – won
  • Wake – woke – woken
  • Grind – ground – ground
  • Forget – forgot – forgotten
  • Leave – left – left
  • Pay – paid – paid
  • Rise – rose – risen
  • Speak – spoke – spoken
  • Sweep – swept – swept
  • Burn – burnt – burnt
  • Overtake – overtook – overtaken
  • Come – came – come
  • Hurt – hurt – hurt
  • Sell – sold – sold
  • Weep – wept – wept
  • Shine – shone – shone
  • Have – had – had
  • Lay – laid – laid
  • Become – became – become
  • Blow – blew – blown
  • Get – got – got
  • Make – made – made
  • Sink – sank – sunk
  • Go – went – gone
  • Sing – sang – sung
  • Fight – fought – fought
  • Cost – cost – cost
  • Keep – kept – kept
  • Sew – sewed – sewn/ sewed
  • Teach – taught – taught
  • Spread – spread – spread
  • Steal – stole – stolen
  • Cut – cut – cut
  • Feel – felt – felt
  • Hang – hung – hung
  • Know – knew – known
  • Begin – began – begun
  • Hit – hit – hit
  • Ride – rode – ridden
  • Hide – hid – hidden
  • Bind – bound – bound
  • Breed – bred – bred
  • Do – did – done
  • Grow – grew – grown
  • Kneel – knelt – knelt
  • Meet – met – met
  • Eat – ate – eaten
  • Build – built – built
  • Draw – drew – drawn
  • Bring – brought – brought
  • Shut – shut – shut
  • Fly – flew – flown
  • Smell – smelt – smelt
  • Dream – dreamed/dreamt – dreamed/dreamt
  • Spit – spat – spat
  • Broadcast – broadcast – broadcast
  • Slide – slid – slid
  • Give – gave – given
  • Lose – lost – lost
  • Learn – learnt – learnt
  • Light – lighted/lit – lighted/lit
  • Catch – caught – caught
  • Lead – led – led
  • Stick – stuck – stuck
  • Put – put – put
  • Lean – leant/ leaned – leant/ leaned
  • Show – showed – shown
  • Find – found – found
  • Be – was/ were – been
  • Shrink – shrank – shrunk
  • Wind – wound – wound
  • Strike – struck – struck
  • Sting – stung – stung
  • Creep – crept – crept
  • Shed – shed – shed
  • Choose – chose – chosen
  • See – sawed – seen
  • Read – read – read
  • Arise – arose – arisen
  • Write – wrote – written
  • Awake – awoke – awoken
  • Ring – rang – rung
  • Freeze – froze – frozen
  • Fall – fell – fallen
  • Hear – heard – heard
  • Stand – stood – stood
  • Sow – sowed – sown/ sowed
  • Bet – bet – bet
  • Bend – bent – bent
  • Bear – bore – born(e)
  • Spend – spent – spent
  • Drive – drove – driven
  • Bleed – bled – bled
  • Remake–remade–remade
  • Misunderstand–misunderstood–misunderstood
  • Dig – dug–dug
  • Forgive – forgave – forgiven
  • Drink – drank – drunk
  • Wear – wore – worn
  • Spill – spilt/ spilled – spilt/ spilled
  • Lie (in bed) – lay – lain
  • Deal – dealt – dealt
  • Burst – burst – burst
  • Send – sent – sent

How to Teach Irregular Verbs to Kids

  • Visual Aids: Use flashcards or visual aids with colorful images to represent each verb. This visual association can help kids remember the irregular forms more easily.
  • Engaging Activities: Incorporate fun activities like games, puzzles, or story-telling to practice irregular verbs. For example, you can create a “verb hunt” game where kids search for irregular verbs in a storybook.
  • Repetition: Practice makes perfect. Encourage your child to use irregular verbs in sentences regularly to reinforce their understanding.
  • Storytelling: Narrating stories that use irregular verbs can be a captivating way for kids to learn. Create imaginative stories that incorporate the verbs from the list.
  • Daily Conversation: Encourage your child to use these verbs in their daily conversations. This practical application helps solidify their understanding.


list irregular verb irregular verb Irregular Verb List

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