Words That Start With C And End With E

Words That Start With C And End With E

Exploring English words is like discovering hidden gems. Among these are the words that start with ‘C’ and end with ‘E’. This unique combination of starting and ending letters opens up a world of interesting vocabulary. These words can be common, like ‘cake’ or ‘care’, or more unusual, offering a rich variety to language learners. Each word has its own flavor and adds something special to our conversations and writings. Understanding and using these words helps in enhancing language skills and appreciating the diversity and beauty of the English language.

Words Starting with C and Ending With E

  • Celebrate – To honor an event
  • Coarse – Rough in texture
  • Conclave – Private meeting
  • Calibre – Quality or ability
  • Clause – A provision or condition
  • Commingle – Mix or blend
  • Cage – Enclosure for animals
  • Circle – Round shape
  • Commande – Order with authority
  • Cease – To stop
  • Coalesce – Come together, unite
  • Conceive – Form an idea
  • Clue – Piece of evidence
  • Concealable – Able to be hidden
  • Choice – Act of choosing
  • Collude – Conspire or plot
  • Captive – Held prisoner
  • Climate – Weather conditions of an area
  • Complete – Having all parts
  • Camouflage – Disguise or concealment
  • Cleanse – Make thoroughly clean
  • Communique – Official announcement
  • Calculate – To work out mathematically
  • Civilize – Bring to a stage of social development
  • Commence – Begin, start
  • Cake – Baked sweet dessert
  • Commemorate – Honor a memory
  • Closure – Act of closing
  • Compromise – Agreement by concession
  • Censure – Formal disapproval
  • Coerce – Persuade by force
  • Close – Shut, not open
  • Comprise – Consist of, be made up of
  • Compute – Calculate or reckon
  • Cliche – Overused expression
  • Challenge – A test of ability
  • Coincide – Occur at same time
  • Chance – Possibility of something happening
  • Collaborate – Work jointly on activity
  • Carriage – Wheeled vehicle for transport
  • Clone – Exact copy of organism
  • Compose – Write or create
  • Canoe – Small, light boat
  • Cleave – Split or sever
  • Competence – Ability to do something
  • Change – Make or become different
  • Collapse – Fall down or in
  • Charge – Formal accusation
  • Collate – Collect and arrange
  • Collective – Done by a group
  • Collide – Crash into each other
  • Chaste – Abstaining from extramarital relations
  • Colleague – Workmate or associate
  • Cadence – Rhythmic flow
  • Comfortable – Providing physical ease
  • Choose – Pick out or select
  • Clearance – Authorization or permission
  • Comparative – Involving comparison
  • Cable – Thick, strong rope
  • Care – Look after, provide for
  • Choke – To strangle or suffocate
  • Combative – Ready to fight
  • Compliance – Conforming to rule

4 Letter Words

  • Cure – Healing or remedy
  • Came – Arrived or appeared
  • Cape – Cloak or headland
  • Cave – Underground chamber
  • Cane – Walking stick
  • Cite – Reference or quote
  • Case – Instance or container
  • Code – System of symbols
  • Cube – Square solid
  • Cute – Attractive or charming

5 Letter Words

  • Chore – Routine task
  • Curve – Bent line
  • Chime – Bell sound
  • Chase – Pursue
  • Chute – Sloping channel
  • Crave – Desire strongly
  • Cause – Reason, purpose
  • Crepe – Thin pancake
  • Chafe – Rub, irritate
  • Cache – Hidden storage

6 Letter Words

  • Cruise – Sea journey
  • Cradle – Baby’s bed
  • Castle – Fortified building
  • Cachet – Mark of distinction
  • Clothe – Dress, cover
  • Clique – Exclusive group
  • Cobble – Repair, make shoes
  • Cuddle – Hold close
  • Couple – Pair, duo
  • Custle – Bustle, stir

7 Letter Words

  • Consume – Use up, eat
  • Cervine – Deer-like
  • Culture – Social customs
  • Compile – Assemble, gather
  • Cottage – Small house
  • Combine – Join together
  • Cascade – Waterfall, flow
  • Capable – Having ability
  • Coastle – Near the coast

Must Try:

Words That Start With T And End With T
Words That Start With S And End With T

Words That Start With C And End With E

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