Animals Group Name: Animals Vocabulary | PDF

Animals Group Name

When it comes to the animal kingdom, many species have developed unique ways of interacting and communicating with each other. One such way is through the formation of groups, which can serve various purposes such as protection, hunting, and socializing. These groups often have specific names that are used to describe them, and understanding these names can give us insight into the behavior and characteristics of the animals that make up these groups. In this blog post, we will explore some of the most fascinating group names in the animal kingdom. From the murder of crows to a parliament of owls, get ready to discover the fascinating world of animal group names.

Names for Groups of Animals

Here is a list of animals and their group names:

Animals Group Names
Rabbit warren, nest, colony
Raven parliament, unkindness
Snail rout, walk
Elephant herd, parade, ack
Gerbil horde
Woodpecker descent
Tiger ambush, streak
Cattle herd, drove, mob, flink
Frog army, colony, bundle
Viper nest
Leopard leap, prowl
Bird flock,
Beetle swarm
Rhinoceros crash
Wombat warren, mob
Bee colony, swarm
Grouse covey, pack
Grasshopper swarm, cloud
Guinea Pig group, herd
Cat clowder, kindle
Crane siege, sedge, herd
Hyena clan, cackle
Crocodile bask, nest
Ferret business, fastening
Yak herd
Wallaby mob
Rook clamor, building
Horse herd, string
Mole labor, movement
Penguin parcel, colony, rookery
Monkey troop, cartload
Cockroach intrusion

Animals Group Name

Animals And Their Groups Name

Animals Group Names
Zebra herd, crossing, dazzle
Duck flock, brace, team
Shark school, shiver, slew
Wolf pack, rout
Beaver lodge, colony
Bat colony
Deer herd, mob
Hare down, husk, warren
Dove dole, , piteousness
Dolphin team, school, herd, party
Snake nest, bed, pit
Termite swarm, colony
Fly swarm, business
Crow murder, horde
Otter romp, bevy, family, raft
Spider cluster, clutter
Nightingale watch
Chicken flock, brood, peep
Hippopotamus herd, bloat
Fox leash, skulk, troop
Raccoon nursery
Polar bear pack
Goat trip, tribe, herd
Giraffe herd, corps, tower, group
Llama herd, flock
Bittern sedge, siege
Coyote pack, train, rout
Panda embarrassment
Whale pod, gamschool
Koala cling
Sea lion pod, colony, flock, herd
Alligator bask, congregation
Rat horde, mischief
Buffalo herd
Gorilla band
Aardvark pack, grouping
Ant colony

Animals Group Name

Must Try: Animals And Their Home Names

List of Names for Groups of Animals

Animals Group Names
Ape shrewdness
badger cete
Armadillo herd, pack
Moose herd
Chimpanzee troop, group, cartload
Bear sleuth, sloth
Sparrow host, flight
Pig herd, drove, mob, drift
Camel flock, caravan, train
Porcupine prickle, family
Eagle aerie, convocation, brood
Parrot company, flock
Lion pride
Owl parliament, stare, wisdom
Porpoise herd, pod, school
Kangaroo mob, troop
Dog pack, litter, gang, legion
Hornet swarm
Hawk aerie, cast
Fish school, shoal, draft, nest
Swan flock, wedge, and team
Turtle bale/nest
Mouse hoard, mischief
Cheetah coalition
Donkey drove, herd
Squirrel dray, scurry
Ostrich flock, troop
Sheep flock, drove
Possum passel
Hamster hoard
Pigeon flock, school

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Animals Group Name

Animals and their groups name

Collective noun for animals

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