20 Simple Essays for Students – Essays Writing

Simple Essays for Students

Simple Essays for Students!

This lesson contains 20 simple essays for students we try to make this lesson for both adults and children, by dividing the content into simple and standard language.

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Simple Essays for Students

My Village (easy)

The name of my village is Noorpur. It is situated near The River Ravi. There are more than 5000 people living in this village. It has separate Middle Schools for girls and boys. It has a small market, post office, health center, and a mosque. There is greenery all around the village. It has a Panchayat system. It works for the welfare of the villagers. Most people are educated and well-mannered. It has almost all the facilities of life. It is a peaceful and beautiful place.

My Village        (standard)

My village is the loveliest village in Punjab. It is situated between Kot Sultan and Layyah. There are green mango trees in my village. There are also various crops here. There is greenery everywhere. The place looks like a paradise on earth. The meadows and flowery bushes present a lovely sight. Masts of the villagers are farmers. The others are shopkeepers, factory workers, cattlemen, and government servants. Nearly, all the villagers send their boys and girls to nearby schools. They also go to college. There are four high schools and one college in my village. There are four playgrounds where children play games. There is a post office, three union councils, and a dispensary in it. My village is an ideal place. The people are simple, honest, hardworking, and hospitable.

A Rainy Day (easy)

It was the month of July. The heat wave disturbed all the living beings. The temperature was rising day by day. Animals, birds, and human beings all wished for rain. At last, prayers were granted and one day dark clouds covered the sky. After some time a heavy shower began to fall. All gave a sigh of relief. Young boys and children came outdoors and had a bath in the rain. The old sat near windows and enjoyed themselves. Birds and animals also left their shelter places and made them comfortable in the rainwater. The temperature fell at once and the heat wave came to an end. The rain lasted for four hours. The trees and plants also looked fresh. We thanked Almighty Allah for bringing us relief from the heat.

A Rainy Day      (standard)

In our country, summer is troublesome and unbearable. We are in dire need of rain, I remember one day in the month of July, it was stuffy and the temperature reached 500 centigrade. Then everybody began to pray to God for the falling of rain. We were glad when dark clouds appeared in the sky. Very shortly, dark clouds covered the sky. The cool wind began to blow then a heavy shower began to fall. All heaved a sigh of relief. Young boys and children came outdoors and had a bath in the rain. The temperature fell at once and the heat wave came to an end. The rain lasted for three were washed and looked so fresh. There was rainwater everywhere. We thanked Almighty Allah who showered his blessing in the shape of rain.

How do I clean my room? (easy)

Islam emphasizes cleanliness because it keeps us healthy and disciplined. I keep myself neat and clean. I also clean my room daily. I do dusting and set my bedsheet properly. I usually put the things of my daily use incorrect order. I put my bag in its place. I hang my uniform and other clothes in the cupboard. I arrange my books on the book shelve. In this way, I clean my room almost daily.

How do I clean my room?        (standard)

It is the holy saying of our beloved prophet that cleanliness is half of the faith. Cleanliness is next to godliness. Islam emphasizes cleanliness because it keeps us healthy and disciplined. So I try my best to keep my room neat and clean. For this purpose, first of all, I sprinkle some water on the floor. When it gets dried a little, I sweep it with a broom. I do dusting on the walks of my room. I clean my room daily. I set my bedsheet properly. I usually put uniform cleanliness. Clean my things and room other of almost my clothes daily. In using the in the cupboard. I am correct to know that order. I arrange God I put loves my books bag people at on its the who proper bookshelf. Practice place. In purity, this hang way and my!

The Game I like the Most      (easy)

Games are important to keep the body and mind healthy. I play different indoor and outdoor games but crickets are my favorite game. It is an outdoor game. It keeps us active and physically strong. There are 11 players in a team. Two teams compete with each other in a playground. Both the teams play their innings. Some players are good at batting while others are perfect at bowling. There are many forms of this game like 20-20 and 50 overs match. Toss winning team prefer to play first and set the target for the other team. The second team has to achieve the target to win. So, it is a group as well as an energetic game.

The Game I like the Most         (standard)

Now a day’s cricket is liked throughout the world. It is a very interesting game. It is one of the most played games in our country. There are two teams in a cricket match. Either team consists of 11 players. This is an outdoor game played with a bat and a ball. One of the teams is on batting while the other is on bowling and fielding. The team that makes more scores in batting wins the match in the end. Every player comes to bat or bowl in the turn. If a player misses a ball and lets it go to the wickets, he loses his turn. He may also lose his wicket while making runs or hitting the ball if it is caught by a player of the other team. There are two empires at the ground whose decision must be followed by players of both teams. He observes the bowler and the batsman follows the rules. Cricket is really a very good game for my physical and mental health. This game makes me strong and active through fielding, batting, and bowling.

the game i like the most

A Roadside Accident  (easy)

Accidents have become a regular feature all over the world. Everyday newspapers carry so many stories of accidents. A few days ago, I witnessed an accident on L.M. road. It was a very sad happening. The road at the spot was littered with broken glass. Actually, a car hit the motorcycle very badly. The motorcyclist was thrown away and passed away on the spot. The motorcycle was broken into pieces. The car lag on one side. Many people gathered there. They were sad and gloomy at the accident. Soon the police arrived. Rescue 1122 came and took the injured persons to the hospitals. The driver of the car was severely injured and was taken to the hospital. The police officer took down the statements. All the people prayed for the safety of the injured persons.

A Roadside Accident        (standard)

Accidents have become a regular feature all over the world. Every day news-papers carry so many stories of accidents. In my opinion, there are three reasons of these accidents.

  1. The roads are narrow and in bad condition.
  2. The drivers drive their vehicles at high speed.
  3. The people do not abide by the traffic rules.

On 12th instant, I was returning from school at afternoon. I saw a car coming at a high speed near the civil hospital. At the same time a motor cyclist appeared from the other side. The car hit the motorcycle. The motorcyclist was thrown away. He was badly injured. The motorcycle was broken into pieces. Many people gathered there. They were sad at the accident. Soon the police arrived. Rescue 1122 came and took the injured person to the hospital. The driver of the car was arrested. The police officer took down the statements. All the people prayed for the safety of the injured person.

A Visit to a Hospital (easy)

Yesterday, I was suffering from high fever. I went to a nearby hospital. The doctor examined me. I told him that there was pain behind my eyes, I had a severe headache. After some medical reports, the doctor diagnosed me with Dengue fever. He told me that I could be cured in about two weeks. He prescribed me medicines. He asked me to take juices, soups, tea, etc. he further advised me to adopt some precautionary measures. I got rid of the Dengue fever in a couple of weeks.

A Visit to a Hospital   (standard)

Yesterday I was not feeling well. I was suffering from a high fever. I went to a nearby hospital. The doctor examined me. I told him that I had a high fever, there was pain behind my eyes, and I had a severe headache. I told him that I had taken some medicines but to no effect. After examining me, he recommended me some medical tests. My medical reports diagnosed me with Dengue fever. The doctor told me that as my disease was in the early stages, I could be cured in about two weeks. He prescribed me medicines. He told me that I should take juices, soups, tea, etc. The doctor told me to adopt some precautionary measures such as spraying of insecticides in the house and to use a mosquito net. I got rid of the Dengue fever in a couple of weeks. I told my friends about the precautionary measures that were to be adopted. I am healthy now and fully recovered.

My Favorite Hobby    (easy)

Nowadays a man has to do a lot of work to earn his living. He has to do work beyond his capacity. This makes him feel boredom. He faces anxiety, worries and grief’s to relax himself, he wants some recreation. Thus he chooses a certain hobby to keep the boredom away because a hobby is a pleasant activity. A hobby is work that we do in our spare time. Gardening is my hobby. It gives me pleasure and enjoyment. I have a small orchard in front of my house. I have grown beautiful flowers and plants in it. I water them daily and regularly. I enjoy their sweet smell. I spend much of my time to look after it. Beautiful flowers refresh me. Gardening is a very useful hobby.

My Favorite Hobby (standard)

This age is the age of dearness. So a man has to do a lot of work to meet his needs and desires properly. Usually, he has to work beyond his capacity. Thus he faces anxiety, worries and grief. Naturally, he wants some relaxation and recreation. Then he chooses a certain hobby to kill his time because a hobby is a pleasant activity. A hobby is work that we do in our spare time. Gardening is my hobby. It gives me pleasure and enjoyment. It keeps me physically fit. I have a small beautiful garden in front of my house. I have grown beautiful flowers and plants in it. I water them regularly. I enjoy their sweet smell. I spend all my time in it. I look after them with care and love. This hobby gives me pleasure. This hobby removes my worries. Beautiful flowers refresh me. Gardening is a very useful hobby.

My dream of Life (easy)

I dream of a world, which should have a clean environment, where there will be no racial discrimination. Everyone should be free to go and come as he pleases. He should have political and religious freedom. I dream a world in which there would be no nepotism, and everyone should get a job according to his ability. Education should be free for poor people so that they would be able to get their children educated. There should be a democratic set up in the country for the promotion of democracy. There should be peace and happiness everywhere.

My Dream of Life     (standard)

Sometimes, a man himself is reasonable and good in his behavior but some despotic powers compel him to do wrong. A pious man can do nothing against the orders of his conscience. In this situation, he dreams of a world that is free of compulsions and crimes, pride and prejudice. I dream of a world that reflects the Islamic code of life. In which there is no discrimination, no cruelty and even no rule of “Might is right.” I dream of a world in which there would be justice and equality. I dream of a world that should have a clean environment everyone should be free to go and come as he desires. He should have religious freedom. In which, There would be a brotherhood. Politeness, free education for all, piety, and goodness. I dream of a world in which there would be no nepotism, disintegration and should get a jab according to his ability. There should be a democratic set up in the country for the promotion of democracy. There should be peace and happiness everywhere. May God bless us with such an honest ruler who would bring positive change in the present setup of the country. All are equal before the law. There is no difference between rich and poor. So I dream of a life of happiness, a world which should have all facilities of leading life peacefully.

Science is a Blessing (easy)

This is an era of science. Science has blessed us with so many gifts such as electricity, airplane, railway engine, mobile phone, internet, fridge, T.V, V.C.R, A.C, Laptop, Computer, etc. With the help of science, man has made a lot of progress in agriculture, commerce, industry, communication, and medicine, and information technology. Science has made this vast world a global village. Science has done wonders in every field of life. Inside and outside the house it has brought comfort and ease for man.

Science is a Blessing   (Standard)

Science is a Blessing (standard) Science means systematic and formulated knowledge or a skillful technique. Science has made a lot of progress in every walk of life. It has brought a great revolution. It has changed the world with its inventions so far. In this age of science, man has invented a lot of useful things with its help. Take any field of life, science has blessed it with its wonderful inventions such as electricity, airplane, railway engine, mobile phone, internet, refrigerator; television, video cassette recorder. Air-conditioner, laptop, computer, etc. Man has made a lot of progress in agriculture, commerce, industry, medicine, and in every walk of life. Science has made this vast world a global village. It has shortened the distance and brought men close to one another. It has introduced many things of comfort and ease for man. Whatsoever problem we face can be solved by. The help of science. So we can call it a blessing for man.

A Book Fair (easy)

Last Sunday, I happened to visit the Punjab Library where a book fair was organized. There were stalls of many Publishers. Every stall kept a large collection of books. These books were being sold at 50% discount. There was a great rush of people at every stall. Books from all walks of life were available at this fair. I bought a dictionary and a book about Quaid-e-Azam life. Book fair is a good activity. It promotes love for book reading among the people.

A Book Fair       (standard)

Thousands of books written by great writers are left unseen or limited to publishers. Most of the readers are unaware of their value. Thus elevated ideas of the great thinkers are left unknown to us. Some people do not have enough money to buy the books of their choice. ‘A Book Fair’ is a good chance of buying books at 50% concession. Last Sunday, my father took me to visit the Punjab Library where a book fair was organized. I was much surprised to see the stall of many publishers. Every stall kept a large collection of books. I tried to look for the books I desired. One is tempted to buy all books but my father allowed me to buy only two books. I like dictionaries so I bought a dictionary and a book about the life of Allama Iqbal. My father bought some books on theology. We got out of the great rush of people and returned home happily.

What you do Every Day (easy)

I get up early in the morning every day. I take both daily. I got out for a walk without fail. I take exercise. I recite the Holy Quran and learn more or less, one verse daily. I also translate the verses of the Holy Quran. I go to school daily. When I return home. I water the plants of my orchard. I do help my parents in their work. I say my prayers five times a day. Before going to sleep I press the feet of my father. I help my mother in culinary work.

What you do Every Day  (standard)

Something is better than nothing. Idleness creates boredom. We should do some or the other work. If we do something good, we will find its better reward. To my thinking, three things are necessary to be done daily. These are: saying prayers, reciting the Holy Quran and serving the parents, and pressing their feet every day, I get up early in the morning. I go out for a walk daily and take exercise there. I take bath daily and feet fresh. I say my prayers five times a day. I recite the Holy Quran daily. I learn, more or less, one verse from the Holy Quran by heart and also its meanings and translation. I go to school daily when I return home. I water the plants of my orchard. I do help my parents in their household work before going to sleep. I press the feet of my father. I help my mother in culinary work.

My Favorite Poet / Allama Iqbal

A poet is a person who writes poems to express deep feelings. In our country, there are many poets who have written on various subjects. The most famous of these poets is Allama Iqbal.

[3:02 PM, 8/15/2021] Usama 2: He belonged Allama to Iqbal a religious passed is our family. His National M.A. Love from Poet of Government He Islam was born in College his at Sialkot blood. And He on then9th was went of educated November to Europe.atSialkot1877.He became and in Lahore. A barrister He and came back to Pakistan (then India). His main interest lay in poetry. He, therefore, devoted himself to poetry. His poetry is full of hope and inspiration. His poetry also reveals his great love for Allah, Muhammad (PBUH) and Islam. He awakened the Muslims from their deep sleep. He reminded them of their glorious past. He worked closely with the Quaid-e-Azam. He gave the idea of Pakistan. He felt that the Muslims could live in peace only after having a separate homeland. He passed away on the 21st.

Your feeling if you are trapped somewhere alone after a disaster

It was in the month of December, I was sitting with my friends in Kaghan. We were chatting with one another. Suddenly I felt somebody pushing me. The ceiling fan, windows, and door of the room started shivering. I felt the ground vibrating under my feet. All my friends ran out shouting “earthquake” earthquake”. The people were running here and there for shelter. The intensity of earthquake was gradually increasing. I was sitting alone in the room. I was frightened and did not know what to do. I saw houses collapsing on the ground, the mountains were shivering like a leaf. I was about to lose my senses. The people were shouting at me to get out of the room. When I came out, I saw a strange world. It was a terrible earthquake. The roads were totally damaged. The houses were demolished. After some time, Silence prevails everywhere. The earthquake had stopped. I thanked Allah and came back home. That incident will remain in my mind as a terrible night mare.

A Character Sketch of Myself

My name is Ali. I am 12 years old. I am about 5 feet tall. I have a strong body. I wear neat and clean clothes. I read in class seven. I always stand first in class. All the teachers like me for my intelligence and good habits. I always like to help the student’s poor in studies. I am also fond of games. I play hockey in the evening. Gardening is my hobby. I spend some time in my garden daily. All my friends, relatives and neighbors are proud of me. I want to serve the people of my country. I work very hard to achieve my aim in life. My parents always pray for my success.


Eid-ul-Fitr is a great religious festival of Muslims. It is celebrated on 1st Shawal after the completion of Ramadan. People start preparation for the celebration of Eid from the very beginning of Ramadan. Everyone wears new clothes, offers prayers, greets one another, and eats vermicelli. After fasting for one month, people can really understand the problems of the needy and the poor. It is also necessary to give “Fitrana” to the needy before celebrating Eid-ul-Fitr. Therefore, Eid-ul-Fitr is also an event of sharing the joys and sorrows of others.

Use of Plastic Bags

The use of plastic bags is a serious problem of our modern age. Plastic materials are non-biodegradable. They do not easily dissolve. We mostly prefer to use plastic bags, as they are easy to carry but they are harmful. After using them people throw them into the streets or on the roads. It leads to the blockade of the sewage system. Some uneaten pieces of food in it get poisonous and can cause death to the animals which eat them. It also causes land and water pollution. Plastic bags are very difficult to destroy. So, it is better to say “No” to plastic bags. Instead of them, we should use paper bags.

A Visit to the Zoo

Last Sunday we decided to visit the zoo. My parents were with me. We left for the zoo at 12:15 pm in the afternoon. We reached there at 1:00 p.m. We bought tickets to enter the zoo. It was a very beautiful place. There were different types of birds and animals in colorful cages. As we move ahead, we saw a pond in which ducks were swimming. My father guided me to where an elephant was kept. I was very happy to see the elephant. Then we moved to the cages of lions, we threw some pieces of meat into their cages. We stayed in the zoo for an hour. We came back home at 3.p.m. I was very happy that day.

Early to bed and early to rise make a man healthy, wealthy, and wise. Morning walk is good for health. I get up early in the morning. I say my prayer and go to a park. The park is full of people. I exercise there. The morning breeze is very refreshing. I take long breaths. The green grass and trees look very beautiful. I enjoy the birds chirping in the trees. Then I come back home. I take my breakfast. I change my clothes and go to school. Morning walk keeps me active and fresh throughout the day.

A Computer

Necessity is the mother of invention and the Computer is one of them. It is rightly said that the computer is one of the most wonderful inventions of the 20th century. It has great importance because the use of computers has reached almost all walks of life. Modern life includes information and contacts with people around the world. The computer has made this world a global village. A computer is a very useful machine. It has three parts; monitor, C.P.U and keyboard. It has many languages. It is a wonderful invention. It can solve many problems. I have also a Computer. I like it very much. I keep it carefully. It helps me in my studies. It keeps me in touch with my friends and relatives through the internet. Whenever I am tired of my studies, I enjoyed myself with music and games in it. The computer is used in every field of life. It is used in hospitals, laboratories, and offices. It keeps records. I am very ambitious to become a software engineer in the future.

A House On Fire

It was the 24th of June, 2012. It was Friday. I was reading in my room. I saw many people running towards the spot. Suddenly I heard a noise in the street. The people were crying fire! Fire! I came out of my room. I reached the spot. I saw that Akram’s house was on fire. More than half of the building was on fire. It was a horrible sight. The people looked terrified. The flames were rising to the sky. The women and children were weeping bitterly. They were crying for help. The people took pity on them. Some of them were throwing water on the fire. Some of them were throwing sand on the fire. I rang up the fire brigade. It reached once. It brought the fire under control in no time. The people thanked God. There was a great loss of property but there was no loss of life. May God save us from such horrible incidents!

Pakistan Development in Satellite Technology (easy)

Space technology is necessary for the security of the country. Pakistan space program was started when SUPARCO was established on 16 September 1961 the main purpose of suparco was to research and make up development in space sciences technology. Pakistan launched its first satellite from China in 1990. Its name was BADR-1. In 2001 Pakistan launched another satellite named BADR-2. It was the earth observation satellite. In 2002 Pakistan launched its first geostationary satellite named PAKSAT-I. Pakistan first communication satellite was launched on 12 August 2011. Pakistan’s R.S. Satellite-I was launched on 9 July 2018. Pakistan progress towards the space program is effective. Yet more Institutions should be built to strengthen the space program of Pakistan.

My Mother

My mother’s name is      She is a very nice lady. She is about 32 years old. She cooks food for us. She gets up early in the morning. She offers prayers regularly. She washes our clothes. She is an educated lady. She teaches me in the evening. She helps me in my homework. I am proud of my mother.

May she live long! (Ameen)

Best Teacher 

I have many teachers but Mr. Anjum is my best teacher. He is an M.A ., M.Ed. He is our teacher in-charge. He teaches us English, Urdu and Pakistan Studies. His method of teaching is very interesting. He is a very hardworking teacher. He is very regular and punctual. He is never late from school. He calls our roll and starts the lesson. He checks our mistakes in our presence. He is about thirty years old. He is very active and smart. He wears simple but neat dress. He advises us to work hard, to speak the truth and to do the right. He wants us to be a true Muslim and a good Pakistani. His class always shows very good results. He is a born teacher. All the students and the headmaster like him. He is an ideal teacher. I am proud of him. May he live long! (Ameen).

My Father   

My father is a teacher. His name is Farakh Nazeer. He is about forty. He works in a Government high school. He is an M.A ., B.Ed. He teaches high classes. He teaches English and Mathematics. He is very intelligent and hardworking. He loves us very much. He provides us the articles we need. He guides us how to study. He has built a house. We live in it. His house has all the facilities we need. He is an honest man. He is popular among his colleagues and pupils. He gets up early in the morning. He says his Fajir prayer and goes for a walk. He recites the Holy Quran daily. He is physically strong and mentally alert. He is very punctual. He is religious minded. He gives religious references in his lessons. He always helps the poor and the needy. He performs his duties properly. He is very kind to his pupils. He has a smiling face. He teaches us in the evening. He appreciates us when we get a position in the examination.I am proud of my father. May he live long!

My School

I read in the Muslim High School. It is situated outside the city. It has a spacious building. It has two storeys. There are about forty rooms in it. All the rooms are clean and airy. The rooms are white – washed. Every classroom has two fans. It has a big hall. Meetings and examinations are held in it. My school has a library. We read newspapers and magazines there. We can have books for a week. There is a science laboratory in it. There is a drawing room in it. There are two big playgrounds in my school. The plot attached to the school is very beautiful. It has green grass and fragrant flowers in it. Forty teachers work in my school. About 2000 students study here. The headmaster is very able and experienced person. My school shows 100% results every year. I am proud of my big and beautiful school.

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20 Simple Essays for Students Infographics

My village A rain day How do i clean my room a road accident essay A visit to a hospital My Favorite Hobby my dream of life science is a blessing A book fair 10. Pakistan Development in Satellite Technology what you do every day my favorite poet Your feeling A Character Sketch of Myself Eid-ul-fitr 16. Use of Plastic Bags A visit to the zoo A computer Simple Essays for Students

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Children of All Provinces

A child is a future of a country. Our children are our future. It is the right of every child in every country to get education equally. There is no discrimination in law of Pakistan. It is the duty of the state to provide every child the basic facilities according to the law. Pakistan has four provinces and the children of these provinces are Pakistani. Every child needs a school where he can get education, he needs a hospital in his locality for treatment, and needs a playground where he can play with his friends. Children are our future and it is our responsibility to provide them basic needs. Those children who are out of school and involved in bad activities can be restricted when they will start going to school and learn what is wrong. Children work in workshops, do little jobs and support their families, for their future parents should send them to schools and make them good citizens. According to the United Nations resolution and labour laws, forced labour or child labour is prohibited.

We should provide equal atmosphere to the children of all provinces where they can go to school and get education. Same atmosphere is necessary for our girls also. In some places of Pakistan, people do not send their children to school particularly girls. We should provide a such peaceful atmosphere where our girls can also get education without fear. Our children who are out of school get them admitted to the school and tell their parents the importance of education. The provision of equal opportunities to the children of all provinces will make such atmosphere in which children will love their country and make patriotic Pakistani. There love and patriotism will further make this country undefeatable and prosperous

Respect for Elders

We are Muslims. Our religion teaches us to respect our elders. We all have parents, some are old and some are still young. We must obey them and respect their wish. They have spent a good part of their life, so they have an understanding about this society and its problems. Most of our parents and elders are not literate. But we are literate and have facility of latest digital equipment’s and the fastest information facility. So we should tell them all about these things with patience and respect, do not tease and realize them about their illiteracy. Our only obligation is to respect our elders particularly when they are in old age and we should not behave them bad. It is our duty to use polite words and show kindness to them. When they forbid us from any wrong doing we must hear it with attention and never show our anger to them. If we dislike it, then we must give them respect and love, and pay heed to their advice. They know what is right and what is not. Therefore do not think to them because they are our hope. Do not use bad words for them, and such words make them mentally hurt. Always give them respect as they give us affection and love as a little child. Without our elders our life is nothing. We can learn a lot of things from their experience and knowledge. We must make it our habit to sit with them and speak and listen to their words. The little time we spend with them, in return will give us hope and pleasure.

Healthy Food

Vegetables, meat, fish, milk, fruits, and eggs are a source of healthy food. Our body needs fiber, iron, vitamins,

and other nutrients which provide our body with good health, help make the blood, keep active our mind, make strong our bones. When we do not take healthy food we can face problems in shape of fatigue, pain in our body, and our body demands rest. Little children are in growing age they need healthy food which help them making blood, strengthen their bones and keep them active the whole day. Milk and eggs provides us calcium. When we do not eat them properly some changing occurs in our body. We should also eat seasonal fruits. God made them for our health.

When we eat everything we get its result. Overeating and unhygienic food create a lot of problems for us. We should avoid it. Today children eat junk food which is not better for their health. They should eat them off and on, and never make their habit as a permanent food in their daily routine. A balanced diet makes us healthy. It means we must eat vegetables, meat, fish, fruits, milk, and eggs as per our demands of body. When we eat only vegetables and avoid meat it is not useful for our health because our body also needs meat. Keep balance in taking diet and eat on time and keep pause for the next meal.

Respecting Human rights

Every person who lives in this society has right to express, get education, avail health treatment. When we say respect human rights it means everybody has rights and we cannot breach other’s rights. Se we should show respect to their rights. Often we see sanitation problem. It is our habit we throw our garbage where people have to face problem. It means we abuse right of others only for our facility. We should avoid this habit. When we hear music we raise voice and our habit creates disturbance for our neighbors. We should avoid it and listen to the music within walls and with low voice, and not disturb others. May be some student is studying, may be a patient needs a rest, may be a person is busy in offering prayers and recitation of the holy Quran. When we keep in mind others right we can avoid quarreling. When our neighbors are happy, they will also pay heed on our happiness. On weekends our children play cricket in the streets and disturb the people and sometimes break their window panes. The children must play in the ground and respect the rights of others. Sometimes during the construction work or any other work we do not clean the way on which people walk or motorbikes run, so we should remove all these such hurdles from the paths and respect other’s rights. Wrong parking is another problem in our society, which creates a big problem, traffic can be jammed, people can be stuck in the rush, the movement of people is disturbed due to it, and we should avoid such parking and choose such place where people can continue their movements easily. When we respect small things, others also think about them and in its result a society will be made on mutual respect of one another and will cause spread peace and harmony in the society

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