De Words: The Ultimate Vocabulary Hack for English Learners

De Words

In English, there are some special words called “DE Words.” These words either start with the letters ‘De’ or have ‘De’ in them. For example, “deactivate” and “decrease” start with ‘De’ and usually mean taking something away or lowering it. There are also words like “suddenly” where ‘De’ is in the middle and helps make the word. Knowing about “DE Words” is important for people learning English vocabulary. It shows how adding ‘De’ can change what a word means. This helps learners understand more about how English words work.

Words That Start with De

  • Deepen – Intensify or increase.
  • Desert – Abandon or arid area.
  • Delicate – Fragile or fine.
  • Deter – Discourage or prevent.
  • Demand – Strong request.
  • Demonstrate – Show or prove.
  • Develop – Grow or create.
  • Deduce – Infer or conclude.
  • Demeanor – Behavior or conduct.
  • Detour – Diversion or alternate route.
  • Deliberate – Intentional or planned.
  • Detect – Discover or identify.
  • Delete – Erase or remove.
  • Detain – Hold or keep.
  • Deem – Consider or judge.
  • Describe – Detail or explain.
  • Deed – Action or document.
  • Derive – Obtain or come from.
  • Delegate – Assign or entrust.
  • Detail – Specific or itemize.
  • Dehydrate – Dry out or remove water.
  • Destroy – Ruin or demolish.
  • Decay – Deteriorate or rot.
  • Deplore – Regret or condemn.
  • Dense – Thick or compact.
  • Deny – Refuse to admit.
  • Device – Tool or gadget.
  • Delight – Great pleasure.
  • Demolish – Destroy or tear down.
  • Devastate – Destroy or ruin.
  • Defend – Protect or guard.
  • Demise – Death or end.
  • Detract – Reduce or take away.
  • Decrease – Reduce or lessen.
  • Deprive – Deny or take away.
  • Defeat – Overcome or beat.
  • Deserve – Merit or earn.
  • Decorate – Adorn or beautify.
  • Depress – Sadden or lower.
  • Dedicate – Devote or commit.
  • Deputy – Assistant or representative.
  • Debate – Discuss or argue.
  • Deplete – Exhaust or use up.
  • Dew – Moisture or condensation.
  • Defect – Flaw or imperfection.
  • Design – Plan or create.
  • Deficient – Lacking or insufficient.
  • Desire – Want or wish.
  • Decline – Refuse or decrease.
  • Deposit – Place or store.
  • Depend – Rely or count on.
  • Depth – Deepness or intensity.
  • Devote – Dedicate or commit.
  • Define – Describe or explain.
  • Desolate – Empty or barren.
  • Deflate – Reduce or lessen.
  • Despair – Hopelessness or misery.
  • Deform – Distort or disfigure.
  • Despise – Hate or loathe.
  • Degenerate – Deteriorate or worsen.
  • Destiny – Fate or future.
  • Defy – Resist or challenge.
  • Despite – In spite of.
  • Delay – Postpone or hinder.
  • Detach – Separate or remove.
  • Decide – Make a choice.
  • Delusion – False belief or illusion.
  • Detest – Dislike or hate.
  • Deliver – Bring or convey.
  • Depict – Represent or show.
  • Determine – Decide or conclude.
  • Dentist – Tooth doctor.
  • Depart – Leave or go away.
  • Devise – Plan or invent.
  • Deceive – Mislead or trick.
  • Delete – Remove or erase.
  • Delicious – Tasty or flavorful.
  • Deploy – Station or utilize.
  • Deteriorate – Worsen or decay.

Words That End in DE

  • Erode – Wear away gradually.
  • Parade – Public procession.
  • Exclude – To leave out; omit.
  • Reside – To live in a place.
  • Barricade – A barrier for defense.
  • Provide – To supply; furnish.
  • Tide – Ocean water level changes.
  • Allude – Suggest; refer indirectly.
  • Made – Created; constructed.
  • Jade – Hard, green stone.
  • Suade – Persuade; convince.
  • Suicide – Self-inflicted death.
  • Persuade – To convince someone.
  • Bride – Woman at her wedding.
  • Conclude – To finish; end.
  • Impede – Hinder; obstruct.
  • Elude – Escape; avoid.
  • Decade – Period of ten years.
  • Glade – Open space in forest.
  • Ride – To travel on.
  • Fade – Gradually disappear.
  • Trade – Exchange of goods, services.
  • Evade – Escape or avoid.
  • Hide – To conceal; skin.
  • Stride – Long, decisive step.
  • Slide – To slip; glide.
  • Collide – Crash together.
  • Abide – To tolerate; endure.
  • Wide – Broad; extensive.
  • Subside – Lessen; decrease.
  • Guide – To lead or direct.
  • Intrude – To enter uninvited.
  • Cascade – Waterfall; flow like waterfall.
  • Explode – Burst violently.
  • Divide – To separate into parts.
  • Preclude – Prevent; make impossible.
  • Wade – Walk through water.
  • Upgrade – Improve; enhance.
  • Blade – Cutting part of a tool.
  • Invade – Enter forcefully.
  • Side – Lateral part; faction.

Words Having DE In the Middle

  • Bedeck – Adorn; decorate.
  • Forbidden – Not allowed.
  • Sadden – Make sad.
  • Madden – Drive crazy.
  • Endeavor – Attempt; try.
  • Pandemic – Widespread disease.
  • Sedentary – Sitting; inactive.
  • Corded – Furnished with cords.
  • Condemn – Express disapproval.
  • Videogame – Electronic game.
  • Predecessor – One who precedes.
  • Model – Example; representation.
  • Bedevil – Cause distress.
  • Tidewater – Coastal water.
  • Redeem – Make amends.
  • Video – Visual recording.
  • Adenine – DNA component.
  • Codeine – Pain relief medicine.
  • Adenosine – Nucleoside molecule.
  • Redeploy – Move resources.
  • Yodel – Alpine singing.
  • Adept – Highly skilled.
  • Adequate – Sufficient; enough.
  • Undertake – Begin; commit to.
  • Aldehyde – Organic compound.
  • Underwrite – Insure; guarantee.
  • Cadet – Military trainee.
  • Cadenza – Ornamental music passage.
  • Pedestal – Base of a statue.
  • Consider – Think about.
  • Lodestar – Guiding star.
  • Laden – Heavily loaded.
  • Idea – Thought; concept.

Must Try:

Co Words
Ua Words

Words That Start with DE Words That End in DE

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