Words That Start with P And End With E

Words That Start with P And End With E

Exploring the English language reveals many fascinating patterns. One such interesting pattern involves words that start with ‘P’ and end with ‘E’. These words are unique because they begin with the sound of ‘P’ and wrap up with the ‘E’ sound. They can range from very common words that we use every day, like ‘place’ or ‘promise’, to more unusual ones that are less familiar. Each word in this category has its meaning and way of fitting into sentences. Learning and understanding these words is not only educational but also a fun way to see how letters combine to form different sounds and meanings in the English language.

Words Starting With P And Ending With E

  • Perceive – Become aware of
  • Preventive – Hindering
  • Pensive – Thoughtful
  • Plunge – Jump in
  • Prevalence – Commonness
  • Penetrate – Go into
  • Pleasure – Feeling of happiness
  • Pretense – False claim
  • Prepare – Make ready
  • Pristine – Unspoiled
  • Peckle – To spot or speckle
  • Pressure – Force
  • Permeate – Spread throughout
  • Prickle – Sharp point
  • Pearce – Variant of Pierce
  • Preserve – Keep safe
  • Peeve – Annoy
  • Playtime – Time for play
  • Presume – Take for granted
  • Patience – Ability to wait
  • Pile – Heap
  • Prelude – Introduction
  • Principle – Fundamental truth
  • Persevere – Continue steadfastly
  • Portage – Carry boats overland
  • Pride – Self-respect
  • Palpate – Examine by touch
  • Persuade – Convince
  • Postpone – Delay
  • Primate – Monkey, ape
  • Peacetime – Period without war
  • Plague – Serious disease
  • Presence – Being there
  • Probate – Legal process
  • Paste – Adhesive substance
  • Pierce – Go through
  • Predominate – Be most common
  • Primitive – Ancient or simple
  • Perturbate – Disturb greatly
  • Pounce – Jump on
  • Parade – Procession
  • Pervade – Spread through
  • Praise – Express approval
  • Phase – Stage
  • Prance – Move with high steps
  • Partake – Join in
  • Phrase – Word group
  • Preamble – Introductory statement
  • Parse – Analyze grammatically
  • Prattle – Talk meaninglessly
  • Privilege – Special right
  • Precise – Exact
  • Prescribe – Advise and authorize

4 Letter Words with P That End With E

  • Pike – Type of fish
  • Pure – Not mixed
  • Pose – Adopt a position
  • Pane – Window glass
  • Poke – Jab or prod
  • Puce – Dark red color
  • Pine – Long or yearn
  • Pole – Long, slender object
  • Pale – Light in color
  • Pule – Whine softly
  • Pave – Cover with material
  • Pace – Speed, step
  • Pome – Fruit type
  • Prue – Prudent, wise
  • Pike – A sharp point
  • Pore – Small opening
  • Page – A book’s side
  • Pare – Trim or peel

5 Letter Words with P That End With E

  • Ponce – Pompous person (slang)
  • Poove – Effeminate man (slang)
  • Podge – Short, plump person
  • Poise – Balanced; graceful
  • Plage – Beach or shore
  • Plume – Feather; vapor
  • Phone – Communication device
  • Pixie – Small fairy-like creature
  • Piste – Skiing trail
  • Plate – Flat dish
  • Price – Cost of something
  • Prome – Promenade or stroll
  • Phage – Virus that infects bacteria
  • Plane – Flat surface; tool
  • Pique – Resentment
  • Plebe – Military freshman
  • Pease – Pea plant
  • Prize – Reward; treasure
  • Purge – Remove or cleanse
  • Prose – Ordinary writing
  • Purse – Small bag for money
  • Pause – Temporary stop
  • Place – Specific area
  • Prime – First in rank
  • Prune – Dried plum
  • Pyxie – Evergreen shrub
  • Passe – Out of date
  • Pulse – Heartbeat; rhythm
  • Probe – Investigate; explore
  • Prone – Lying face down
  • Piece – A part of something
  • Posse – Group of helpers

6 Letter Words with P That End With E

  • Paunce – Ornamented fabric
  • Patule – Spreading wide
  • Pattee – Narrow at center
  • Parole – Conditional release
  • Patale – Very pale
  • Pavane – Slow dance
  • Patake – Firecracker (slang)
  • Patine – Film, coating
  • Pavage – Paving
  • Paleae – Chaff of grains
  • Paddle – Rowing tool
  • Palace – Royal residence
  • Pastie – Filled pastry

7 Letter Words Starting with P That End With E

  • Perfume – Fragrance
  • Plumage – Bird’s feathers
  • Plicate – Folded
  • Peptide – Amino acid chain
  • Pledgee – One who receives a pledge
  • Passive – Not active
  • Placate – Calm down
  • Patrice – Noble (rare usage)
  • Pontine – Pertaining to bridges
  • Pernode – Type of liqueur (variant of Pernod)
  • Plumate – Feathered
  • Patinae – Surface sheen
  • Pontage – Bridge toll
  • Ponytae – Horse-like Pokémon
  • Passage – Movement through
  • Piscine – Fish-like
  • Petrine – Relating to Saint Peter
  • Plumule – First shoot of a plant
  • Pasture – Grazing land
  • Ponente – West wind
  • Pollute – Contaminate
  • Podlike – Resembling a pod
  • Package – Wrapped item
  • Philtre – Love potion
  • Poetise – Write poetry
  • Palette – Artist’s board
  • Phoneme – Speech sound
  • Poetize – Compose verse
  • Papoose – Native American baby
  • Picture – Visual image
  • Pancake – Flat, round food
  • Phorate – Agricultural chemical
  • Parable – Moral story
  • Pinnate – Feather-like
  • Pastime – Hobby, leisure activity
  • Pondage – Reservoir or lake

Must Try:

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Words That Start With N And End with Er
Words That Start With N And End With R

Words That Start with P And End With E

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