Spanish Words That Start With J- Spanish Words

Spanish Words That Start With J

Spanish is a captivating and musical language spoken by many people around the world. It has a diverse vocabulary that reflects its rich culture and history. Among its many words, the ones that start with the letter “J” are especially interesting. In this article, we will explore the fascinating world of Spanish words beginning with “J” and discover their meanings. From the lively streets of Madrid to the beautiful beaches of Latin America, these words paint a vivid picture of the Spanish-speaking world.

Spanish Words Starting With “J”

Jabón Juguete Jarron
Jaco Julio Japonés
Juez Jarra Junio
Joyero Junio Jacalón
Jabato Junto Joyería
Jubilación Jactancia Jabón
Jauría Jaboncillo Juicioso
Jugador Javier Jabonado
Jaula Jornada Juez
Jardinero Jurásico Juez
Jinete Jersey Japón
Jade Justo Jurásico
Jugar Jabonera Julio
Jamón Juguete Joven
Joven Jarrón Julio
 Juventud Jarra Jugada
Julio Junto Justicia
Juventud Jacaranda Jábega
Jacob Joya Jabado
Joyera Jitomate Jueves
Justiciero Jaba Jacobo
Jacarear Jerárquico Joya
Juego Jabonada Jácara
Jordania Jacal Jaca
Jaquear Jacarero Jardín
Jabonera Juramento Jefa
Jefe Jungla Jamón
Japonés Juzgado Jacinto
Jamás Judicial Jurado
Juramento Jirafa Joven

Spanish Verbs That Start With J:

Jubilar Jabardear Jubilarse
Jactar Jabalconar Jalonear
Jabalonar Jabonar Justificar
Jactar Jabonar Jactarse
Jalar Jinetear Juramentar
Jubilar Juguetear Justificar
Jugar Jadear

Spanish adjectives Starting with J:

  • Juvenil
  • Justo
  • Judicial
  • Joven

Spanish Words That Start with Ji

  • Jícama – Jicama (a type of vegetable)
  • Jirafa – Giraffe
  • Jilguero – Goldfinch (a bird)
  • Jirón – Rag, scrap

Spanish Words That Start with Ju

Here are some Spanish words that start with “ju”:

  • Jugo – Juice
  • Junto – Together
  • Juez – Judge
  • Judio – Jewish
  • Jugador – Player
  • Junta – Meeting
  • Juego – Game
  • Jugar – To play
  • Juventud – Youth
  • Jueves – Thursday

Spanish Words That Start with Je

  • Jeta – Mug, face (informal)
  • Jerez – Sherry (a type of wine)
  • Jengibre – Ginger
  • Jefe – Boss
  • Jetlag – Jet lag (commonly used)

Must Learn:

List Of Strong Adjectives

List of Spanish Cooking Verbs

Spring Words In Spanish

Spanish Words That Start With J | Images

Spanish Words That Start With J Spanish Words Starting With J

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