Abbreviations for Online Chatting

Abbreviations for Online Chatting

Abbreviations for Online Chatting!

Here a short list of Abbreviations for Online Chatting

  • 2day  => Today
  • IDC  => I Don’t Care
  • FTW =>  For The Win
  • FTL =>  For The Lose
  • ASL => Age/Sex/Location
  • ASAP  => As Soon As Possible
  • MM =>  Music Monday
  • YW  => You’re Welcome
  • YOLO  => You Only Live Once
  • YGM  =>  You’ve Got Mail
  • YCMU  => You Crack Me Up
  • XOXO  => Hugs and Kisses
  • XLNT  => Excellent
  • WYWH  => Wish You Were Here
  • WYCM  => Will You Call Me?
  • WUF  => Where Are You From?
  • WTPA  =>  Where The Party At?
  • WTH =>  What The Heck?
  • WTF  => What The F***
  • WKND  => Weekend
  • WITP  => What Is The Point?
  • WEG  => Wicked Evil Grin
  • WE  => Whatever
  • WC  => Who Cares
  • WB  =>  Welcome Back
  • WAM  => Wait A Minute
  • W8 => Wait
  • w/e => Whatever
  • VSF  =>  Very Sad Face

Abbreviations for Online Chatting Infographic

abbreviations for texting

  • VBG  => Very Big Grin
  • VAT  =>  Value Added Tax
  • UR  => Your
  • U4E  => You Forever
  • TYVM  =>  Thank You Very Much
  • Txt => Text
  • TTYS => Talk to you soon
  • TMRW  => Tomorrow
  • TLC  => Tender Loving Care
  • TIME  =>  Tears In My Eyes
  • TIA =>  Thanks In Advance
  • THX =>  Thanks
  • TFS =>  Thanks For Sharing
  • TFH =>  Thread From Hell
  • TCB =>  Take care of business
  • TBL =>  Text back later
  • TBH =>  To Be Honest
  • TBA =>  To Be Announced
  • TAFN =>   That’s All For Now
  • SWAK =>  Sealed (or Sent) With A Kiss
  • STBY =>  Sucks To Be You
  • SSDD =>  Same Stuff, Different Day
  • SRY =>  Sorry
  • SRSLY =>  Seriously
  • SOL =>  Sooner Or Later
  • SMH =>  Shaking My Head
  • SITD =>  Still In The Dark

Related: Whatsapp Abbreviations List

  • SIS  => Sister
  • SH => Sh** Happens
  • SFAIK => So Far As I Know
  • SBY  => Somebody
  • RYS  => Are You Single?
  • RT  => Real Time
  • RT => Real time
  • RL  =>  Real Life
  • RIP  => Rest In Peace
  • RBTL  => Read Between The Lines
  • RBTL => Read between the lines
  • QQ  =>  Crying
  • PTMM  => Please Tell Me More
  • PTFO => Passed the f** out
  • PTB  => Please Text Back
  • PPL  => People
  • ppl => People
  • POV  => Point Of View
  • POV => Point of view
  • POS => Parent over shoulder
  • PLS  => Please
  • pls => Please
  • PCM  => Please Call Me
  • PC => Personel computer

Abbreviations for Online Chatting Infographic

abbreviations for texting

  • PAW  =>  Parents Are Watching
  • OTT  => Over The Top
  • OTP  => On The Phone
  • OTOH  => On The Other Hand
  • OTB  => Off To Bed
  • OT =>  Off Topic
  • OT => Off topic
  • ORLY =>  Oh, Really?
  • OMW => On My Way
  • OMG =>  Oh My God
  • OMG => Oh my God
  • OIC =>  Oh, I See
  • OH =>  Overheard
  • NVM =>  Never Mind
  • NTS =>  Note To Self
  • NSFW =>  Not Safe For Work
  • NP =>  No Problem
  • NOYB =>  None Of Your Business
  • NM =>  Nothing Much
  • NM =>  Not Much
  • NFS =>  Not For Sale
  • NFM =>  Not For Me
  • NAGI =>  Not A Good Idea
  • MYOB =>  Mind Your Own Business
  • MU =>  Miss You
  • MSM =>  Mainstream Media
  • MGMT =>  Management
  • MC =>  Merry Christmas
  • LYSM  =>  Love You So Much
  • LTNS  => Long Time No See
  • LOTI  => Laughing On The Inside
  • LOL  => Lots Of Love
  • LOL  => Laughing Out Loud
  • LOL => laugh out loud
  • LMK  => Let Me Know
  • LMBO  =>  Laughing My Butt Off
  • LMAO  => Laughing My Ass Off
  • LMAO => laughing my a** off
  • LHO  => Laughing Head Off
  • L8R  => Later
  • L8R => Later
  • L8  => Late
  • KIT  => Keep In Touch
  • KISS  => Keep It Simple, Stupid
  • K or KK  =>  Okay
  • JW =>  Just Wondering
  • JSYK =>  Just So You Know
  • JMO =>  Just My Opinion
  • JLMK =>  Just Let Me Know
  • JIC => Just In Case
  • J4F/JFF  =>  Just For Fun
  • J/K  => Just Kidding
  • J/K => Just Kidding
  • IU2U =>  It’s Up To You
  • ISO =>  In Search Of
  • ISO => In search of
  • IRL  => In Real Life
  • IRL => In real life
  • IMS =>  I Am Sorry
  • IMO =>  In My Opinion
  • IMHO => In my humble opinion
  • IM =>   Instant Message

Abbreviations for Online Chatting Infographic

short form of words

  • ILY =>  I Love You
  • ILY => I love you
  • IKR =>  I Know Right
  • IIRC =>  If I Remember Correctly
  • IC  => I See
  • IAE =>  In Any Event
  • IAC =>  In Any Case
  • HW =>  Homework
  • HTH =>   Happy To Help
  • HTH => Hope this helps
  • HRU =>  How Are You
  • HMU =>  Hit Me Up
  • HMB =>  Hit Be Back
  • HMB => Hit me back
  • HAND =>  Have A Nice Day
  • HAG1 =>   Have A Good One
  • H8 =>  Hate
  • H&K  => Hugs & Kisses
  • GTG => Got to go
  • GRL  => Girl
  • GRATZ =>  Congratulations
  • GR8 =>   Great
  • gr8 => Great
  • GNITE =>  Good Night
  • GMV => Got my vote
  • GLHF =>  Good Luck, Have Fun
  • GL => Good luck
  • GJ => Good job
  • GG => Good game
  • GFN =>  Gone For Now
  • GF =>  Girl Friend
  • GBU =>  God Bless You
  • GB =>  Goodbye
  • GAS =>  Greetings And Salutations
  • GAC =>  Get A Clue
  • GA =>  Go Ahead
  • G4C =>  Going For Coffee
  • FYI =>  For Your Information
  • FYI => For your information
  • FYEO =>  For Your Eyes Only
  • FWIW =>  For What It’s Worth
  • FWB =>  Friend With Benefits
  • FITB  => Fill In The Blank
  • FISH  => First In, Still Here
  • FF  => Follow Friday
  • FBO => Facebook official
  • FB  => Facebook
  • ETA => Estimated time of arrival
  • EOD  => End Of Discussion
  • EF4T  => Effort
  • E1 => Everyone
  • DUR  => Do You Remember?
  • DTS  => Don’t Think So
  • DM  => Direct Message
  • DKDC  => Don’t Know, Don’t Care
  • dI => Download
  • CYO  => See You Online

Related topic: Internet Acronyms List

  • CYA  => Cover Your Ass
  • CUA  => See You Around
  • CU  => See You
  • CTN => Can’t talk now
  • CSL => Can’t Stop Laughing
  • COB  => Close Of Business
  • CMB  =>     Call Me Back
  • BYOC  => Bring Your Own Computer
  • BTW  => By The Way
  • BTW => By the way

Abbreviations for Online Chatting Infographic

chatting abbreviations list

  • BT  => But
  • BRT  => Be Right There
  • BRO  => Brother
  • BRB  => Be Right Back
  • BOYF  => Boyfriend
  • BOL  => Be On Later
  • BN => Bad News
  • BIB  => Boss Is Back
  • BHL8  => Be Home Late
  • BGWM  => Be Gentle With Me
  • BG  => Big Grin
  • BFN  => Bye For Now
  • BFFN  => Best Friend For Now
  • BFF  => Best Friends Forever
  • BFD  => Big Freaking Deal
  • BFAW  => Best Friend At Work
  • BF =>  Best Friend
  • BD  => Big Deal
  • BCOY  => Big Crush On You
  • BCNU  => Be Seeing You
  • BBT => Be Back Tomorrow
  • BBS  => Be Back Soon
  • BBIAS  => Be Back In A Sec
  • BAU  => Business As Usual
  • B4N  => Bye For Now
  • B4  => Before
  • B/C  =>  Because
  • AYT  => Are You There?
  • AYOR  =>   At Your Own Risk
  • AYDY  => Are You Done Yet?
  • AWOL  => Absent Without Leave
  • ATM  => At The Moment
  • ATB  => All The Best
  • AOTA  => All Of The Above
  • AML =>  All My Love
  • AMBW  => All My Best Wishes
  • AMA => Ask Me Anything
  • AKA  => Also Known As
  • AFAIK  => As Far As I know
  • AFAIK => As far as I know
  • AEAP  => As Early As Possible
  • ADR  => Address
  • ADN =>  Any Day Now
  • ADIH =>  Another Day In Hell
  • ACK =>  Acknowledge
  • ABD =>  Already Been Done
  • AAYF =>  As Always, Your Friend
  • AAR =>  At Any Rate
  • 4EAE =>  For Ever And Ever
  • 2nite =>  Tonight
  • 2moro =>  Tomorrow
  • 2M2H =>  Too Much Too Handle

Abbreviations for Online Chatting Infographic

short form of words




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