Negative Words Starting with E

Negative Words Starting with E

In this article, we’ll be focusing on words that start with the letter “E” and have a negative connotation. The English language offers a wide range of expressions that can express pessimism or discord. By examining this collection of negative words beginning with “E,” we hope to expand your knowledge of the language and help you better understand its subtleties.

List of Negative Words with E

Negative words can often carry strong emotional connotations and can be used to express dissatisfaction, criticism, or a pessimistic outlook. Here are some negative words that start with the letter “E”.

  • Enmity – Hatred
  • Exclusion – Isolation
  • Effrontery – Audacity
  • Exaggeration – Overstatement
  • Envious – Covetous
  • Erroneous – Incorrect
  • Entitled – Self-important
  • Exhausting – Tiring
  • Extortionate – Greedy
  • Enslavement – Subjugation
  • Eclipsed – Overshadowed
  • Elusive – Hard to catch
  • Envious – Jealous
  • Exacerbate – Aggravate
  • Enervation – Fatigue
  • Exclusionary – Exclusive
  • Enervation – Exhaustion
  • Excruciating – Agonizing
  • Escalation – Increase
  • Enraged – Furious
  • Erosion – Gradual destruction
  • Egoistic – Self-centered
  • Exacerbation – Worsening
  • Enfeebled – Weakened
  • Exorbitant – Outrageous
  • Enmity – Animosity
  • Emaciation – Starvation
  • Enslaving – Oppressive
  • Exasperation – Irritation
  • Embarrassing – Awkward
  • Embittered – Resentful
  • Enigmatic – Mysterious
  • Excruciating – Torturous
  • Exploitative – Abusive
  • Exploitative – Taking advantage of
  • Exorbitant – Overpriced
  • Expletive – Curse word
  • Egotistical – Arrogant
  • Exile – Banishment
  • Excessive – Overwhelming
  • Expensive – Costly
  • Exaggerated – Overstated
  • Exasperating – Frustrating
  • Exclusionary – Discriminatory
  • Enfeeblement – Debilitation
  • Estranged – Alienated
  • Exploitation – Manipulation
  • Enfeeblement – Weakness
  • Erosion – Corrosion
  • Enslavement – Subjugation
  • Erratic – Unpredictable
  • Egregious – Shockingly bad
  • Expulsion – Ouster
  • Excessive – Over the top
  • Extremist – Radical
  • Extortion – Blackmail
  • Exclusion – Omission
  • Expropriation – Seizure
  • Encroachment – Invasion
  • Execrable – Horrible
  • Exclusionary – Segregating
  • Exploitative – Unfairly using others
  • Embezzlement – Theft
  • Extremism – Radicalism
  • Endangerment – Risking harm
  • Eradication – Elimination
  • Expulsion – Forced removal
  • Entanglement – Complication
  • Excruciating – Torturous
  • Eclipsed – Diminished
  • Elitist – Snobbish
  • Emptiness – Void
  • Evil – Wicked
  • Erroneous – Mistaken
  • Evasive – Avoiding
  • Enraged – Furious
  • Extraneous – Irrelevant
  • Enslaving – Enthralling
  • Expensive – Costly
  • Eroding – Wearing away
  • Exasperating – Irritating
  • Eavesdropping – Secretly listening
  • Enfeeble – Weaken
  • Erasure – Deletion

Negative Words with Meaning and Sentences

Eerie Refers to something strange, mysterious, or unsettling, often associated with feelings of fear or unease.
The abandoned house had an eerie atmosphere that sent shivers down my spine.
Empty Indicates a lack or absence of something, whether it be physical, emotional, or metaphorical, and can evoke feelings of loneliness, sadness, or insignificance.
After her loved ones left, she felt an empty void in her heart.
Erroneous Refers to something that is incorrect, mistaken, or false, causing confusion or leading to misunderstandings.
The newspaper article contained numerous erroneous facts that misled its readers.
Elusive Describes something that is difficult to grasp, achieve, or understand, often leading to frustration or disappointment.
The solution to the puzzle remained elusive despite hours of effort.
Exasperating Describes something that is intensely frustrating, irritating, or annoying.
His constant interruptions during the meeting were exasperating and hindered progress.
Excessive Indicates something that goes beyond what is considered appropriate or reasonable, often resulting in negative consequences or outcomes.
His excessive spending habits left him drowning in debt.
Excruciating Describes something that is extremely painful, intense, or unbearable.
The athlete’s injury caused excruciating pain and prevented him from competing.
Exploitative Describes something that takes unfair advantage of others, often for personal gain, and can be morally or ethically reprehensible.
The company’s exploitative labor practices were widely criticized by human rights organizations.
Exile Refers to a state of being forced to live away from one’s home or country, often as a punishment or due to political reasons, causing feelings of isolation and displacement.
The dissident writer was sentenced to years of exile for criticizing the government.
Estranged Describes a state of being emotionally or socially disconnected from someone, often resulting in a sense of alienation or distance.
After their heated argument, they became estranged and stopped communicating.

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Negative Words That Start with E | Images

Negative Words Starting with E Negative Words That Start with E Negative Words That Start with E

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