Spanish cooking verbs are an essential part of the language used in the world. Whether you are a professional chef or a home cook, understanding these verbs can greatly enhance your ability to follow recipes and communicate with others in the kitchen.
Here is a list of Spanish cooking verbs:
Spanish Verbs for Cooking
- cortar ====> to cut
- mezclar ====> to toss
- regar con su jugo ====> to baste
- moldear ====> to form
- picar ====> to chop
- asar ====> to grill
- tostar ====> to toast
- batir ====> to beat
- recalentar ====> to reheat
- incorporar ====> to fold
- mezclar ====> to blend
- picar ====> to grind
- salar ====> to salt
- quemar ====> to burn
- añadir ====> to add
- decorar ====> to decorate
- probar, degustar ====> to taste
- batir ====> to whip
- sofreir ====> to sauté
- amasar ====> to knead
- precalentar ====> to preheat
- asar ====> to roast
- mezclar ====> to mix
- mojar ====> to wet
- picar ====> to mince
- rallar ====> to grate
- rebozar ====> to roll
- atar ====> to tie
- calentar ====> to heat
- calentar ====> to warm
- humedecer ====> to moisten
- secar ====> to dry
- voltear ====> to turn
- restregar ====> to scrub
- batir ====> to beat
- asar ====> to roast
- sazonar ====> to season
- rellenar ====> to stuff
- freír ====> to fry
- quitar ====> to trim
- dorar ====> to brown
- revisar ====> to check
- hervir / cocer ====> to boil
- rebanar ====> to slice
- aliñar ====> to dress
- pelar, mondar ====> to peel
- cubir ====> to cover
- envolver ====> to wrap
- hervir ====> to boil
- cortar / trocear ====> to chop
- mezclar ====> to mix
- descongelar ====> to defrost
- hornear ====> to bake
- derretir ====> to melt
- lavar ====> to wash
- estirar ====> to stretch
- verter, echar ====> to pour
- enfriar ====> to cool
- hacer ====> to make
- hacer a la plancha ====> to grill
- revolver, remover ====> to stir
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