Spring Words in Spanish – Palabras de primavera en español

Spring Words in Spanish

Spring, also known as “la primavera” in Spanish, is a season of renewal and growth. As the weather gets warmer and the days get longer, nature begins to come back to life. Flowers start to bloom, trees sprout new leaves, and animals awaken from their winter slumber. People often associate spring with a sense of freshness and vitality, and it is a time when many cultures celebrate new beginnings and the arrival of warmer weather. In this season, the world seems to be full of hope and possibilities. Here are some spring words in Spanish:

List Of Spanish Spring Words

Spanish English
el arco iris rainbow
la mariquita ladybug
la hoja leaf
el sol the sun
el pasto grass
la flor flower
el tulipán tulip
la oruga caterpillar
el árbol tree
el conejo rabbit
espléndido glorious
florecer to blossom / to bloom
el lirio iris
la brisa breeze
la azucena lily
el girasol sunflower
primaveras springtimes
Soleado sunny
el huevo egg
la mariposa butterfly
el nido nest
el pajaro bird
plantar to plant
Despejado clear skies
el tulipán tulip
la planta plant
húmedo humid
regar to water
la semilla seed
el capullo bud
la margarita daisy
la primavera spring
las hojas leaves
el narciso daffodil
cavar to dig
la semilla / la simiente seed
fresco fresh

Also Learn: Spanish Adverb Of Frequency

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Spring Words in Spanish

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