Present Continuous Conversation Questions

Present Continuous Conversation Questions

Do you want to have fun conversations in English? Let’s learn about “Present Continuous” questions. These questions are about things happening now. It’s easy and useful for talking about what’s happening around us.

What is Present Continuous?

First, what does “Present Continuous” mean? It’s a fancy name for talking about actions happening right now. For example, “I am reading” means I’m reading at this moment.

How to Make Questions

To ask someone what they’re doing right now, we start with “am,” “is,” or “are,” then add “ing” to the verb. Like, “Are you eating?” or “Is she walking?”

Present Continuous Questions

Here are some super simple questions you can use to get the ball rolling. These questions not only help in practicing the present continuous tense but also in sparking interesting and engaging conversations.

  • How are you dealing with the current weather conditions?
  • What are you looking forward to doing once the current situation improves?
  • What are you doing to celebrate your recent successes or achievements?
  • What kind of music are you listening to these days?
  • What are you doing for your self-care routine?
  • Who are you texting at the moment?
  • Are you participating in any events or activities this weekend?
  • How are you balancing time between your various commitments?
  • Are you volunteering or contributing to any causes? What are they?
  • What’s something new you are trying out this week?
  • Are you engaging in any hobbies or interests lately? What are they?
  • How are you staying fit and healthy these days?
  • Are you experimenting with any new recipes or foods?
  • How are you managing your work-life balance these days?
  • Are you watching any interesting TV series lately?
  • How are you staying informed about current events?
  • Are you saving up for anything special?
  • What are your friends doing this weekend?
  • How are you adjusting to any recent changes in your life?
  • What game are you playing these days? Do you like it?
  • What are you doing to relax and unwind these days?
  • Are you taking any steps towards a personal goal? What are those steps?
  • How are you getting to work or school these days?
  • Are you following any sports teams or events right now?
  • What are you doing to stay safe and healthy in the current environment?
  • Are you planning any vacations soon? Where are you thinking of going?
  • What are you doing to maintain or improve your relationships?
  • What are you doing to help the environment or your community?
  • Who are you meeting up with later today?
  • Are you learning anything new currently? What is it?
  • What are you doing to stay creative or inspired?
  • Are you making any plans for your career or education?
  • What are you cooking for dinner tonight?
  • Are you involved in any group or club activities right now? What are they?
  • What are you most excited about in your life at the moment?
  • How are you keeping in touch with friends and family these days?
  • What are you doing to improve your mental health?
  • Are you trying to read more books this year? How is that going?
  • Are you watching anything interesting on YouTube or another platform?
  • How are you feeling today?
  • Are you enjoying the book you’re currently reading? What’s it about?
  • How are you contributing to your team or project at work?
  • How are you managing stress these days?
  • Who are you living with at the moment?
  • Are you making any changes to your daily routine? What are they?
  • How are you preparing for any upcoming exams or deadlines?
  • What are you doing right now?
  • What are you looking forward to this month?

Tips for Great Conversations

  • Listen well to the answer and ask more questions about it.
  • Share what you are doing too. It makes the chat more fun.
  • Don’t worry about making mistakes. It’s all about practicing and having a good time.

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Past Simple Conversation Questions

Present Continuous Conversation Questions

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